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Everything posted by TS7

  1. TS7


    And at the SOTU Pelosi showed what kind of classless, mean, nasty person she really is. She truly hates America.
  2. TS7


    Meanwhile over in Iowa," Quality Control = Rigged". You cannot make this stuff up and the Democrats say Trump was trying to rig the election. They cannot even count votes right and they want to run the country. LOL.
  3. Mack salesman (M&K) I deal with says they have MD's on order, he knew this was coming and they are behind it. All the trucks named above have some kind of issues, that is for sure. But I think that the class 7- baby 8 market has only two real players now. Paccar is there at the high priced end. Volvo (Mack) has nothing. I am sure if Volvo just wanted to offer a class 7 truck they could have run a few down the line in Allentown. I was thinking they were going to bring some Volvo truck from Europe, make a few changes and try to sell it here. I think they see a big hole in there lineup and are working to fill it.
  4. I think that a lot these trucks will go to the Mack Leasing fleet. Mack Leasing has Hino trucks around here now. An MD7 with a air ride cab and maybe a tag axle will make a great distribution truck. Class 7 distribution trucks is a big market. I would think that a tractor model will be coming, I did not see that noted. The class 7 - baby 8 single axle tractor market is big and Mack has had nothing for years. This truck has a proven engine, drivetrain, cab and is made in the USA. There is a lot of things that can be added to this lineup. Will see where they go with this truck. The best thing I think is that it does not have a Volvo engine in it.
  5. Kscarbel KW/Pete is a good truck, but they do not give them away, that is for sure. There cab is small and has a cramped feeling, I think. Mack has needed a good class 7 truck for a long, long time. Lets see where this goes. This truck could become a baby 8 tandem very easy.
  6. 1973 F-Series were good strong trucks, still a lot of them around. I wonder if a new Mack MD is in your future PC68?
  7. I think this is a good looking truck. The "CH" cab is a solid cab, better than any other. The MD7 looks like a solid truck. Mack has needed a truck like this for long time. I will say it maybe Volvo did something good for Mack Trucks.
  8. I like to read the first hand stories from everyone about all trucks, old and new. I know that 20 years ago I would not have even looked at a gas F-450 or F-650, but what they cost today, you have to think hard how you are going to use the truck. PC68 you run some very clean trucks. Fords are like Mack's, take care of them, they will run forever.
  9. Redhorse have a friend with a 1997 FT-800, could be FT-900 not sure, tandem 14" dump with a 429 V-8. Not easy on gas, but gets job done, short hauls or on site work. 2000 or so miles a year now, uses it 6 months a year maybe. Auto trans., on site this how new guys learn how to drive dump trucks, that is how I learned how to drive a truck. By the way it was built at KTP, one of the last of the F-Series tandems. You are right about the old gas engine Ford trucks, a 2020 F-650 7.3 gas would have done what he wanted. But he wanted that truck to be on the road more moving equipment and materials, a 6.7 might be better for that job.
  10. Redhorse this person has ordered a 2020 F-650 diesel to pull Cat skid loaders, it will replace a 2009 GMC 6500 diesel that had become nightmare to keep running. Truck had less than 100,000 mi. GMC dealer does not have anyone to work on commercial trucks any more. He wanted a gas engine for his other new truck, F-550, trucks run 5000 - 7000 miles a year. His trucks go to 1 -3 jobs a day and are parked a lot. Diesels cost to much for that kind of miles, not needed. He has one CDL driver to move trailers and equipment, all he can find. Ford dealer understood what he wanted and what he needed. Ford dealer also has a service dept. with bays and people who work just on commercial trucks. As for towing trailers with a loaded 250 - 550 size truck and loaded trailer (skid loader), you are most likely over loaded. DOT in this area is all over that.
  11. GM strike = no cabs built for more than a month. Concrete subcontractor that I know just got a 2020 F-550 stake bed, 7.3 gas, said it was many $ less than a Chevy. He has always had GM trucks. He said GM dealer that he has always used is not selling medium duty trucks. He shopped around a lot. GM, Ram and Ford. A Ford dealer got him the truck he wanted, said his next new truck will be a Ford. Ford dealer had people that knew what they were doing.
  12. I have seen 3-5 new GM medium duty trucks around here, that's it. I see more and more Transit cutaway vans all the time. Navistar should offer UAW local 402 officials a free trip to Mexico to visit the Navistar plant there and on the way back stop off for a tour of the GM pickup truck plant in Mexico. If they want, I will show them the vacant site where GM built class 8 trucks in Pontiac, MI.
  13. TS7


    Obama was very aware of what was going on. He was behind almost all of this BS in the beginning and is the one who really should be on trial. Real Americans of all kinds know this impeachment is wrong. I think there is a very, very deep anger at these "liberal crooks" in the real America and they are the ones who need to be destroyed. They are scared, they should be. Trump started this cleanup, but real Americans are going to have to start standing up to finish the job. What ever it takes and soon.
  14. Entitled people otherwise known as people who are above doing any honest work and look down on anyone that does. Most, if not all, did not do much to earn what they have. They come in all colors and types. But they do have one big thing in common. They are democrats.
  15. Who knows with Ford. With some of the money Bill has wasted in the last few years Ford could own the US medium duty market. Just look at the Ranger, they had 3 plants building them here at one time. How many years did it take to fix that huge mistake and how much money lost.
  16. The real Uncle Sam knows who side 41 is on, he is not worried one bit.
  17. Good reason Ford is hiring at the Wayne plant. Never did hear how Ranger sales did at the end of the year? Heard they were close to out selling GM at the end of the year.
  18. You guys in Virginia need to start standing up real soon.
  19. Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) , a former Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tech who lost both legs in Afghanistan, on Tuesday asked during a congressional hearing if anyone could name a single fallen soldier that doesn't justify killing Iranian terrorist Soleimani. Silence from the terrorist loving Dems. Great video if you see it.
  20. Where was Bill Ford in 1997? Must have been off that week his family gave away the real Ford Heavy Truck for no good reason. I wonder what the Ford Truck people in some small room in some basement in Dearborn could do if Bill gave them part of what Bill is spending in Europe? A lot.
  21. Ford sells the Ranger Raptor in Vietnam?
  22. Iran has been needing an ass kicking for 41 years. They might not make it to 42.
  23. I said that if Trump had invested his OWN money in 1990 Mack Truck might still be around. But the three clowns above in there 8 years running things would have killed it, that is a fact. Chuck Norris is on call if Trump needs help dealing with Iran.
  24. What Japan was doing to Ghosn does not seem right, but he sure seems to have been very well paid by two almost broke automakers.
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