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Everything posted by Quickfarms

  1. Is the generator wet stacked? When they do the test is the generator under load? A diesel generator needs to be run at around a 66% load to avoid wet stacking. Running it 20 minutes a week probably is not long enough to get any heat in the engine. As we all know diesels do smoke when they are cold. Generac only requires that a generator be 5 feet away from the building and recommends that it is down wind of any fresh air intakes. There may be dampers on the existing fresh air intakes that are not functional or they could be set up to close only when the generator transfers power to the building. The Problem could be as simple as a window is left open that should be closed. Before spending 57G all the potential areas need to be looked at. Here is a quick list Start with the generator to make sure it is operating correctly and not wet stacked or has some other issue. Is the generator correctly sized for the building and is it being maintained according to the manufacturers recommendations Do air sampling to determine is this is a real or perceived issue Review the plans and specifications for the building to make shore nothing has changed in the 10 years Have the hvac system inspected to make shore it is operating correctly and has not been altered Check the fresh air intake system for the building
  2. Bring back the shinny metal hard hat
  3. That is how you shut the engine off, that is not an emergency shut down. Welcome to Mack’s It’s time to chase wires
  4. They are tube tires. If you air them down to far you could cause tube creep and shear a valve stem off If the tires are old I do not air them down, sidewall flex will destroy old tires. Personally I do not air the tires down, I add air ride seats, air ride cab, air ride suspension or rebuild the springs
  5. Depending on how it is designed There are many emergency generators that are installed next to or inside of buildings On the big office buildings the generators typically are in the basement and exhaust through the first floor side of the building near the loading dock This whole idea hinges on this being an actual documented issue and not something that is a perceived issue.
  6. Questions Do they really need 400 kw? “That’s pretty big for what sounds like a small building” Did they actually get bids for the stack and moving? Did they look into modifying the hvac system? Can they add dampeners to eliminate the fresh air intake to the building when the generator is running and only heat or coil return air just like in there vehicle. Is there documentation to prove this problem actually happens or is someone just thinking it is happening? Which way is your prevailing winds going?
  7. I have run into a few hauling dumpsters of hazmat
  8. He was sleeping, probably passed out, in the drive thru! It’s not like he parked his car in a parking space and was drinking or passed out.
  9. A couple of years ago I was talking to the assistant sherif for an adjacent county in California and he brought up when Sacramento changed property crimes from a felony to misdemeanor it hampered law enforcement. For a felony they can hold someone and do a full background but for a misdemeanor it is cite and release on the spot. All under the guise of reducing prison over crowding
  10. Are you talking temporarily or permanently? My wife stopped that threat after I built this. It’s nice enough inside that she stays with me at shows now.
  11. Based on the pictures you posted in the other thread it looks like the axle may already have S cam brakes which is good. Crawl under there and get some pictures of the tags on the axle and the carrier, center piece. Changing the gear ratio is not that hard or expensive. Having the springs re arched and rebuilt to the actual weight of the truck plus a ton or two will make it ride like a car even with the tires at 100 psi Don’t run old tires at reduced pressure
  12. According to my Berkeley graduated son that is because they are over policed and the police were created to control the minorities
  13. Hippies are fun to party with and there too stoned to realize that black smoke is not PC. Tree huggers are no fun
  14. A frozen evaporator is often caused by restricted air flow through the evaporator My good AC guys will hose the evaporator out of at least blow it out
  15. I have noticed that large companies become dysfunctional and buried in layers of management to the point that they many times create an oppressive culture. I think this can also happen in law enforcement and that certain departments need to be disbanded The current covid19 pandemic has shown that, at least in my area, the hands off attitude of law enforcement did not cause the collapse of society
  16. I think it is funny that Facebook is upset that the price is free
  17. A while back the molds for a tilt front end were on eBay
  18. My 1985 RS688LST was factory air ride with the exhaust bolted to the cab The 1985 has the round horizontal cab mounts like these The radiator rods go to the frame, I just rebuilt the hood rollers. Here is the air ride crossmber My 1975 RS685LT has the earlier style donut front cab mounts
  19. I have a 1975 RS685LT with a ENDT675. What is the correct color for the engine and where can I get the paint. There is evidence of a lot of gold paint on the engine
  20. He does not have a specific Mack gold engine paint. Does it cross reference to anything?
  21. We had riots in LA in the past. What I remember is one ethnic group burned and looted the stores in there neighborhoods and then could not understand why the corporate owners demolished the burned out hulk but did not rebuild for over a decade!
  22. The emperor of Los Angeles won’t let that happen! The only good thing he has done is made testing available to any county resident. With an appointment it only takes 30 minutes. I know he’s only doing it to get more money
  23. What’s so bad? Is it worse than Los Angeles?
  24. I tried to do the valve covers last weekend and discovered that the jake brake spacers will not come off without removing the jake brake assembly. I also discovered that the rear valve cover is messed up but I found a PAI one for a decent price and am just waiting for it to get here. The engine has a lot of gold paint on it. Is gold the correct color for the engine and what is a good source for engine paint.
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