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Red Horse

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Everything posted by Red Horse

  1. Curious- a Wreckmaster Certificate is issued by?? Govt agency? Towing association? I see some pretty young kids running around and sometimes wonder about their qualifications.
  2. Hmnn! These guys should take a trip to Cortland NY. I would have to believe that there is a faction within Daimler that is saying..."make my day". When the union leadership recommends ratification and the rank and file turn it down, not a good sign
  3. Beauty-now that picture looks like it was taken at a Rockbusters event?? Ted Valpey's grader in background-and old Bantam 'hoe on a lowboy?
  4. Interesting observation. Amazing how the "new broom" surrounds himself with people he is comfortable with. Can't say that is a bad thing-unless "new broom" doesn't have that good a feel himself for the job at hand.
  5. Well I went to the wake this afternoon. Only hours were from 3 to 7 so I knew it would be very crowded. The funeral home that handled this told the family they could not accommodate the traffic at their parlor so it was held in the church-big church plenty of parking. Casket was open and Dave was wearing a black suit-and his trademark "Cat" baseball cap-classic! I mentioned to his family how I had done a late post on his passing last night and by this afternoon there were over 20 hits. And more importantly many nice comments from guys who really did not know him but were appreciative of the time Dave gave them at shows etc. Your words guys were welcomed. Attached are shots of Dave's last project- F-230D that was done to match Dave's first new truck many years ago. It was parked in front of church and I was told it followed hearse from funeral home. This truck was typical- I remember stopping at the shop when it was a work in progress and Dave was very proud of the fact that he had located some new I-H gauges that some dealer in the mid west had-the 'thrill of the chase" meant a lot to him. Wish I could have know him a bit more.
  6. Another bit of bad news. Dave Mauro passed away Thursday night after a long battle. Our fraternity has lost another great guy who took great pride in his fleet-both his show trucks as well as the trucks/equipment he used in his business. Rest in piece Dave.
  7. Hi Matt-EJ, hated to miss it-one of my favorite shows- but the B was in the town's 275th anniversary parade today. And for sure the newest Manchester truck is a beauty. Macungie was its first show-enroute home from previous owner in VA. Bob
  8. Monkey See-Monkey Do! Same old story- White did it to Sterling and Diamond Reo-after they did it to Reo?, Mack did it to Brockway, Daimler did it to Sterling. "Synergism" is the buzzword of the day-unfortunately. Was at the Mack Museum over the weekend- impressive changes-but I get that same uncomfortable feeling.
  9. How about it KSC. think this might be an opportunity for Ford and Navistar to kiss and make up. Hate to see another American co. bite the dust. When you look at all the partnerships, you get the feeling that going it alone is getting tougher and tougher.
  10. Are these American designs? (4000 series, terrastarsetc?)
  11. Just got back from Macungie -600 plus miles in two days- unfortunately I think ATCA missed an opportunity. Remember at Springfield they finally passed out windshield cards that you could post your e-mail ID on. good idea. While I did not take my truck down, it would have been nice to notice some "e mail handles" on some windshields.! Actually only truck I recognized was Maddog's-and I forgot to leave a card on his windshield. One other thing, IMO the Mack museum has been further improved-at least since my last visit. The "Mack Theater" had a good show that did a good job of hyping "Mack Pride". actually made me forget that there are some guys in Sweden who probably have other ideas. And for those who didn't make it to the museum, a buddy of mine told me about "500 white chassis" that were sitting in the back lot of Macungie plant. Well in the museum they had what I imagine was one of those trucks- huge Granite, 12:00 x 24 rubber-yes 24!, not 24.5, equipped with dual front ends-and NO DEF tank-headed for Mexico! Yeah shame on me-no picture.
  12. The L is Dan Melone's. Tough weekend-he blew a radiator hose, then taking it from his house to his barn he ran out of gas!
  13. Maddog-Nice-just don't weaken and put some V-8 in it that has the distributor on the back end! IMO, the 53-56 F-100 was a timeless design. Show a picture of one to a non truck person and my bet is most would not come close to guessing they were looking at a 60 year old design.
  14. Here you go boys- 57 year old dog still working next to 70 year old Lorain-out to pasture-but still pretty!
  15. They have an antique Lorain shovel that sits in front of their Sterling quarry-just repainted with those green colors- I have to get a couple of loads in next week or so-will try to get a shot. Classic old color scheme.
  16. I do believe Power Test was started by Leo Lebowitz in Jericho. Was an early unbranded gasoline marketer. He later acquired control of the Getty assets. The Russians -Lukoil -then purchased Getty but I think Lebowitz still owns a ton of stations. He has to be pushing 90 years old.
  17. Matt, First FACTORY Ford tandems came out in 1954 model year. The big one was the T-800 andf it had a gvw of 44,000 lbs. So if you are talking your GREAT grandfather, my guess is he had one of the various aftermarket tandems. Yaworski has a couple of 48-49 vintage that have THREE sticks. Main trans, an auxiliary, and the third one shifted the ratio in the rear axle!
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