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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by j_martell

  1. Maybe once lol. 645 & 710 are the displacement per cyl and available in V-12-16 & 20.....
  2. My brother Mat is a comuter nerd, and hes done system restores for both my sister and mom. Makes a huge differene. He blanks the whole thing and installs only the OS, and leaves out all the stuff tha HP/Dell/Acer etc. puts on....speeds the computer up big time.....hes still gotta get over here and fix Sheena's laptop....
  3. agreed....if it ain't broke, you're not trying, or something lol
  4. .....for the world juniors.... 8-0 canada over slovakia.....keep it up fellas!! GO CANADA GO!!!!!!
  5. most (from what i've seen anyway) up here are 385 singles.....placement is usually the same, on dump etc, just behind the back of the cab, but im noticing feed and fuel trucks now with the lift a few feet behind the front of the body.....works fine when im loaded full....just a pain to adapt to half box load in the center of the box for the lift to be useful...... just glad i still control the damn thing, and not some computer on the friggin frame rail.... SPIF can f*** its hat......guys who have never driven souldn't be allowed to call the shots
  6. no kidding,,,,,tho, almost shorts weather here in southern ontario....a balmy high of 2*c today.....weird
  7. that wrecker is a beauty......*drool*....love old iron
  8. yep.....nice to be able to drop it and leave it.....but, placement as close to the drives as it is, heavy on steers and light on drives with it down leads to burning inside drive tires around corners.....need to load partials on the lift and drives, vs my force of habit load nose heavy.....
  9. tons of room, but why sit outside, just set up so you can see the pipe in the mirror and sit in the cab....should shit hit the fan and the pipe plug, just hit the clutch and everything stops....the "e-stop" button lol when its not so miserable out ill stand out and whatch, just out of curiosity sake.....
  10. so, should update.... started on my own two weeks tomorrow.....was assinged a truck....guess which one ? as much as i dislike Volvo for what they have done to mack.....its not too bad, mostly due to the d12 and 18 speed.....but i still miss that mutt i cut my chops on..... so far all is going welll.....long days, but thats what i wanted. got my first pay this week and made about the same as the old gig despite the 10$/hr cut..... figured the payperwork out and now that i have a routine,, its easy as pie.....taking some getting used to a new area, but slowly picking it up.....still get bored unloading, because all i do is hook up and wait.....but i get time to call the family, do the papeerwork and have a bite to eat, all while getting paid and sitting still heres a pic...set up blowing off hog feed outside of sebringville, ontario......set up the pipe, start the blower and hydraulics, open and start the airlock, then go do something else for 15-60 mins....... 2002 Volvo VHD D12 465(?) and Eaton-Fuller 18speed, 46,000lbs meritor rears (ratio unknown at the moment), self steering lift axle, Wallinga Classic bulk/bag box with transfer unit...... edit:yes those are hog carcasses next to the fuel tank near the barn.......almost tripped on one when running off the ladder as the bin filled up to "overflow"....not as bad as the pile of chickens i stepped in monday night in the dark
  11. Seems you could get nearly anything off the ground......
  12. 3000$ sounds like a good deal if it runs.....no truck of that vintage won't need some work.....
  13. if you use the electronic hand throttle on some of the newer ones, touching the brakes or clutch deactivates the higher idle, but not turning off the cruise switch can limit engine rpm and engine brake until the switch is off.....
  14. I admire your patience mark lol. I wouldn't be able to do one.....
  15. I never quite understood transfer dumps vs triaxle/pup..... Good lookin setup tho....also curious as to the power train....
  16. .......then BANG, rattle rattle......silence.... "WTF was that!??!"
  17. It's been done I think. Check out the suspension companies website/YouTube.....neat stuff
  18. May the holidays be filled with family, friends and good times. Be safe and Merry Christmas to all. -The Martell Family
  19. Check where the harness goes to the hood at the hinge....the granite had light issues, and it was chaffed wiring at the frame/body connection
  20. F***in whoops......thats why I like loading myself....If i ever need to dig out of anything, who ever is on the button is gonna be f***in sorry.....
  21. Today was less frustrating....did most of the driving (nearly the only thing I knew coming in) and loading unloading (getting easier with a few loads and a bit of a rhythm).....Vaughan was just riding along, and helping with the paper work and continuously answering questions.....plans changed, my *shudder* Volvo is still in the shop, and Vaughan is off tomorrow (his ws needs a new compressor) so ill be riding with "Jim".....similar box/blower truck, but slightly different setup....we'll see how that goes. And tomorrow I don't have to be there till 0630.... BAD DOG: How's your new gig?!
  22. Well, we all know you just didn't cuss enough lol.....by buddy Jaime use to use the "c***" tatic.....give it all you got and yell c***, she'll let go....lol
  23. Thinking back I should have tracked my def usage.....but the tank held 4 "jugs" (9.XXL/jug), and would loose 1/4 per tank (200L) of fuel.....maybe I should do some math.....lol
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