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Everything posted by thomastractorsvc

  1. someone may have welded or improperly tied to the frame and stressed over time, looks like it broke were the loader was mounted I have seen frames bent in the same spot from operator abuse/neglect Any one know if it was a tractor converted and if it had a double frame, tractor converted dumps have lots of frame issues unless done up right.
  2. That backhoe should weigh around 15000 lbs plus or minus 1000 lbs depending on the set up, I would pull it with my 1 ton pick up, but then it is a Chevy with a Duramax, pulled my B61 that weighs about that or more a little more with the cruise set at 74, 231 miles. Chain down good, center your load on the trailer watch out for your dipper boom streach it out, that back hoe is just over 11 feet tall, my JD backhoe has the ROPS, no cab so when I haul it around I am not concerned about height. Watch how you load and off load on the trailer with the angle, and location being level or sloped up the backhoe has a tendancy to drag on the road/ground when when on ramps
  3. If it wasn't a 8-9 hour drive I would probably go look at it and buy it but at todays fuel prices long way to go to find out just how bad of shape its in. Any one close to Covington TN???
  4. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=3366021&dlr=1&pcid=2000718386 Not sure what kind of shape but for the price not that bad unless it is all rusted out or the motor/transmission is bad
  5. Do you still have the truck sent you a PM
  6. Send the tires and rims to me I aint skeerd of split rims, the problem with split rims is they are work and nobody wants to work so so its a catch 22 find an old tire man or do them your self.
  7. Looks good, what are you going to do with the R run it or keep it as a toy?
  8. This MACK is pimped!!! Sorry my bad thats not a Mack, may be its a Peterbuilt getting a Hummer
  9. I grew up driving farm and construction trucks. When I was 16 I was running a delivery truck for my dad 4 days a week in the summers when I was 16 and hauling pulp wood and potatoes during school year after school and weekends. I would sometimes drive loaded to school and when I got out in the afternoon would go and offload and reload before heading home. I hauled horses oats one winter as a side gig, my dad let me run one of the trucks for a fee and I sold oats to the horse race tracks in the southern part of the state. Was not as lucrative as i hoped so I only did for one year. I traded in my liscense for my cdl when I was stationed at ft sill in oklahoma and the cdls were just coming out, surrendered my Maine DL and had to take the written test that was it, few years later I was transffered to recruiting in Bangor Maine and got stopped by a local city cop who followed me for about two weeks home every night in my Oklahoma taged 4x4 flatbed who told me that I had 30 days to change over to Maine plates and lisence (which I didn't because I was active duty military) so I got hasseled again and figured it would be better to comply with the local cops then escorted home every night. Then I was transfered to Maryland and changed my state of residency to michigan so I did not have to pay state taxes on my military pay and exchnged for a michigan CDL than 11 or so years later I retired from the Army and exchanged my MI CDL for a Missouri one just had to take the hazmat portion and get finger printed.
  10. Just doing the ebay daily search and seen this one http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mack-Superliner-Work-Ready-Price-Reduced-Video-truck-/150889945146?pt=Motors_Trailers&hash=item2321bdd83a
  11. Check this one out and you send it back if it dont work http://www.ebay.com/itm/CST-Berger-57-LM1000X-Self-Levelling-Interior-Rotary-Laser-Level-Kit-w-LD-400-/320970363407?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4abb53120f Or this one brand new http://www.ebay.com/itm/CST-BERGER-WIZARD-DUAL-BEAM-ROTARY-LASER-LEVEL-LM30-TRIPOD-ROD-GLASSES-DETECTOR-/190719591793?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c67c60571
  12. I researched the one I wanted and bought it new on ebay and saved a bunch of $$$$ I bought a Johnson Control http://www.johnsonlevel.com/productDetail.asp?cat=Rotary+Laser+Levels&ID=17&pID=65 called and registered it for warranty and I have never took it anywhere to get calibrated and I think it said somewhere it didnt need it. my 2 $ent$ BTW I bought it for grading but have also used it inside.
  13. that looks like a good one, setting inside probably is very good shape rust wise
  14. Nice pictures, thanks for posting wish i could have been there with by truck
  15. Check this link it has the recalls http://www.automotix.net/autorepair/recalls/mack-cxn/
  16. That truck was on awhile ago and had more pictures, the pictures showed the inside, looked to be in pretty decent shape. Being in CO probably not alot of rust
  17. Says it is from a 57, Mack must of skimped on the dash in my 59 or was using the retro look!!!
  18. if you could get at the reserve price might be worth it but looks really rough, my experance with ebay is if it looks rough everything is rough, if it has a new paint job mech is rough and if it has alot of pictures and description then you get what youy pay for.
  19. Nice truck, needs to be hauling something, when they were driving I thought they were heading out to get some rock.
  20. What country is this??? You need a permit to cut down a tree to remove scrap to clean up an eye soar on the side of the road, I know that the combine is not any eye soar to you but to the city folks I am sure thats what they are complaining about. $500 fine per tree, is it a fine or a tax??? from an over zelous town government
  21. Kids were watching Phineas and Ferb and Mack Truck is featured, who would of thunk?? Starts around the 5 min mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AluimmoQJrY
  22. I need to find out how much one of those signs cost
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