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Wow. Just wow.


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Watching the debate for the 12th Congressional District. We've got my State Rep ®, and the incumbent US Rep (D), and then there's the nut-job "Green Party" candidate. I just wouldn't believe there were people this ridiculously naive to what's going on in the world if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes. Typical aging hippie from the 60's "give peace a chance" tree-hugger type who thinks we are the source of all of the evil in the world and fracking and coal should be abandoned asap. Yup...take us back to the stone age by getting rid of the source of 39% of our nation's electricity while preventing extraction of the fuel used to heat 61% of the homes in this country and responsible for another 27% of this country's electrical generation. In other words, where is this eco freak going to plug in her electric car when 2/3 of the nation's electricity ceases to be generated and 6 out of 10 homes no longer have heat? And education needs to be free, all of the way through college and the minimum wage should be raised to $15+ per hour because everybody should have a "living wage" even if they are incompetent and don't have any skills or experience to justify that sort of wage, and all of the jobs that were WORTH $15+ per hour have dried up because coal is no longer mined and fracking for oil & natural gas has been banned.

Wow. The fact that she's given the time of day, let alone a podium on the stage at this debate, is pretty sad. Total waste of time every time she opens her mouth.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Although not totally pleased with the Republicans OR Democrats, some of these "off the wall" types are just that.

Are you REALLY making $15/hr as an owner/operator? How can you ask for a raise in rate so you can make that?

I know I'm not.

That's what you need to do. sell the truck (don't forget the taxes you will still have to pay) and get a job making that much. Just be a sheeple

Don't take this the wrong way-I completely agree with you

Where do these people come from?

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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Last week after fuel was deducted, I had about $60 for every hour I worked. Of course once you deduct maintenance and repair costs, taxes, insurance, etc. I'm left with about $10.25/hr with time and a half over 40.

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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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They are all over and some are already elected. In Suffolk County where my farm is, they have passed a "Farm Bill". Sounds good right? L.I. farms peroduce 38% of N.Y.s agricultural products The bill limits the amount of water and fertilizer allowed to be used One hour for irritation per hour per 10 acres... per WEEK! Fertilizer not more than 2.4% nitrogen instead of the 25% needed for crops. Dust regulations for plowing and harvesting and proposed emission regs for farm equipment and irrigation pump engines. The last duck farm for Long Island Ducks, after 85 years was EPA regulated out of business AFTER spending 3 million to put in a NYS mandated water purification system.... because the duck farm is near a newly Federally Protected river. But the Wineries are supported by the Feds, State and County because they do not impact the environment like a farm. According to NYS farms destroy the land and pollute the air.(?)

Luckly we have a few months left here and Virginia is somewhat more farmer friendly. We can't sell it as a farm, can't make it a winery so it's houses or a lnorthern example of Sherman's March to the Sea.

Oh and the Big Case in N.Y.Supreme Court is if N.Y> should grant Chimpanzees the same rights as obama Humans. Thank god I'm one the downward side of the hill, because I feel pity for my Grand Children. Paul

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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They are all over and some are already elected. In Suffolk County where my farm is, they have passed a "Farm Bill". Sounds good right? L.I. farms peroduce 38% of N.Y.s agricultural products The bill limits the amount of water and fertilizer allowed to be used One hour for irritation per hour per 10 acres... per WEEK! Fertilizer not more than 2.4% nitrogen instead of the 25% needed for crops. Dust regulations for plowing and harvesting and proposed emission regs for farm equipment and irrigation pump engines. The last duck farm for Long Island Ducks, after 85 years was EPA regulated out of business AFTER spending 3 million to put in a NYS mandated water purification system.... because the duck farm is near a newly Federally Protected river. But the Wineries are supported by the Feds, State and County because they do not impact the environment like a farm. According to NYS farms destroy the land and pollute the air.(?)

Luckly we have a few months left here and Virginia is somewhat more farmer friendly. We can't sell it as a farm, can't make it a winery so it's houses or a lnorthern example of Sherman's March to the Sea.

Oh and the Big Case in N.Y.Supreme Court is if N.Y> should grant Chimpanzees the same rights as obama Humans. Thank god I'm one the downward side of the hill, because I feel pity for my Grand Children. Paul

No farms, no ducks, have they attacked sod yet? Growing grass can not be good for the environment. I guess they won't be satisfied until all of Suffolk County looks like nothing more than an extension of Nassau.

Reading your posts has done wonders to cure my homesickness. Thank You Dr Paul.

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No farms, no ducks, have they attacked sod yet? Growing grass can not be good for the environment. I guess they won't be satisfied until all of Suffolk County looks like nothing more than an extension of Nassau.

Reading your posts has done wonders to cure my homesickness. Thank You Dr Paul.

Sod comes under Farms Della Sod is rather up set. Apparently Wineries are much more needed than food. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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the problem is there babbling idiots are smarter than us! They have never put in 40 hours by Wednesday morning, never helped any one other than themselves ( cuz if they did they would still be wanting praise) they sit around dreaming of the perfect world where they get everything for nothing or get us dumb working types to pay for it through taxes and they get the benefit, so since they have nothing better to do they screw, and make more of these idiots and since we have been busy working they now out number us. So you see our inability to f@%k around at work now has us out numbered!

lol...excellent,,,most of these cry baby,s have all the free time they need...incredible...bob

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Don't forget the do gooder democrats that want to tax the farmer for the amount of gas produced by his cows farting.

And DOT is attempting to require every piece of farm equipment, be it powered or pulled to have a DOT#...which than requires a CDL , log books, limited hours of operation, tags and taxes. Course that will also allow Federal, State and Local DOT inspections. See an out of service tag on my hammer cutter, no DOT approved reflectors ya know.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Unless you are a winery, (tax exempt for 15 years) your farm taxes are based on the average home rate in the area. Been that way for about 6 or 7 years. My taxes for a 1929 3 bed room detached garage house in Oyster Bay Cove on 3/4 acre is $9100 a year, on a 1956 3 bedroom with 3 car garage / shop house in Shirley on 1 acre $8850 a year, a 7 taxable acres out of 14 acres farm with a 2 story 5 bedroom house and 2 barns in the Township of Riverhead $13900 a year and 309 acres in Fork Union Va. with 2 houses a barn and 40 x 80 shop is $2056 a year. Suffolk County apparently considers Winerys "cute" and a farm an environmental pit of excessive abuse of natural resources. On counsel woman wanted to know "what benefits do farms give to the public besides pollution" Guess she thinks the "magic food fairy" make food appear in the stores. Paul

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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