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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 67RModel

  1. Nice unit for sure. Is that a Camelback suspension? It has the tree like a camelback but no arch to the springs and has shock absorbers. Is that a Mack suspension or vendor?
  2. Forgive my ignorance but couldn't you go the other direction with this retrofit and just go to fully mechanical? The mechanical linkage is already there from the pedal to the pump. Could you just swap on a injection pump off a fully mechanical E7 or have the electronics removed from the existing pump? Is there more involved that I am missing? I think that would be the most robust fix if its economically feasible. Is there anything else major involved in "going the other direction"?
  3. I feel like a savvy owner with a Mack fleet / boneyard and access to a lot of the major components needed to get these trucks going could build two turn key chassis with all overhauled or remanufactured components for probably half of what a brand new bare cab/chassis costs. I guess it depends on what the owner of these gliders is asking for them too. I think the biggest challenge would be finding drivers to drive them if you got them built. I imagine the pool of guys excited to drive a brand new old Mack is pretty small. Everyone wants the new creature comforts and automatic transmissions.
  4. The United States is following the same trajectory as the previous two world orders have: the British Empire and Dutch Empire respectively. We are now on the downward spiral to whatever catalyzing event will allow a new world order (China) to take over. For the US it was World War Two. Prior to WWII the dominant global power was the British Empire. They were very imperialistic and had colonies all over the world. The reserve currency for international trade was the British Pound and for many years had the most powerful army and naval fleet. Before them it was the Dutch Empire for the same reasons. The United States came out of WWII unscathed domestically with massive manufacturing capabilities ramped up from wartime production. The rest of the developed world was destroyed and we were here to supply everything to everyone. The US negotiated very favorable post war treaties and extracted an enormous amount of wealth from Europe when we left. We snatched the world power "title" from the British and the world's reserve currency has been the US Dollar ever since. We quickly became the most powerful and wealth country in the history of humanity. Unfortunately we have rested on our laurels and have been slowly but surely giving up our status ever since. The US Dollar has been a fiat currency for decades and the only reason it is still the World's reserve currency is because the US Military is powerful enough to keep it that way. Foreign investors are also comfortable with the political reliability and stableness the US enjoys too. I don't see it as some big government conspiracy stripping us of our rights per se. That is just a symptom of the real problem. The real problem is your average "Johnny lunch bucket" American voting this way (from town mayors to The President) and being OK with the outcome, giving his money to the wrong interests, and not being educated enough in history, finance, economics, and science to a degree. Life has become too easy, too comfortable, and too detached from reality in this country. Too many people over the years were/are willing to give up long term stability and prosperity for short term profits. Too much FYIGM (f**k you I got mine) mentality, and too much resentment for neighbors and fellow mankind. The onus is on the citizens. The poor quality politicians are just a product of the people who elect them. Unfavorable policies follow in the wake of poor quality politicians. Everything being complained about in this forum thread could be reversed but sadly will not because Americans are too self absorbed to pull their heads out of the sand and do anything meaningful because it might disrupt their cushy and comfortable lives. Right now China is on the rise and making the correct decisions to become the next global order but it is not certain to happen that way though. It will probably take a war to happen as the previous three iterations of this process happened because of wars so there is a pattern there. China has a lot of internal problems though to overcome. For instance their years of the one child policy has left a big gap in their ability to continue the path they are on. On the other hand I don't see any way for the US to get out from under the amount of debt its in with China without fighting and winning a war against them........
  5. I have this unit for sale. Its a VMAC 1 engine:
  6. 67RModel

    E7 400

    I have this E7-300 for sale still. I guess it could be upgraded to 400? Not sure what would be involved.
  7. I don't know about a bargain. Possibly for nostalgia but not when you have $5.25/gal diesel with no end in sight. Plus you would be lucky to achieve 3 mpg with a 650hp E9
  8. As said previously though you don't really want to skimp on your filters. A window regulator is not critical though and acceptable to get in the aftermarket. Plenty of good quality air filters in the aftermarket too if you decide to go that route.
  9. Yea I was going to say in my shpeal about engine filters that the single air filter is well over the cost of the engine filter kit at Mack.
  10. He had to go because for whatever reason he irritated too many Independents and centrist Republicans. Most importantly too many people grew tired of and were pissed about left wing, State enacted Covid19 policies he had nothing to do with, and took their frustrations out on him at election time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. Ouch! Good luck. Do you know who did the delete / reprogramming?
  12. A lot of guys get major heartburn when you tell them to just go to the dealer and get the parts they need. Honestly, by the time you do all the leg work to make it happen in the aftermarket or trying to find something used out of a salvage yard its most times cheaper to just get it from the dealer. Plus you have the best quality parts you can get and have less of a chance of them stranding you on the side of the road.
  13. I know they are generally pretty expensive but McMaster Carr would have what you need. They have literally any variety of hardware you could possibly ever need in a dozen lifetimes. Plus they make finding what you need very easy with their online catalog. For one off things like these two springs I always check there first.
  14. I have literally read your handle as "Captain Crunch" since the first time I saw it and until just now thought that's what it actually said. Its that the mind sees what it wants too thing.....
  15. Its very easy to sit back in an arm chair and declare the President is a moron and is intent on destroying the very country he has lived in and benefitted from his entire life. The man is honestly a senile old man with onset dementia, who was well past his prime before he was Obama's vice president. I don't much care for his platform or political beliefs either, and in no way whatsoever helped him (or his oxygen thief Vice President) to get elected. With that being said he has thus far been making the right calls with respect to the Russian invasion of Ukraine all things considered. Given the fact Russia possesses and has nuclear weapons deployed, and that Putin is a deranged psychopath, the best strategy is to economically sanction Russia to the point where their economy implodes from within, which its well on the way of doing. Life for the average Russian citizen is going to get heinously bad and Putin's base will eventually turn on him. Along with incredibly harsh sanctions, providing money and aid to Ukraine to continue fighting is also the correct move. Biden also appears to be doing his best to not get the US or other NATO countries involved militarily as can be seen by denying to get involved with Poland's fighter jet nonsense. There are many other examples if you choose to investigate. So however seemingly insignificant banning Russian oil imports to the US may seem, any effort to isolate and starve out Putin's economy is worth it and will in fact "punish" the Russian economy, and in my opinion not laughable. Its one card in Biden's hand that was played correctly. However, this will piss a lot of American's off because it will contribute to higher prices at the pump. Just about every major Western European county is making plans to stop or at least start cutting back on buying Russian energy. The resolve and collaboration of the Western countries as well as private companies worldwide going all in to eliminate Russia from the world economy is unprecedented and was a very bad miscalculation by Putin. As far as Biden somehow hampering oil and gas production domestically, its simply not true. Remember I don't particularly care for the guy either. Oil and gas producers are free to explore for and extract as much oil as they like. Collectively they literally have thousands of untapped leases approved for drilling and extraction. It just has not been economically viable to do so until very recently. I suspect that since oil is trading for greater than $120.00/bbl right now you will start to see more domestic production start to ramp up. But it will probably be gradual because the producers are going to be cautious as to what plays out with Russia. Also for the record: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS THE LARGEST OIL AND GAS PRODUCER IN THE WORLD. Read it again. We produce the most oil and gas in the world followed by Saudi Arabia then Russia. It gets sold on the global commodities market to whoever is willing to pay the most for it. It doesn't necessarily get sold domestically and refined into gasoline and given to the Texaco down the street so American's can have cheap gas for eternity. Sorry its just not the way they system works like it or not. Sorry for the long winded reply / rant, but I'm just trying to intelligently contribute the best way I know how. Also, not every single thing a politician on the other side of the isle from you does is automatically a disastrously horrible thing.
  16. You can't go wrong prefilling them with diesel. It will help with reprimming the fuel system or from it loosing prime altogether. I cant imagine filling them with any of the other two fluids you mention as they would super concentrated going through the fuel system. I thought injector cleaner was to be diluted by dumping into the fuel tank. The mystery oil claim probably comes from guys wanting to add lubricity to their fuel since these new low sulfur fuels have very little lubricating properties compared to the fuel from decades past. Long story short just fill the filters with diesel fuel in my opinion. If you want to add an additive to lubricate/clean the fuel system then add it to the tank each time you fill up. I add a quart of non detergent SAE30 engine oil or conventional 2 stroke pre mix oil to my 94RD E7 about every 75-100 gallons of fuel I put in. The older trucks engines and fuel systems were designed around the old fuel blend that had much more lubrication properties than the new "less polluting" stuff they make now.
  17. Mine is very anticlimactic. When I was a very small kid garbage day was my favorite day because Waste Management would come around in their maroon Mack trucks to collect the trash. I waited by the front door all morning just waiting to see it pull up and then release an enormous puff of black smoke when they pulled away. The image has stuck with me forever and I became obsessed with Mack trucks ever since. I realize now those trucks were most likely DMs but I have come to like the the original steel dash R models the best. I found and purchased a really nice original truck for restoration in 2016 and it happened to be a 1967 model. I got involved with the BMT forum much later in early 2020 when I started looking for a period correct sleeper for it and made my handle 67RModel.
  18. Filter discussions can sometimes become an explosive topic. I personally just go to Mack and purchase the filter kit. It has the two oil filters, two fuel filters, the oil spinner, and a coolant filter. The last time I bought the kit it was around $80 if I remember correctly. I can't imagine saving much or any money buy buying good quality (Wix or Baldwin) aftermarket filters. Plus my supplier would most likely not stock the spinner requiring two trips or preordering it. Plus I know the Mack filters are are made to the correct specifications and with quality materials. Probably the cheapest insurance you can buy all things considered. If you don't have a Mack dealer close then that would be a different story but I do and my use case only requires me to change my fluid and filters once per year. The air filter does not come in the engine filter kit and must be purchased separately.....
  19. I'm just curious why you feel this is laughable.
  20. Any type in particular? Does it have to be a 1979 period correct make and model or just any old sleeper? I don’t think Mack made their own integral sleeper until the mid 90s CH trucks. Anything before that was vendor sleeper or aftermarket unit added later by the owner.
  21. Would this be the same layout for a 1994 RD? What fuse number is the dash panel lights if you know? Thanks.
  22. The last time I bought brake pads and rotors for my pickup I told the parts counter typist that it was a 2009 Chevy half ton pickup and he did not know that meant a Silverado 1500 because it wasn't listed in the computer like that....like wtf is going on anymore?
  23. You should upload some pictures of it. Everyone here loves pictures and a rust free 85 R model with only 165,000 origianl miles would be eye candy.
  24. Looks like price will continue to climb as US bans crude imports from Russia this morning. Although a minimal amount of total imports (around 10% of US's imports come from Russia) the reduction in supply will drive up cost more. As more Western European countries do the same and ban Russian oil imports there will a sizable void that needs to be filled globally. This is good for the domestic shale producers as they need a high price per barrel (>$90/bbl I think) to be competitive. So hopefully we see more domestic production ramp up and domestic energy jobs added.....Honestly I'm not too sad about the current cost hikes due to Russian oil being cancelled globally. It's really a small price to pay in order to help the Ukrainians as well as punish the Russian economy for this madness.
  25. In my opinion the only thing your 85 R model gives up against anything new or even your Freightliner would be a bit of engine/road noise comfort. These old Macks are very noisy inside by modern standards, which can be fatiguing if driven for hours on end. Just about every other metric imaginable the R model will win in my opinion: reliability, simplicity, aesthetics, economy, etc.
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