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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. Thanks to you, Jim. We enjoyed your company all day. I am sorry for taking up your time but I don't get to test drive a DIAMOND REO cabover just every day...LOL. I had a good time visiting with everyone, and got to see a wide variety of trucks. A great day Now I must go jump in the driver seat of my own truck... Time to go to work! Gregg
  2. My service manual is for 2001 CH/CL/CX but I think the cab mounting did not change. All models show a ride height of 7.64 inches (+ or - .06 inches), measured between the mounting brackets for the airbag.
  3. What a weekend!!! Gearhart's on Friday & Saturday and this auction on Monday. Thanks for the heads up!!!
  4. Rob, I thought you & Momma were happily married... I had no idea this sort of thing was even allowed in Illinois (CA & MASS maybe)... But in any event, you certainly look stunning in that dress. Gregg
  5. Underdog


    This is a big reason why I work for myself. I don't sit around waiting for anything to be handed to me. If I want something, I work a bit harder to achieve that goal. If these guys put as much effort into their jobs as they do protesting, then they might realize the rewards they expect. Gregg
  6. Howdy, Cowboy and welcome to the forums! Keep an eye open for my CX on 220,414, 14 and 15 up in your neck of the woods. I pass thru there at least twice a week back and forth to NY State. If you get down to Steam Valley at all the coffee is on me. Gregg (AKA Underdog)
  7. Looking good so far, Larry. I am anxiously watching your progress as this would be a welcome upgrade for my F-model. I like the idea of the slip fit rails.
  8. I dunno what to say about that... I been running the same lube for 1,116,000 miles ain't lost a rear yet.
  9. Maybe the wording was incorrect. I should just have her hit me upside the head with the skillet FIRST, to get my mind right. Whatever you say, Boss. Just don't hit me anymore...
  10. Name: Mack F 607 T (1963) Date Added: 13 January 2009 - 05:18 AM Owner: Underdog Short Description: single axle tractor View Vehicle
  11. I mentioned to Sweet Polly that the rear view looks like the ass-end of my Mack, as per Mike's suggestion, and now I am the one with a headache.
  12. Glad to hear good news, Larry. At least you can run the truck now and do the bigger job at your convenience. Gregg
  13. Like rhasler says, Mack measures from the framerail to the spring support, so it shouldn't matter what chassis or tire size. The ride height is the axle in relation to the frame. It is a critical measurement for driveline angle. My personal experience is that as little as 3/4" change can create a vibration. Over the years I have seen many drivers AND so-called mechanics try to adjust ride height to improve the ride of a truck. One has nothing to do with the other as the same air PRESSURE will be needed to support the load regardless of the height setting.
  14. The offer still stands. My unit is about 7 years old it has been sitting on my shelf wrapped up in the original box for 3 years. It was working when I took it off. Be glad to give it up to anybody thinks they can use it.
  15. The truck looks great, I love it! I was wondering if you have any pics of the sleeper interior. I am doing some mods in my own sleeper and looking for ideas, specifically the windows.
  16. Sounds like a find if you are happy with the price. The biggest issue with this vintage was the camshaft. With almost 500k I would bet it has been done already. If the truck looks good, then probably well maintained as well. I own a 2000 CX as you can see in my avatar pic. Tractor with wetline and full fuel tanks (270 gallons) tipping just over 20,000 lbs. I have owned mine since new and have been very satisfied with this truck. Now has 1,116,000 miles and still ticking like a timex.
  17. Not a bad idea to check the oil cooler if you are having a temperature issue, especially if it has not been apart since new. If you have the old style round cooler they tend to plug up at the rear of the cooler near the filter pedestal. Most of this debris is leftover casting material from when the block was new. Mack had issues with that on early E-TECHs. I was told the cooler itself does not often go bad, if you take it apart, clean it and assemble with new O-rings & gaskets should be OK.
  18. I must say I cheated a little on that pic... The wagon is new, but my CX had about 800,000 on it. Now 1,116,000 still looks the same. Trailer is almost 3 years old now a little beat up from hauling scrap metal, slag, and DEMO. Oh, well. Gotta pay the bills somehow.
  19. That single axle DM belongs to a buddy of mine, he got that truck as is from FLA. Whoever did the conversion did a good job. We think engine and trans have been changed- it has an overdrive 2-stick. Originally built as a tandem roll-off chassis. I had my F-model there, red single axle. It was a good show with perfect weather.
  20. check your Mack dealer. I got them off the shelf at TransEdge Allentown Mack for my F-model (same box & lid). Price in April '09 was $172.54 each.
  21. That's why I figure the U-model retained the short cab. Same reason for the B-67 concave cab. Shorter BBC.
  22. Great job on the old R-model! Just tell your wife there are much less productive things you could spend your time & money on! At least she knows where to find you!
  23. My old E9 had a habit of popping head bolts. I carried extra bolts, my torque wrench, and a jig I made to drill and remove the broken bolts. Of course, a V8 cabover gave easy access to all the bolts. The 2 valve heads on the 673 and E6 engines are easy enough to manhandle with a pair of T-bars. The 4 valve heads might send you to the chiropractor! I have done E6, E7 and E9 head gaskets with good results if the head looks good. If you know it needs guides, now is the time to do both heads if you can put the truck down for a few days. Always a good investment to use new head bolts/studs also.
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