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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bullheaded

  1. You wanna know how fake the media is? Castro junior trudope can't put two words together in a sentence. he sounds like a mental case...a der er aaaaahh daaaaa. But when they play his rally speeches on the CBC he speaks in perfect sentences. Yet on different media outlets I hear both versions and know they are the same because there is the same one woman in the background yelling the same thing. But one has trudope mumbling like he's mentally deranged and the CBC version is edited so he speaks perfectly. LOL
  2. I can't wait to see those driverless trucks up here in the 10 to 12 % hills in the winter lake effect snow storms, LOL Then again......they can't be much worse than the current breed of freight haulers, LOL
  3. Like I said, I don't like where this is headed. the Libtards gotta go, but there's not even anyone else competent. The Conservatives can't even decide on a leader and the NDP has the same agenda as trudope.....raise taxes, more carbon tax, everybody drive electric cars (even though we don't have an adequate power grid to support them.) Then you got the media that feeds all this fear mongering and propaganda. I had a laugh one day. I have internet in my loader and excavator in the mine but there is only one FM radio station you can get.....the CBC (Communist Broadcasting Channel)so sometimes I turn it on for the news so i can have a laugh at their BS. Anyway they were talking bout all the supply chain shortages and the shortage of truck drivers to deliver goods. Did you know flat lander freight hauling is an awesome career now? According to the CBC truck DRIVERS make $200,000 a year! And owner operators can make double!! HOLY CRAP!! I better go buy trucks again!! I might actually make money this time! Bahahahaha.
  4. I have a lot of American friends too Joey. I live by a border town. I just don't like the direction this world is going. If I could I'd get all you Americans to boycott this country. Why? Here's an example. I got to be good friends with a couple from Wisconsin. They bought a motel up north of me. Some history of the motel......my government brought in and set up some more 'foreigners" to buy this motel. They ran it down, went bankrupt and it was condemned. Then unlike you or I being bankrupt, my gov set them up to do the same to ANOTHER motel immediately. Now come my American friends. They move up here, spend over $500,000 of their OWN money to fix and renovate it. No financing, no grants, nothing. It now becomes the nicest motel around. He employs 9 locals in a town that has nothing. His is the only motel that is booked solid every day. He does atv tours, hunting, fishing, everything. Million a year revenue. They go to renew their Visa's. My gov drags their feet. My friends spend $10,000 on lawyers. Still nothing. Now they can't go home to visit their kids or else they cannot re-enter this country. Then my gov finally says "we have a new requirement. You must advertise management position on THIS WEB SITE WE PROVIDE you as part of your Visa process. My friends say "but we LIVE at the motel and run it. Why would we need a manager?" Guess where that web site is for? He showed me a stack of 30 resumes that came in from Dhubai and India to come run the business he LIVES at. And they still have no Visa to continue to stay in Canada. So guess what they did? They just sold the place, are going back home and said they will NEVER come into Canada again. And now two other motel/outfitters just went for sale because they are going back home to the USA. Truly sickening.
  5. Since I'm already fired up now, lets talk about french fries and gravy (Putin) Gunna drop the nukes eh? Go ahead I DARE YOU. I DOUBLE DARE you. You'd only be committing suicide you spineless dumbass. The minute you push the button the USA would have your whole country levelled. Moral of the story....go spend your money and have fun now before all these dumbasses blow the whole world up, LOL All these viruses and wars are designed to do one thing.....achieve their master plan of the population only having two types.....the mega rich and the poverty stricken working slaves. They are trying to starve out the middle class.
  6. At first I wasn't following this. But as we all know now, this wasn't about the vaccine mandates. This was about how our government is turning us into a communist country. And no Trudeau isn't the only A-hole in government....but he truly NEEDS TO GO. Don't think Canada is communist? Lets go through the checklist. 1 Freedom of speech? Only if it is the same agenda that conforms to the Libtards. No other speech permitted. 2. Were you in the convoy? (Which incited NO Violence and NO property damage) We are going to seize your bank accounts and pull your business and operating authorities. 3. Were you in the convoy but your wife was not? We are also going to seize her bank account and put her out of business. 4. Did you support the convoy or donate money? We are going to seize your bank accounts. 5. Are you a tow truck operator that was told by the government to go in and tow trucks, but you said you did not want to be involved? We are going to seize your bank accounts and pull your business and operating authorities. Sounds pretty F'n communist to me. You have no rights unless you suck trudeau's bag. We need to put that dick in the same building as the other spineless dick....french fries and gravy (Putin) and drop the bomb on that building.
  7. This company is still around right? Are they the ones that still have that awesome white and red Superliner I still see working in the Bolton/GTA area?
  8. Not around here. Nobody wants to pay, LOL But I sure miss having my dump truck, just for bringing gravel and stuff home.
  9. I'd love to get that and put a dump box on it just for a hobby dump truck around my yard. That thing is sweet!
  10. Thanks B in B. You been doing anything lately? Haven't seen many posts by you lately.
  11. You are far more intelligent than 80% of north America's population 67RModel. I've tried to explain the same thing to people. I'm also in the mining industry, so I know a thing or two about what goes on there too. Plus I've been through a few blackouts when too many people in the big city 7 hours away from me use their air conditioners too much in the summer. But you just can't explain it to anyone, because they are all too short-sighted. But what's scarier is the government seems to be fueling this agenda for some reason also. Now what I'm wondering is if the price of fuel will still keep going up to deter people from using it, or will it get cheaper when demand drops off when all the libtards buy their electric cars? Anyway you look at it, I don't care if I spend my whole pay cheque on gas and diesel, I'll still be buying it and keeping my gas and diesel toys as long as I live.
  12. I wish our Tri-axles were like that one gicknordon. Nice and short, instead of these ridiculous 266 inch wheelbase 21/22 foot boxes. I miss the days of tandems with 15 foot boxes. Not hard on the truck, and go anywhere. And not hauling giiant loads for the same rates, LOL
  13. I hear you. Now that I'm an employee at the mine I finally have benefits and I need to go to a dentist and finally can because I won't have to pay for it, but won't even go. Too much headache like you say with all this covid and mask bullshit. Easier to just stay home, chew on one side and drink Gibson's. LOL
  14. Here's an 84B https://www.truckandtrailer.ca/en/content/2022-mack-granite-84b-dump-truck-maple And a 64B for sale. https://www.truckandtrailer.ca/en/content/2022-mack-gr64b-dump-truck-maple-0
  15. I didn't read all the posts....Also sorry for your loss Red Horse and High Binder.
  16. Belated Merry Christmas everyone. I had to work in the mine Christmas week, but took 3 weeks of holidays before Christmas, so had it early with my family. Now I'm off for new Years. So I can wish you all a Happy New Year on time!
  17. Well not this Canadian!! Those ARE my kind of trucks. But I was never a flat lander. Pretty much all of my 36 years were on/off road heavy haul and mining/forestry. I like big power and big axles. (well I did.....now I don't get in a truck at all anymore, LOL) But don't hold your breath about any great trucks returning to the market. Not with the direction our idiot governments are taking us. All you will be seeing now is electric and hydrogen spaceships that are even more costly and troublesome than trucks we have today.
  18. That's because when we go into the States we don't speed or break ANY law because we are targets, LOL Same with when you guys come to Canada.....the cops will pick on you first, LOL
  19. I looked at it and thought to myself...."that would make a good parts truck for someone with a good Superliner chassis." Maybe that's what happened Hans......somebody bought it with big dreams of going trucking and couldn't get it safetied to plate it.
  20. I'm sorry, but I have to add to the idea of this. My blood is boiling. Here are videos a friend posted of what he just witnessed. Just read the comments to understand. There is a REAL problem going on here, that the government seems to be promoting and the MTO/DOT and police seem to be ignoring. I'm not on facebook but someone sent me the links so they should work, I was able to open them. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159224488112107&id=634507106 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159224851612107&id=634507106 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159223889422107&id=634507106
  21. How do you like that fancy frame stretch job? LOL That wouldn't even pass a safety here where I live.
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