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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. ford is recruiting toy designers ie transformers
  2. nave`nt turned a bolt on mine yet either
  3. asking that question in seattle would only get you a blank stare
  4. hey gear head what would it cost me to get you to ship me a box of fresh picked mixed up what ever are availabe apples ? i totaly missed our crop this year
  5. look at my 358 post they are all like that= in other makes
  6. 1967 pete 358 thinking about selling or possibly trading for ? have all of it just need to round it all up .first year of the tilt hood air assisted even` no fiberglass
  7. will give you lots of credit for when you say you`re going to do some thing you do it good show
  8. ex-lax worked good, in that first pic is that a bug on the windshield or a ufo lol
  9. I have the old school wheels 20 or 22 your choice
  10. never cooked a wild one but have eaten wild turkey not much difference in taste that i could tell
  11. not real sure whats going on but i`d say thermostat stuck open
  12. you have a safe& happy also detm
  13. my cb handle was bushwhacker for a long time .i worked in a maternity ward prep room for a short while
  14. call thomas rhibar&son sturdevant wisc. they should have a truck load
  15. this one and one other built on a 64-5 gmc crackerbox are some of the best home built rvs in the country, the owner of the gmc was an aircraft worker from idaho i think. i saw his rv in fla. some years ago . possibly some pics somewhere on the web
  16. AND if i read the date on cdl right go ahead and make those stilts but stay off them
  17. i`m sure it had more brakes than shown i was pokin fun did they have front brakes also
  18. thanks for the reply i would just love to drag 3 53 footers up to a scale here and have a film crew on hand to record what happens
  19. ch mack posting this to see if any interest .427 - fuller - mack rears-air ride bed and head rack can be removed. looks rough but real solid old truck .sleeper roof has been modified sleeper is removable 91 yr.model. pm me more details.
  20. texaco oil had a bunch of those critters v12 gas they would out pull a 380 cummins on a hill at something like 1/2 mpg doing it
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