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Red Horse

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Everything posted by Red Horse

  1. Agree-bottom line IMO is it is good news for US workers. When 1.6 billion DOESN'T get built in Mexico, that is good news for the US economy. If nothing else, it is one less option Ford will have in the future when it comes to sourcing decisions. Better to have spent 700 mil in US than 1.6 billion in Mexico. And one thing that is consistent- Ford has said they can't profitably build a low 20 grand vehicle in US.. You can bet these new vehicles will have an average transaction price well north of 20 grand.
  2. Paul, Thx for all the detective work. Lot of history there. Also nice shot of the MB hooked to a vintage short Mack corporate trailer. Chevy wrecker in photo is like 63? 64?
  3. Thx Paul-but you get my point. the restored car in that picture for sure does not have a driving truck in front and the one in the back looks like a conventional non driving truck too. Again I have no clue-just thinking of what a typical truck looks like say on an old school locomotive like an RS-1 or one of those 1500 HP GM yard switchers
  4. What I'm wondering is just how was it powered? Those "trucks"look like the typical truck you would see on a boxcar vs a traction motor driving the wheels????
  5. I think the big difference is when we were kids you listened to one forecast on your radio station or TV station of choice. Today with multiple channels the hype gets built up-and I'm guilty of surfing the channels and comparing forecasts. Then we have the phone aps-which I have to admit, are pretty accurate. We are about 2 or 3 miles NW of 495 which always seems to be the "cut line" for heavier snow and its true. We ended up with about 2 or 3 inches of slush as it kept jumping back from rain to snow while 10 miles away they had over 10.
  6. 10-4 Bob. Spokes forever-for sure on a Mack of that vintage. Also my preference would also be to lose the visor. But to each his own. When I was doing my B over I went out and bought a couple of new single Grovers. Then I got to thinking-after looking at bunch of old pics/ads. Took the Grovers back and got the conventional duals- then agonized over pictures- again on the "correct" mounting position. In any case beautiful truck for sure
  7. UGh- 15 yards for unnecessary roughness!
  8. Sad news for sure. A true Mack guy and a good example of why we enjoy our "hobby" to the degree we do. My first contact with him was a number of years ago when his now restored B-81 single axle had been sitting on Rt. 70 with a bunch of other trucks-unrestored. The truck always caught my eye and I finally stopped by one day to look it over when a DM 10 wheeler pulled in and I stopped the driver to find out who owned this Mack. He gave me Mike's name and town, I called "information" and as luck would have it, got the right number on the first shot. So I called him and we must have talked for 30 or 40 minutes-and at the end of the conversation he had my hat size! And I knew I could not afford that truck. But I was so impressed that he took the time to talk to this "new guy" who obviously had no clue. Later on he came to my house with his pal "Merc" to check out some stuff I was selling but it was a no sale-but just a good day having him show up to talk trucks. End result guys, enjoy the relationships you have today. Bob
  9. Good news for sure. The one thing you can count on is the science of treating improves exponentially today. My dad died at age 49 of lung cancer. Had he been stricken today, I'm sure he would have survived. And you can bet that everyday that goes by, something new comes up in the fight. Hang in there!
  10. Excellent Grayhair- thx-first time I have seen a thermometer with a -50 to +m 50m range!
  11. What's more impressive to me is moving a brick veneer house. Wouldn't the brick have been set on shelf of foundation vs. framed deck???
  12. TJ-I guess I was lucky I had a new 68 Torino (square back-rare!), 428 CJ, C-6 4.30 gears. think if I got 12 mpg I was doing good. Finally took the 4.30's out and put 3.25's in. Well we had a wreck out on the NYS thruway near Canajoharie one winter night. I let this young guy-hah, even younger than me then-take the car for a coffee run and he went up to exit and reversed direction. I saw him come flying back eastbound. I later said-"so Jerry-how fast were you going?" He says -"oh like 70". Needless to say, never changed speedo gear
  13. What took you so long getting out of the shop? Were you thinking you had to build air?
  14. Rich-no luck--Anyone else able to download???
  15. Thx Kevin-This should give Cummins reason to look over their shoulder-perhaps not today but not to distant future with respect to their future at Navistar.
  16. What does engine does VW/Scania make that can compete in class 6 and 7 with the 6.7 Cummins and whatever International now calls the DT-466?
  17. Well shouldn't be a surprise in Conn right? Doesn't Gabrielli sell both Mack and Volvo?? Hate to say it, but the clock is ticking IMO.
  18. Ok Nick-thx for education! Only flathead color I remember is "rust"
  19. Outstanding Nick-first time I have seen your thread-but let me ad my congrats on a Ford in a Ford! Nothing hurts me more than to see say a nice 32 Ford with the distributor on the wrong end! Only thing?? A red 429?
  20. Hopefully the guidance counselor 41 Chev's grandson had to deal with has retired. I know a problem here in Mass is there are not enough vacancies in the tech high school system to handle all the applicants. Plus from what I have read, back in the dark ages (my youth) it seems tech high schools were just that- you learned a trade. Today-again at least around here, a kid can go to a tech high school and still get his share of courses so he can also apply to a college for a 2 yr associates or 4 yr bachelors program. Think of it, a graduate engineer who knows how to weld or properly build a concrete form! The sad fact is, you have kids-and parents-that get big loans while the kids pursue absolutely worthless degrees-"philosophy", "communications" etc and then come out and work in Starbucks. My hope is people are starting to recognize a "degree" does not insure long term financial security.
  21. EJ-This guy live in a cave? Does he read newspapers or watch the news?? Obama wants every kid asking.."you want fries with that"? to make 15 bucks and this guy thinks he can get an experienced heavy truck mechanic for 13 bucks??- that's the septic tank outfit right?
  22. I agree with you-but how many "new guys" will? test will be how the old 300 series Petes for example sell vs. the "aero 500" series do.
  23. For sure. Just look at the news coverage of the pollution "alerts" in India and China for example. They can't see the sun at times. How is that possible? I guess when your industry has NO regulation, it becomes a given. All kinds of stories about A-36 steel plate- NOT U.S. for sure- all sorts of delamination
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