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Red Horse

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Everything posted by Red Horse

  1. OK Bob-you have everyones attention and now Brockway please!!
  2. _Paul, Check WOT issue within last year. Big article on Coles. A New England institution and you would ever hear a negative word about the company-at least I never did.
  3. Truck is a beauty. Just out of curiosity-what is motivation for this? Yeah-old spokes forever guy
  4. Very good. Highest vol. year was '74 at 25,824. Total built in 12 years was 225,585 for an annual average of 18,798. My point is when you consider last year of production was 40 years ago, I say "rare" is not an unjustified term when you look at used vehicle prices. To say nothing of the fact they were rust buckets and a lot of them for sure were "rode hard and put away wet" the survival prospects were not the best. In any case, I and my two sons are smiling as we each have one. Mine has been sitting ever since I got the "Mack" bug but the wife has been after me to get it back on the road. Who am I to argue
  5. Not rare? right as in as rare as an original 427 Cobra! But to all you early Bronco experts out there-take a guess-what was the number produced in the highest year-66-77?
  6. In this day and age a rare disorder. I think I should be referring you to my old company.
  7. Well tonight I caught a lot of interviews involving "marchers" My guess? Maybe 25% made some sort of sense. The rest?.. "He is illegitimate -we won the popular vote" - Duh I think if you exclude California, that argument no longer works, "Black Lives Matter"- Duh-plowing that ground again-lets see-good boy Mike Brown robs a grocer, description goes out on radio, cop spots "good boy" walking down middle of street, cop tells him move to sidewalk, gets a "f*ck you"and next thing you know 285lb POS has hand inside cruiser and cops gun goes off. I agree-no reason why cop fired the extra shots once he got out of cruiser. And on and on-60 and 70 year olds saying they hadn't done this in years but it was time- I guess we are talking about Vietnam? And this goes across all sorts of economic lines. Typical hipsters and well dressed white women.."well I flew in from Seattle"... thats a cheap bus ride huh? Bottom line no chance of these people giving him a chance-at least on the second day. Now on the negative side, Kelly Anne has to take this press guy Spicer out behind the woodshed. Guy announces a "Press conference", beats the shit out of the press corp-they deserved it- but he has no style IMO. A skillfull press guy beats the shit out of them and they say..."thanks-that is the best ass kicking I ever got" A real rookie. I was hoping he would get someone like Laura Ingram or Dana Perino in the slot. But hopefully he will improve with age. I always thought that was a tough job but as the love in is over, this guy has got to be the best at winning people over to another point of view-and I might be dreaming thinking that is even possible.
  8. Rich-Its called "attention to detail"-there IS light at the end of the tunnel!
  9. Well talk about contrasts. I had Fox on this morning and we are watching the prayer service. I then go to "my space" (or wife's "craft space") and continue watching as Fox then continues news coverage. Go back downstairs and wife has CNN on and of course they are giving all kinds of glowing coverage to the real big story of the day, the Womens March! They cut to Boston Common and Pocahontas Warren is in the middle of one of her favorite rants on the right of everyone to a free college education. Guaranteed the "march" will get all the network news coverage today. I guess if there IS a bright side to all of this, the March Loons ( Warren, Michael Moore, Gloria Steinem etc.) did plenty of bashing of the "old school Democrats as well and... "we have to throw them out too." Hmnn. no mention made of putting an honest candidate up the next time. Hopefully all of this bullshit will keep the Donald on his toes
  10. bbob61, Thx for including my '61X in such good company. But don't hide your light under a bushel basket! Saw your 61X in the ATCA 45 Yearbook-How about a couple of pix of that? My green is " Adirondack"- got that spec from Art at John Haines shop as I always admired their fleet color.
  11. When in doubt, look it up; New Departure Manufacturing Company Media 1931 New Departure poster I was there... Tell us your story > Written by Bill Bowman New Departure Bell Company was formed in 1888 by brothers Albert and Edward Rockwell in Bristol, Connecticut as a manufacturer of doorbells. They began operations at one end of a clock factory, manufacturing doorbells. Soon after, they branched out manufacturing various other products. In 1898, New Departure introduced the bicycle coaster brake and in 1903 they also began making brakes for belt and chain-driven motorcycles. Large quantities of bicycle front and rear wheel hubs were produced. In 1904, the Rockwells produced an automobile and then in 1907, the Rockwell Taxi Cab. In 1911, the automobile production ceased. In 1912, Albert organized the Yellow Cab Company, which went into receivership in 1913. In 1908, New Departure developed the double row bearing capable of handling both radial and thrust loads from either direction and in 1909 obtained a patent for it. In 1910, the company developed the angular contact or Radax single row bearing that took radial loads, as well as thrust loads from one direction. In 1916, New Departure, Hyatt Roller Bearing, Westom-Mott Axle, Remy Electric Company, Perriman Rim Company and Dayton Engineering Laboratories were purchased by William Durant, president of General Motors, and put under the United Motors Corporation name with Alfred Sloan as President. In 1918, General Motors acquired United Motors outright with Sloan becoming a GM Vice President and in 1923 he became the President of General Motors. During World War II, New Departure produced ultra precision instrument bearings that were used in the Norden Bombsight, one of the U.S. Air Forces most powerful weapons. In the 1950s, New Departure invented the Roller Clutch used in automatic transmissions, allowing for smoother shifting. In 1965, General Motors merged the New Departure Division and the Hyatt Roller Bearing Division into the New Departure-Hyatt Bearing Division. In 1986, New Departure-Hyatt Bearing exited the commercial ball bearing business, retaining only the ultra-precision aircraft engine bearing segment. In 1989, New Departure-Hyatt Bearing Division and Delco Moraine Division were merged to create Delco Moraine-NDH Division. In 1992, the Delco Moraine-NDH Division merged with Delco Products and became Delco Chassis Division. In 1993, the aircraft bearing operation was discontinued ending the era of bearing manufacture. Today, New Departure and Hyatt are brands owned and sold by General Bearing Company of New York. Click here to view excerpt from Delco Moraine New Departure-Hyatt Presentation booklet
  12. Yes- that was the "Blue Mule" I referred to- If the one you drove had the range selector bolted to the floor you had a mechanic who ran out of air hose when he was replacing the valve. I drove one in my "youth" for a few days when my 4564 White was down-a " canary"- Ryder- in the early days- I thought it was great! But I admit-a prejudiced Ford kid!
  13. I think this subject must have a good story-that is to come out with the B with its small confining cab, versus keeping the L-with its spacious cab, high seating position, good sightlines. And as for the BBC issue, the C solved that. There had to be an internal battle at Mack over this decision. If nothing else, logic would have said to me.."ok the L is old-lets keep what's good-visibility, room and upgrade the rest. If we are still long in the tooth, we can go to plan "B"-pun intended. How about it KSC-any history you can share?
  14. Nice but should have been another-the "Blue Mule"-but I guess that was wrecked in last scene?
  15. Saw a bit of Tillerson's hearing this PM. Thought he did a good job and was credible. If Trump thinks he has a lap dog he has the wrong guy IMO
  16. Blackdog2...New Departure- didn't they have a big presence in Meriden or New Britain????
  17. KSC- good news for sure for one of the last " American" heavy truck builders-let's hope the VW deal is just that-an "alliance" vs an ultimate takeover. As for the GM JV, that is just class 4 and 5???
  18. Well I had to listen to my wife this morning on Streep's "wonderful" speech and in particular the comment about him mocking the disabled The sad fact is, the Donald then Tweets he never mocked the guy! Or so its been reported that is what he said. You did Donald. I may be a "deplorable", I may be old, but my memory is NOT that bad - yet! Kellyanne - If in fact he did say that, you have to do something. WTF is this guy thinking? He continues to make it tough for those who voted for him in spite of some of his completely dumb ass comments.
  19. Well I haven't been paying too much attention to this until the other day. Talk about a "bold plan"! I have to say though, when you get the likes of Ryder and Meritor in on the ground floor, you have done a lot for your credibility. And the guy just doesn't let it go at building a truck! His comments about load matching and all that other stuff. Not only is he going to build you a truck, he is going to get rid of the carrier you were leased to, the broker you did business with etc etc.
  20. I think the only thing Stanley still makes in New Britain are steel tapes. Sad. You yuking it up or was " Stanley" a Polish immigrant??? I think Stanley also just bought the tool line that was aquired by Newell-Rubbermaid.
  21. As always Kevin thx for the response.
  22. So-didn't know they HAD a plant in Canada- these knockdown kits?? only cab overs?
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