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Blog Comments posted by NoClueJoe66

  1. Glad to see you won in the christmas parade. Glad to see you'll be off until after christmas also. I seen alot of trucks traveling the interstate this morning on my way to work. Time to watch a "A Christmas Story" on tbs again, every christmas it on for 24 hrs. I gotta work christmas night, but that's ok because everyone will be asleep. Can't believe 2008 is already around the corner though, man this year has flown by for sure. See Ya buddy.

  2. Everything's fine, just trying to keep these kids fed. They are up to 4 ounces a feeding, fed 6 times a day, that's 24 ounces per baby x 2 makes it a hell of a lot of milk. and at $30.00 bucks a can the old paycheck don't have far to go. Sorry to go off track, but I've never been to canada but my aunt and uncle took a few loads up there and they actually took the mattress out of the sleeper. My other uncle we'nt to canada for a vacation and the had to be flown out to a cabin 60 miles from civilization. When they drop you off they tell you they'll be back a certain day and that's exactly what happened. Me and dad never had to tarp loads, but man they would unload it in just a swamp like area and set it in the biggest mud hole they could find. I don't blame you for putting it as rusted when loaded, saves your a$$. Just another fine week in truckin' makes you wanna pull your hair out sometimes, but i loved it and can't wait to get started.

  3. I noticed you hadn't posted on your blog yet and figured you was working a little longer than usual. It's the same way when you go into canada, they go through everything on your truck and in your truck. I don't get that either they make you tarp the load before they will accept it but set it off in a mud hole or drag it through the mud to move it. I guess you get a short weekend this week? Never enough home time I always thought, but the bills will always be there. See Ya JOE

  4. Decorate it to your liking and be done. Sounds like they have a pretty nice parade there though. Changing it every year, down here in town they just let anybody and everybody join in. It's really nice seeing a bunch of drunks runnin' around in straight piped jeeps using profane language to hollar at half dressed women all around little kids of course. Our town has wen't to hell in a hand basket, but it would be nice to go to one like the one you attend. I like a change of pace. See Ya Buddy.

  5. A buddy of mine pulls flatbed all the time and he was somewhere a couple of weeks ago when the wind was picking up heavy and when he got the tarp unstraped and climbed on the trailer the wind picked and nearly pulled him off the trailer. Bad weather to be doing this kinda stuff, but the bills don't go away on their own. That sound's like the typical newbie driver passing you like that knowing perfectly well that he's putting his life and others in danger. What I don't get if a JB Hunt truck is goverened to 65 mph "Not sure though" Do they think they have to do the 65 in a 45mph zone? Wide open all the time is what they do and risking our lives and theirs to play stupid. Sorry for ranting a little, but anyway I bet your ready for the parade? I would be too. Good luck in the parade.

  6. That reminds me of when me and dad wen't to georgia once with a load of steel for a truck shop and we found the exit then it said turn right off the exit go down 2 lights etc., but when we turned right we wen't down this little highway with nothing around. Finally got turned around wen't across the interstate and everything started matching the directions, but then noticed again we found ourselves on a 2 lane highway. I got the flashlight out started checking addresses finally found our drop off spot, but it was a house? We checked the address on the mailbox 2 or 3 times and that was it. Turns out we had to take a loaded T-600 kenworth and 48' foot flatbed in this guys back yard, which I might as well mention was not graveled because it had been to wet for dump trucks to get in. It wasn't as bad as your experience other dog, but we had a hell of a time getting in this driveway luckly the trailer tandems were sliders and we slid the fifth wheel up so we could make the turn. We made it in and out fine, but man they put you in some bad spots. When we was hauling that steel the would send you out in the middle of nowhere and tell you to call when you got close to get your directions, which 9 times out of 10 was always wrong. Sorry to go on. See Ya..

  7. Oh believe me they are gonna know what trucks are. I like the Joseph William Paul Van Thomas Scott, just if I could talk my wife into it! Good thinking by the way...lol. The way they jerk their hands around you would think their trying to shift a tri-plex. By the way their names are Parker & Paxton, but I still like your names you have picked out though.

  8. Not at the hospital yet, but very very close. She's had contractions for the last 2 days. They are slow, but getting faster by the day. No artic circle either, to cold for my blood. Been away from the computer for awhile, don't get on it much at home like I used to, just at work. Not been able to do to good here at work either, with the holidays here everybody's bringing wood in from all over the place and bark sales is going crazy also, trying to run scales, clean-up, make check rounds is harder than I thought it would ever be. Don't worry though when the babies get here you guys will get to see the first pictures :thumb:

  9. That's how it always happens.People around here are bad to buy a old beat up tractor and trailer, put farm tags on it and drive it everywhere with no cdl or nothing. They don't get caught, but people like me and you would just start the truck and move a few feet then get busted for sure. I don't see why they need the extra $50.00 besides being greedy, but it should just be switch the title to a single owner and that's it. Just another way to screw the workin' man. I'm sure the meth-monkey's wouldn't have to pay the extra 50.00 though. Have a good one.

  10. Thanks guys. Paul, I figured time would only fly by even more after I got older but man it seems like yesterday we just got married. James, I plan on cherishing every moment with them as much as I can. Back in march I was offered a driving job for Schneider over the road and let it go, because of her being pregnant. I didn't wan't my kids to only remember me on the weekends, like i did my dad. Maybe when they get older I could do something like that, but I don't wanna miss the important things like their first walk, talking and just general time period. Thanks guys for the support, JOE.

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