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Blog Comments posted by NoClueJoe66

  1. Don't feel bad people would give me he!! about that when I had my :mack1: . I think it's jealousy myself. My wife's uncle had a garage and wrecker service and would always say that to me. He didn't like it much when I told him I would pull his little low-pro international wrecker a new a$$-hole with my :mack1: . Was peaceful after that though. I like your title, are you an paul in a little friendly competition?

  2. It's windy here to. Chicken sounds good right about now. Staying busy as usual I see. I know what you mean about big eyes :blink: . I bet your glad to atleast have sunday off, I would be with a work week like that anyway. See ya buddy.
    yeah,she's got some bigguns! she's in a family way too,so her eyes will be getting even more bigger i'm sure :rolleyes:

    :lol: That's freakin' hilarious

  3. Cheez Joe,where did you come up with all this crap? You've got the story all wrong. Bernard (uncle Bernie) Rubble was my great uncle,twice removed. Barney Rubble was his great-great grandfather,who lived in the town of Bedrock.At least that's what my grandfather told me in a bar once.You are at least partially correct though-after Fred Flintstone moved all his family to Flintstone,Maryland (this was after his alleged affair with Betty Rubble,and after Pebbles and Bam-Bam divorced,when tension between the two families was at it's peak) Barney lived the rest of his days in Bedrock,lonely and bitter they say. It was indeed great-great uncle Bernard who finally said "s#@w you guys,i'm going home". That's when he did the finger on the map deal.He actually wanted to move to California,but the map was upside down and he had his eyes closed of course. The rest,as they say,is history.

    I seen it in Google so I automatically assumed it was you...lol...So that's how the virginia Rubbles/Blackwells come to be.

  4. You do like me shave when you get your hair cut. I've been trying to get amber to let me shave my whole face just to see how much I look like parker and paxton, but she don't like that idea. When i first started growing facial hair i would keep it neat and keep my hair neat, but anymore i could care less. I dig the 80's picture. I found my dad's driver license the other day and his hair was down past his shoulders. God rest his soul, but all I could do was get tickled by how much you can change in just a few years.

  5. I second James' comments.

    It's always good to sit down and read through the forums and these blogs.

    Have you noticed that there are only about four of us regularly writing?

    Wonder what's up with that?

    Anyway, have a good week.

    Paul VS

    I've noticed that also paul. How's the b model coming along?

  6. Don't ever get the idea that no one cares, or that no one is interested. While you are out going somewhere, I'm setting at home waiting for you to get back. I enjoy reading about your weekly adventures. The problem with these Blogs is that you don't always have feedback of any kind. Sometimes it will make you feel like you are just talking to yourself. It would probably make you feel better if you could see me sitting here nodding my head and agreeing with you. When you talk about difficult job sites, I can see them in my mind, because I've been there. I love trucks, one of the main things I've liked about trucking is being able to climb into one and make it do what it is supposed to do. When it is easy or when it is hard. Not just anyone can do that. Most wouldn't want to. There is a lot to be said about living right, and doing right, trucking included. When you run up on someone else who who has the same attitude, there's a bond or a kind of fellowship. Be careful this week, I'll be here when you get back. James

    I believe this is the only forum I've seen where people actually care if you make it through the week alive. Most people are out for a argument on these sites, but we are all friends and if we don't respond don't mean we don't care. I'm like james I nod my head laugh or whatever then forget to respond or sometimes get busy and don't have the time. See you fellars in a bit...

  7. Did your wife really let you take him off by yourself? Are you sure she wasn't following in the car? It wont be long, and he will be putting in his request to go with you in the big truck. Have you ever noticed an automobile pulling along side of your cab, with one of those little child seats strapped in place? Well there is that little fellow riding along facing the rear. He's looking straight up, without a care. Until he notices the truck, then his forehead wrinkles up, his eyes get big, and his mouth falls open. Then with a look of astonishment, he will look you right in the eyes, as if to say, damn thats big, and pretty too, can I drive? I need one of those. Have a good week, James

    Yeah we went by ourselves, but she was a little nervous about it. They seem to like big trucks, and pretty much anything that makes noise. I know excatly what you mean about kids loving trucks. My nephew is almost 2 and he laughs if he hears a jake brake and loves anykind of truck period. Glad to hear from ya buddy. Have a good one, JOE

  8. I guess if you look at the picture with the 11% grade sign closest to you-over to the right is the side of the mountain it looked like you were gonna run off the side of. Remember I was coming the opposite direction from here-I would have been meeting myself in the picture-and had never been on this road before. I momentarily lost the road,until I looked out of the passenger side window.I was driving the orange and white Mack seen in my gallery. It had a 300 with a 5 speed,no power steering,and of course no engine brake,and loaded with steel coils. That's why I say the picture doesn't show how steeply the road climbed in that curve,I couldn't even see the curve until I was in it,wondering why there hadn't been a sign or something saying "road ends,right here right now...you're S.O.L."

    Sounds scary man. Is that whole road curvy like that? I'd be scared shi!le$$. That's me though. I see what your saying about the picture with the sign closest to you. I could probably imagine how steep that curve is maybe..

  9. That does remind you of "thelma & louise". Good 'ol rt. 250. The road that reminds me not to take it if I ever start driving truck. Maybe in a car, but not in a truck. Was that coils you were hauling? I figured they would lay them down on the trailer. Anyway, good pictures and good luck on the oil change it's only 38 degrees here.

  10. It like a 350 cummis with a single straight stack, sound of their own.
    now that's what I had on the '79 F-model I drove. Not a "real" Mack I guess,should've been a Brockway,had a 350 Cummins with a 10 speed overdrive. I bought a 5'' straight stack at the Toledo 5 truck stop and put it on there. Sounded great,but H.H. didn't think so.

    I always thought cummins engines done good in macks personally. I'm trying to get my buddy to put straght out's on his cabover, but he likes it quiet. Oh well can't say I didn't try

  11. Cool pictures. Sure wouldn't be a good place to stop and take a nap. Not sure if you ever look at the Natso Trucker News, but they had an article back in the december where the guy that owns the original Movin' On K.W., bought the last season b.j. K.W.. Crazy part was the B.J. truck had been stripped of the motor and trans. and was in very rough shape cool article.
    I picked up one of them little free papers you see all the time at truckstops,and the owners of the movin' on KW were taking it to Pittsburgh power for some work - it originally had a 903 cummins in it,but I think they were changing it to a 444 or something. I'd have kept the 903, I drove one in a '74 co4070A IH and it sounded great.They're probably just going to show it anyway,they wouldn't need 800 horsepower anyway,and for just being cool,a V8 Cummins would be awesome.

    What paper was that in? I'd like to read about that, and I'm with you about the v-8 cummins. I never heard one but always figured they sounded great.

  12. Cool pictures. Sure wouldn't be a good place to stop and take a nap. Not sure if you ever look at the Natso Trucker News, but they had an article back in the december where the guy that owns the original Movin' On K.W., bought the last season b.j. K.W.. Crazy part was the B.J. truck had been stripped of the motor and trans. and was in very rough shape cool article.

  13. I'm off 'til tomorrow.Neal asked me Friday when I called in empty at Orville,when he gave me my pick-up number for IDS and told me I could unload in Roanoke whenever I got there, if I wanted to talk to Todd then about a load for Sunday.I told him no,i'll just call Monday-i'm not really into working 7 days a week.I've got lots of bills to pay like everybody else,but if all you do is work,what's the point? I mean you've got to be off once in a while. I left Saturday when I went to Wisconsin,got back Friday,and left again Sunday and didn't get in 'til Saturday. This right here is my biggest enjoyment of the week.

    I'd be hitting Jeff up for a paid vacation. This site is very enjoyable for me also.

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