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Trucking along, ships [Trucks] passing in the night

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Excerpts From The Way It Used To Be

Coachella, CA circa 1993 During the busy part of the soft fruit season I ended up with both trucks in Los Angeles. These pictures were taken at Rip Griffins truck stop in Coachella.




With the demise of dump trucking, in my area, and the soaring price of scrap metal. I have spent just about all of my available time creating a purpose built Ford F 350 scrap car hauler. I will try to get a couple of pictures posted later.



Spring Fever

It is starting to look a little like spring around here, peach trees and pear trees are in full bloom. I don't know if I really qualify for spring fever, or if I have just got a case of the mullygrubs. It just seems that when I have time to do something, it is raining, snowing, too muddy, or it's below freezing and the wind is blowing 50 mph. I did manage to get out with some friends a week ago, and get up to Marble NC, to pick up the dump body. I had bought the thing 6 months ago, but ther



Lemon Pie

What is this? This looks like scrambled eggs. I don't even like scrambled eggs. This odyssey had began late Wednesday afternoon. I had picked up a frozen load for export in Atlanta. A Pompano, Miami split, with a Thursday am delivery was the usual drill. Both stops had come off without problems. At about 2:30 pm, I was on my way to Homestead. Usually by this time of day produce of all descriptions had began to make its way from the fields to the packing sheds. Availability of product to fi



Trucking Up

The truck speed limit in California is 55. That is not much for such a wide open area as I-40 between Barstow and the Arizona state line. But thats where I was, in the right lane, headed east. I had just passed the east bound rest area, which is at about the 22 mm, when an owner operator pulling a set of pups blew by. Come on big truck, she said I need to get this thing to Memphis. I can't do that I said. I always ran the speed limit until I got past Ludlow. CHP had a refueling stop at Ludlow



A Tribute To Bill Kiker

West bound I-20, pretty close to the center of nowhere. If you could say you were sitting on the edge of a truck seat, thats where I was. Cringing with every breath. A 100 miles from a wrecker big enough to handle a rig, and a transmission that sounded like a hog eating hickory nuts. I had just passed a road sign, Toyah 12 miles, and I knew I could at least find food and water and get out of the highway. The transmission was ruined, so I kept tickling the throttle, just enough fuel to keep it



Unexpected Guests

Sierra Blanca Texas, I had pulled off the interstate onto a graveled area beside the highway. I had arrived here about 4:30 AM, and passed out. Now, something had startled me awake. I thought I had felt the truck shake. Did someone open the trailer door? What time is it anyway? As I sat up and parted the curtains, I could see the hood of my truck standing straight up. What's going on? Well, it didn't take long to get my jeans on. As I slid through the drivers seat, on my way out the door, I



Welcome To "not Yo Mama's"

" Lots of folks stop at truck stops, they just naturally think they should. Cause they figure any place that a truck driver eats, well the foods just got to be good." Thats the way the song goes, but the reality is, if you're driving a truck, and you want to stop and eat. You have to find a place where you can park the truck. One of my all time favorites, was located off the main highway, in Goodyear Arizona. "Not Yo Mama's Down Home Southern Style Mexican Restaurant", Was owned and operat



Check Up

Alright James, what seems to be your problem? What problem? I don't have a problem. I just thought I might need a check up. Why? Well, I can barely hold out to work 14 to 16 hours a day, my knees hurt like they are on fire, so do my elbows as a matter of fact. And crawling around in the dirt under a truck just isn't to appealing anymore. Alright, how old are you James? I am 16 you Moron, you should know by now, you ask me the same thing every time. OK, OK, how long have you been 16? Well let'



A True Story

Do you know the difference in a fairy tale, and a truck driver story? Well, a fairy tale starts with "Once upon a time" and a truck driver story starts with " You ain't gonna believe this s---. The line I like the best, I borrowed from my friends from Louisiana's bayou country. "Now this is a true story." Stories, to follow, James



Going To California

Joey Spencer, was just a young fellow when I first met him. He had a young family also. If my memory serves me right, there were two or three little girls along with a boy who was about three and a half, at the time. Every time Joey would start getting ready to leave on his run. That little fellow would say " Mama, I'm going to California with Daddy this time." Then every time, Joey would have to get him up into the truck and hold him. After talking to him for a while, joey would pass him off



A Stranger, Is Just A Friend You Have Not Met

I-10 east bound, somewhere around Wilcox AZ. Bring it back over Charlie Marion, said the driver I had just passed. Thanks, I replied. Hey, he exclaimed, your the guy who passed me coming up the hill out of Indio yesterday. I'm sorry I said, I apologize. Yeah, you passed every truck on the hill. Well, I said, I just couldn't help it. Who have we got up there? Call me Bollweevil I said , I'm just a looking for a home. Who am I talking to? You've got the Whirley Bird back here. Well, Whirley



Culture Shock, Just A Small Case

Aguilar Colorado, just a small place, small fuel stop, small cafe. I sat in a rear booth nursing a cup of coffee, along with a bad case of the Mullygrubs. What's Mullygrubs? Well, it's a state of mind, kind of like the" Can't Hepit's" mixed with the " Don"t Lakit's". I had left Denver earlier in the day, empty again, and was dreading the prospect of having to clear the NM, port of entry. I still haven't forgotten the Alamo. The self important attitude of the port officers, coupled with the



Sometimes You Can Say A Lot, By Not Saying Anything

Late one night, on my very first trip to Reno. I was headed N. on 95 about midway between Vegas and Reno. Traffic was light and mostly trucks. In the distance, I could see a lit up area and as I approached I saw a marquee, advertising somebody's Bunny Ranch. Being the country boy that I am, and a little slow as well, I thought to myself, this isn't much of a place to have a rabbit farm. As I drove past, a womans voice broke in over the CB. " you drivers stop in for a free cup of coffee". Huh,



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