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Almost 9 Months Since My Last Blog....

Well I was lookin and I was almost at the bottom of the blog list. Anyway lets look back into the last 9 months the boys are older, More bills have been paid, I have my CDL now, All this carrying sheetrock, shingles, doors and windows has made me feel a little better strength wise compared to workin security.......Other than that not much has went on. This week I got a noise violation ticket cause of one of the trucks at work. Were stayin busy though, especially with lowes just right up the stre




Alright James, Where are you hiding?? There can't be that much scrap in Ga. I realize you just read and reply every now and again, but c'mon buddy. Just wondering about ya. Been a decent week for me anyway,Since I'm updating my blog, Me and Kevin took some sheetrock up to a cabin yesterday, which all it had was a little dirt road to go up. We spun out on the second switch back and almost took it off a embankment. When the truck spun out, kevin said "Hang on Duffy", I replied "I'm one step ahead



Bad Week, Good Week All Into One

Well it all started last week, saturday as a mater of fact. Waited for otherdog to tell me when he got his package I sent to him, "It was gonna be a surprise, but got ruined" I had to break the news to him sunday. Anyway, I believe it arrived wednesday, a WEEK after it was sent. Usually takes 3 days for me and him to send stuff to each other. Talked to Jobyna to check to see if it was delivered. You talk about a nice person to talk to..."The way I mean that is she don't know me and still treated



Time To Update?

Well I was over on the diesel gypsy's site looking aroun and figured I would update my blog a little. It's 11:55 pm and the boys turn 8 months old in 5 minutes. It's going to quick for me, They both have 3 teeth and they are both crawling. Very fun it is, anyway I about lost my job this week over a big misunderstanding. When I got hired i was supposed to make my f endorsement "Which means for hire" on my license. I took 2 loads out on tuesday and when I got back they said I had till friday to ma



My Own Little "week In Review"

Well I was gonna start a new blog thursday, but was tired after work. Was pretty the first 2 days this week and busy then it started raining wednesday morning. Tempertures started dropping stayed in the high 50s and low 60's. Thursday was an interesting day had to stay over for a while to unload a truck with osb board, I helped the driver unstrap and untarp, then used the forklift to haul his tarps and straps to the other side, What can I say I'm a friend of the american trucker. They was gonna



New Job

Well I started a new job this week. After getting layed off at the plastics factory, I got called for an interview tuesday and started wednesday. It's for a lumber yard here in town, making deliveries and helping customers. Only bad part is I have to work till 6:00 in the evening, but it's a job that pays the bills. Mowed the grass today which was way overdue, and gonna try and get my old ford back to runnin' this week. I kinda feel like Johnny Cash, "I get it one piece at a time". We'll time to



Junk Hauling Business

Well That's what I done yesterday, and man I wish I had more to haul off. Anyway I just talked to Othedog earlier and he was talking about seeing all kinds of trucks haulin decent vehicles off just for the quick buck, I seen a 2002 or 2003 model ford focus wrecked, but in repairable condition though at the scrap yard a 70's model transtar 2 cab down there in very good shape. It's crazy what people are doing nowadays, but as high as gas and everything else is i don't blame them. Amber and the boy



Work! Work! Work!

Well I guess eveyone knows I finally found a job which is pretty easy except for standing on your feet for 12 hours solid. Other than that the job is actually great, people are nice and ready to help at any time needed. Amber's brother work's the same shift so if we work together we cut up alot. You can listen to your own music eat anytime, and it's fast paced work at times. I've never liked a factory job except for this one. The only reason i'm still up is I have nowhere to sleep in the bed Amb



Easter And A Few Pics Of My Own

Sorry otherdog not trying to be like you, but just posting a few of my pics. The boys went and had their easter pictures made yesterday. I told Amber that the real easter bunny is on tour with Snoop Dogg, unlike Santa Clause which is a Colombian drug lord.....anyway here are a few pctures I've been meaning to post. One of them is of the boys, the other ones are the kenworth t-600 my dad drove and the '84 GMC Brigadier my buddy has. The T-600 had a 425 manual pump caterpillar, 13 over trans., and



Somewhat Progressive Day

Well the snow finally melted today which was nice, we went to town to grocery store since it had warmed up a little. After we got back I went to clean up the garage, but that was short lived. My poor ol grinder had the big lick when I was using it to cut the top off of a 50 gallon drum I was going to use for trash collecting. After that incident I moved stuff around trying to make everything neater, but everything in front of me ended up piled up or stacked up behind me. After a couple of hours



Beauiful Day

Almost 70 degrees today in knoxville and just to think we had snow wednesday and thursday. I didn't go to harlan county today instead we wen't to knoxville to take amber's pregnant aunt to a baby consingment sale. If you don't know what that is it's a big sale of all kinds of baby items. i tried to stay home, but they wouldn't take the suburbabn by thereselves, they claim i's to big!!! On the way we stopped by the county jail to see amber's uncle, everyone was inside except for me and parker "we



What A Month!

Well the mont is almost over and I hae to say it's been a weird one. I know that I've not been on here much lately, but hopefully that'll change soon. Some of you guys know that i lost my job, and I've been searching high and low with no luck yet. I think I might have found one runnin' a dozer in the woods, but it's been awhile since I've run dozer so we'll see. Finally got some snow last night and that's why I'm not out job hunting today, because of the slick roads. Parker and Paxton are doing



The Virginia Rubbles

Not sure if anyone knows it or not but, otherdog goes by the name "Thomas Blackwell" I found out after extensive research his birth name was Bernard Rubble!!! His son Bam-Bam married Pebbles Flintsone for awhile had enough kids to start a small country with then divorced in the early 70's. Barney's wife was cheating on him while he was out of town driving truck with Fred Flintstone. After Barney found out he decided him and Bam-Bam should move away from Pa. and start a new life somewhere differe




Has anybody heard from him? I was gonna call and check on him, but I run off and left my cell phone at home. He's usually online by now.



A Day With Paxton.

And what a nice one it was. Me and him went to wal-mart friday to do a little grocery shopping and he seemed to enjoy himself. He had never rode in the pickup before and acted like he was excitied taking in all the noises the truck made. We got all our shopping done after all the women was going crazy over him smiling and kackling... until we got to the checkout and man he let me have it big time crying and fussing. I ended up having to hold him in one arm and put all the groceries up with the o




What's the deal with people anymore, they wouldn't realize a decent movie if it hit them in the face. I've been watching some older movies the last few days and I come across Porky's. My dad loved this movie even though it's a little perverted, but you wouldn't believe the people that hasn't even seen this movie. Convoy is another one half the people I know haven't even heard of this movie much less watched it. I grew up watching movies like this, but with people today if it don't have the best



Finally Some Snow!

I was starting to wonder when we was gonna get some snow, then bam here it is. It snowed probably 2 or 3 inches here and layed pretty nice. Only problem was my water froze up, and the reason being we had to work on the well this summer and forgot to wrap everything up. Other than that it was fine. Parker and Paxton got to see their first snow, which I guess is just another thing to them, but alot to me and Amber. Finally gonna get to retire my Toyota pickup for awhile, got a '91 nissan pickup to



Crazy Christmas

We'll as the title says it was a crazy christmas. Parker had to have emergency surgery christmas morning, so we had a short lived christmas so to speak. It started on thursday when he started throwing up. We thought he had just got a little virus or something, but it turned into a very bad next few days. We had him at the clinic and they said it was acid reflux, then the hospital said it was a small virus. We took him for a third time to the hospital on christmas eve and I demanded something don



Dad For 3 Weeks

That's right I've been a dad for 3 weeks today and lovin every minute of it. Other than a few sleepless nights and belly aches everything has been going great. We was pretty sad for the first couple of days because we found out paxton's left hip did not set up the right way. They told us if it didn't get better they would have to dislocate it then reset it. Man you talk about upset the only thing I could do was worry and cry. Good news though it won't have to be done, they had a follow up appoin



They're Here!

We'll guys they are both here safe and sound. They was born sunday evening. One was 5 pounds 11 ounces, the other was 5 pounds 2 ounces. Both are eating like little pigs and doing great. I ws wondering can some one send me their e-mail address so I can mail you the pictures to be posted up. I'm slow at learning this stuff and this computer is too slow for me to wait. Thanks JOE



Spoke To Soon

Well I just got off the phone with my wife and they are fixing to transport her by ambulance to the hospital to monitor her. She's at the small in town hospital, but they want her over at Fort Sanders Medical center where she see's the specialist. I'm patiently, but nervously waiting for another gaurd to get here to relieve me. If you guys don't hear anything for a day or 2 it's because we are over there and there's limited internet access. Just keeping everyone updated and will continue when I



Very Soon

Well I'm setting here patiently waiting for the phone call from my wife saying it's time we gotta go and man my heart beats fast everytime I think about that. As I mentioned to other dog she's having contractions they are slow, but picking up a little at a time. We are both so anxious we can't sleep at night, but I'm sure that will wear off soon enough. Me and the misses have already picked out all kinds of stuff from the mack shop catalog for the boys so they will be riding in style. Just want



Any Day Now

Well the doctor told us thursday that she's ready to go any minute. Meaning if she shows any kind of complication or anything they are gonna take them. So here we are setting around waiting just thinking about all the times we were alone at home nobody else to talk to, thinking any minute we could be runnin' to the hospital and coming home with 2 babies. We are definetly ready now, we have the car gassed up and packed ready to go at anytime, only thing I gotta do is put the car seats in and that



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