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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by blackdog2

  1. I had 3-starters in one week in U-Models go bad on a 26 tractor fleet my buddy Chris B. help me out he did 2 .
  2. President of Rogers Bros sent this to me the trailer is a 65-ton .
  3. Thats a common" dezease" in America we had one here at a local ready-mix company he was picking up checks sending out re-dispatch hes the operation manager so who watching him ? .
  4. Broke the head of a bolt on rear rear pulling a hill with a 4 in drop under construction hit the brake shaft slid out .
  5. It dose not hurt easy on everything and less antifreeze leaks better than either and staters and you get heat right away .
  6. THERE was a trailer builder the next town over was KENS TRAILERS in Kensington ct
  7. MY grandfather had few back in the day but my father went to WW-2 in 1938 to teach people how to operate /fly b-52 b-17 bombers came home they were stiff butt a nocker loose up and runin
  8. Waterbury Conn. girl 16 shot 3-times boyfriend 27 crash car through pole and catches fire story gets better it was her brother in-law which he has 2-kids with her sister.
  9. It wasn't sheeny back then but after few $$$$$ it better now..
  10. I found an original picture back when ?...it looks better now.
  11. Talk to Chris b. when he bought it was started resto motor had bad vibration Matt Phall tuned the connecting rods around runs good know .
  12. IT all comes from the same Cannery but Mack used Amoco oil but Gulf was a popular lubricant with a lot of trucking and construction company's and heat treating for Quenching .
  13. For sale on craigs list v-8 hudson ny
  14. Seen a few times good music David from the Partridge family has short time in a coma several days .
  15. Hartford CONN . lady gets her car stolen husband finds out 2 hours finds car shoots the thief in the face police find out later hes lookin for medical attention armrest him and find out more warrants in other city s hopefully he ll see the scar in the mirror in the grey bar motel with BUBBA in tow .
  16. Our state run nut house just fired twenty something workers and arrested five for abuse and sexual assault again the clients for years but they moved white line over for cyclist on all state roads $$$$$$$$ ? grind and repaint somebody got their pocket lined
  17. We had a young guy in the last several months ago jump off the Portland Bridge with his infant son he lived the 100 + ft fall but the child didn't . Hartford \ state court system needs to get better persecutors they just caught a guy for breaking and entry found ought hes been arrested 130 times before at 56 years old and how many did he get away with ? .
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