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Sometimes you need to drive long ways to see a Mack truck

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Thanks for all the comments, folks! I don't answer each one personally to save time. Will do for some later since that makes sence. 

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Honestly entering the country I was expecting seeing Macks all over the streets from left to right. To my surprize and slight disappointment I saw neither of them for no less than 70-80km. The most of traffic were 90's years European trucks along with modern China marks and a few mastadonts made by Volvo and Scania in 70's and 80's. Also a very common truck is Mercedes-Benz semi-conventional which was produced in 60's in Germany. To my surprize I learned that model is in production in Iran till now! They simplified the cab a little and successfully use 60yo design which can be seen everywhere and do its job. Something to think about a little, right? 

The same story with cars. 50% of them running down the road are French Peugeot 605 which came into production about 1995 year. As I understood Iranians produce it till now with some minimal mods and people buy them and use. Do we really need a new model of a car/truck every 5 or 7 years? I'm not sure on that. 




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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Ok, MB was a good deal but I didn't order all that music for them. 

Finally passed over a heavy tanker pulled by an R-model. Since I was hungry for any Mack I than drove a few km, found a spot where I could take a pic and shot the 1st bird. Not a really artificial road train but it was what it was. 

Driving further I noted an R-model parked in a side street near the main highway. I U-turned, went by, saw the driver tinkering with something under the hood and asked for taking photo's. Also showed him pics of my Macks in the phone and our conversation went fine! 




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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Also note heavy rears and 12.00R24 tube tyres. As I found out later, the most every truck in that country rides on that type of tires! 

And when I asked the driver of why so few Macks were seen in the streets the answer was "You should go to Tabriz"😀😀

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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It's also worth mentioning that German person I met there. It was his 2nd visit to Iran, also with a motorbike. And his further plan was to go to Afghanistan. To my really big surprize he stated that that's almost safe there, the Taliban put all the things in order and foreign tourists may feel safe in the country. He supported his statement by an interweb post of some French motorcyclist who rode there just two weeks before the date. On my mind that info requies a triple check but definitely worth interest. 

The general plan of the German  was to pass Afghanistan, than enter Tajikistan (former USSR member), than from there to Kazakhstan (also former USSR), from there to Russia, and from Russia to Poland and back home to Nurnburg, Germany. I keep in contact with him so hope to learn the turn out. 

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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5 hours ago, 70mackMB said:

Vlad, lll slip one in here for you before other dog can. lol    .....Hippy

Two ladies in a car | vintage ladies | Flickr

Wow! That's cool, Hippy! 

Now I don't need any excuses😀

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Thank you for continuing the story @Vladislav!

Have you heard if all of the orange F Models came from or are currently in the same fleet?  

Looking forward to hearing the next chapter in your adventure!

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Extremely interesting trip I would guess. I'm curious if you speak Farsi. How are you able to get around in these seemingly rural areas of Iran without knowing their language?

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Once again, thanks for your interest, guys. 

Now is the time to answer some of your questions. I will do that as responses to posts put up earlier.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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On 5/25/2024 at 12:01 AM, Brocky said:

Vlad, Thank you much for including us Americans on your trips. It is countryside we will NEVER see ourselves. All these pictures are greatly appreciated..


NEVER is not almost correct term in this case. As I said Iranian guy helped me importing my bike. That same guy told that he provided full spectrum of touristic services regarding Iran. Including arrangement of visa's. So I asked him if a US citizen might visit Iran? The answer was "Yes. But the person must have a guide (a kind of a convoy) during his trip. That guide is provided by Iranian officials and his service must be payed by the visitor. Including daily fee, stay in hotels and others". I asked of how expensive such  deal could be. He didn't say the exact figure. But put an example of a British motorbiker who made a trip over Iran a few weeks ago. He had been in the country for two weeks, respectively rode some good amount of hundreds km. The guide followed him in a car all the way, stayed in hotels for nights. All in all that cost nearly $8K for the traveller. To my question of who needed the guidance the answer was the citizens of GB, US and Canada. 

Nothing of advertizement in this info and sure nothing of personal interest. It was just a case I could achive info from the first hands knowing it might be of use to some one. 

And I definitly am way far from putting recomendations on to travel to Iran or do not to. Just learned in a theory that could be done. 

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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On 5/24/2024 at 8:04 PM, JoeH said:

Interesting air filter pipes on the R model, I knew the rear cab corners were different on Iranian R's but hadn't noticed the different filter housing ductwork.

Yup, those air filters are of oil bath style. I once saw an ad on a certain Iranian site offering such ones new for sale. Don't know if they were made locally (the most probably) or that's some older style American part. 

Seems Iranian install those filters on trucks which originally had dry element canisters too. 

Speaking the cab that's not rear corners only. But a complete cab including floor, firewall, windscreens of different shape and the roof. And there were multiple styles of local cabs. I will mention them in further posts. 

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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