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Waterpump? or radiator?


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Hello group. I need some help on my'95 mack r model. E-7 300horse. It was running hot so I replaced the t-stat and did a flush. Test run with t-stat out and still runs hot but only at hwy speed. Putting around the city it runs normal temp. Is it possible that the waterpump isn't doing its job? What would be most suspect?  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


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Is your radiator, and air cooler plugged with bugs? It doesn't take much crap stuck in them to make them run hot. My CH had paint flaking off the charge air cooler in every opening that would seriously restrict airflow.

Thumbs up on that one, dogg rescue. When I worked in truck shops we found a lot of radiators plugged on the air side. If that's not it, how does the inside of the radiator look? Was the old coolant nasty? If that's okay, the water pump could be the culprit.

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Hey there, so I have a 1998 r model and it ran hot at highway speed and pulling an empty Trailer.  Loaded forget it.  I took the radiator in after I flushed it and it didn't solve the problem and the radiator Shop said it self destructed from the inside although the outside was perfect.  Put a new radiator on and it never ran better.  I had also replaced the t stat and I figured not the water pump bc it was a remack only a year old.  Maybe check that radiator out.  Good luck man 

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