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What the hell is wrong with people?


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Was listening to the national news today,and heard a story about a neighboring town about 3 miles from where i grew up,seems some nuts are upset about a banner hannging over a public street that says "Put christ back in christmas" the article says that aithiests, gays,jews and wiccans (whatever the hell they are) are all gravely offended by the public display of a "religious" banner,and are fighting to have it taken down A.S.A.P! born and raised in South Jersey,and a allways thought people around there were pretty level-headed for the most part,would someone please explain to me what DOES'NT offend people these days?............Mark


Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Was listening to the national news today,and heard a story about a neighboring town about 3 miles from where i grew up,seems some nuts are upset about a banner hannging over a public street that says "Put christ back in christmas" the article says that aithiests, gays,jews and wiccans (whatever the hell they are) are all gravely offended by the public display of a "religious" banner,and are fighting to have it taken down A.S.A.P! born and raised in South Jersey,and a allways thought people around there were pretty level-headed for the most part,would someone please explain to me what DOES'NT offend people these days?............Mark


It all started when they were given an inch.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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People have forgotten that Christ loves all of us, even those that hate him, and that the devil doesn't love anyone, he just divides.

Railing against that banner is like sending back a happy birthday card because you want to deny what day it is - it doesn't change the truth of the matter that you are a year older.

- my two cents

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Some years ago some unknown person/persons would decorate a cedar tree in the median on I-64 just west of Richmond every year. I saw it many times, it was just east of the rest area between the Gum Spring and Rockville exits. One a-hole complained and whenever it was decorated the state would send a crew out to "undecorate" it...and what did it hurt? Not a thing.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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We have a bunch of people the media around here call the "Christmas Tree Bandits" that decorate several trees on US 54 between I-70 and Jefferson CIty, Mo. Last year one of your same A-holes cut some of them down and threw them in the ditch. If that dude put that much effort into something postive, he would find life a lot smoother. I was glad to see this year, the "bandits" took some decorated trees and planted them in the same spot.

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You're exactly right Rob and I'm sick of hearing 'em whine about everything. Don't have to like everything, just shut the f#*& up! Trey P.S. Merry CHRISTMAS!

Thats kinda the reason i posted that, i'm so damn sick and tired of hearing people bitching about EVERYTHING! it just aint funny! i think if some of these complainers would just go out and get a job,or at least contribute something useful to the world, maybe then they would'nt have so much free time on their hands to ruin things for the rest of us! Gotta walk on eggshells anymore for fear of offending some ethnicity,religious,or anti-american group of some kind,i got news for these people,planes,trains,and ships leave the U.S. outbound everyday! personally,i'd be willing to sponsor anyone wanting to relocate to the country of their choice if they feel things are too bad here!..................................Mark
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Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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well its nice to see towns like butte montana,,and marcing idaho,,,both have a beautiful nativity scenes,,and butte has a huge cross at the top of a mountain,,that you can see for miles,,,they say 84 percent believe in god,,,whats the problem?????? (GOD BLESS AMERICA,,AND ALL AMERICANS)over????..and yes i am also sick to death of these whining little bitches getting thier way...seems these days,,if your a minority,,or a faggot,,or any other misfit...everthing go,s your way,,,but oh boy if your a regular working class american...nothing for us,,,we gotta get at the end of the line...and prey to keep our jobs,,,no special privelidges at all...nowadays they dont even have the class to allow the baby jesus in the manger,,,because the need to kiss the athiast asses first...dont worry about my feelings,,,that might make sence,,,ok im done venting,,,who woulda thought 30 years ago,,we would have to kick n scream,,to get everyday priveliges we always had given back to us,,,guess its just something that went away with time,,,should quit crying on on vacation starting now..for 10 days...woohoo...seeya bob

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well its nice to see towns like butte montana,,and marcing idaho,,,both have a beautiful nativity scenes,,and butte has a huge cross at the top of a mountain,,that you can see for miles,,,they say 84 percent believe in god,,,whats the problem?????? (GOD BLESS AMERICA,,AND ALL AMERICANS)over????..and yes i am also sick to death of these whining little bitches getting thier way...seems these days,,if your a minority,,or a faggot,,or any other misfit...everthing go,s your way,,,but oh boy if your a regular working class american...nothing for us,,,we gotta get at the end of the line...and prey to keep our jobs,,,no special privelidges at all...nowadays they dont even have the class to allow the baby jesus in the manger,,,because the need to kiss the athiast asses first...dont worry about my feelings,,,that might make sence,,,ok im done venting,,,who woulda thought 30 years ago,,we would have to kick n scream,,to get everyday priveliges we always had given back to us,,,guess its just something that went away with time,,,should quit crying on on vacation starting now..for 10 days...woohoo...seeya bob

I used to think that when I won the lottery i'd move next door to Rob just to annoy him, but it's so pretty out there around Butte I might just move there instead. Beautiful country.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Wouldn't annoy me at all. In fact be glad to have you. I'd finally be able to break that Peterbilt loving attitude on short order with various incendiary, and explosive devices in close proximity to such inanimate by nature objects.

There is a soon to be vacant piece of property right next store should I find another acceptable neighbor. When you win the lottery let me know. I'll help you out.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Wouldn't annoy me at all. In fact be glad to have you. I'd finally be able to break that Peterbilt loving attitude on short order with various incendiary, and explosive devices in close proximity to such inanimate by nature objects.

There is a soon to be vacant piece of property right next store should I find another acceptable neighbor. When you win the lottery let me know. I'll help you out.


OK, I'll let you know. First thing I need to do is buy a lottery ticket.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Wouldn't annoy me at all. In fact be glad to have you. I'd finally be able to break that Peterbilt loving attitude on short order with various incendiary, and explosive devices in close proximity to such inanimate by nature objects.

There is a soon to be vacant piece of property right next store should I find another acceptable neighbor. When you win the lottery let me know. I'll help you out.


What happened to the idea of you moving down this way? Missouri has sweeter air, and more honest politicians (if there is such a thing)

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What happened to the idea of you moving down this way? Missouri has sweeter air, and more honest politicians (if there is such a thing)
Still an option David. I have 2.5 years till I reach minimum retirement age for the govt. pension I've earned. There is nothing available in the Columbia area fitting my specialty/stupidity I've found yet. Rob

Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I used to think that when I won the lottery i'd move next door to Rob just to annoy him, but it's so pretty out there around Butte I might just move there instead. Beautiful country.

Tom,just let me know when you're ready,just so happens i know a guy thats pretty handy with a moving van! maybe i'll move in across the street,do like Johnny Cash (one piece at a time) i'm almost positive Rob would'nt miss one little RL-series iffn it was removed over time ,an i got a pretty big lunchbox!.............................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Hell I am Jewish and it doesn't offend me. We celebrate both. My dad converted to marry my mom. Now that being said I am not religous towards anything and I do have a ball with holy rollers.

I was a Holy Roller in high school. Somebody would show up with a "lid" and I'd say "Holy Shit, Let's Roll One"!!

That might splain where better than half my active brain cells went.


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Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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