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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. getting tractor unstuck.wmv
  2. I am sueing you for false hopes!
  3. for every stroke of the piston when starting you need a little squirt of ether, dont you guys know anything?
  4. sounds like that would make an awesome truck with the updates you spoke of. I have seen some of the 4x4 clubs have been buying duece and a halfs and cutting the rear axle off and shortening the frame which leaves them with a hell for stout pickup.
  5. Thats a really cool picture Mark! Is that dump truck 6 wheel drive (all 3 axles powered)?
  6. your google powers seem to be strengthening. LOL I am at a loss for words.
  7. In second or third grade my best friend at the time was a girl that lived near me. At recess at school one day every body was wrestling and rough housing in the school yard. We were all claming to be the toughest, strongest, bestest playground wrastlers when my friend Tiffany came over to the group of us. She said her mom showed her how she can stop any boy. Us being friends made me the guinea pig for her presentation. She faced me and grabbed me firmly by the shoulders, jerked me toward her and shoved her knee so far into my groin I thought I would never recover. I got to spend the remainder of the day laying down in the nurses office because I was in agony and woozy.
  8. Wow, I knew that you wish you were dead when anything happens to your junk but to do from it?! who'd thunk it?
  9. First off just before town (about 2 or 3 miles) the road was closed down to one lane while the crews prepped for some demolition of Black Butte so I would quit sloughing off and blocking the road. Crazy guy on some steep realestate with an excavator. Then some of the clean up equipment. D8L dozer and a 988B payloader. Sorry moving + rain= some blurry pics then some pics of a cool used equipment/salvage yard On the far left of this pic there is a really cool looking old truck.
  10. This is what my grandfather explained to me as a ""Wonder" which according to his definition was "a woman who could throw her right tit over her left shoulder and squirt milk in her ass". I am still trying to put it all together but keep getting lost in the morbid details provided by him.
  11. Also known as a 50 yarder, looks good at 50 yards and things go down from there the closer you get.
  12. IF she is a butter face Vinny there is a saying that you will learn in college and it holds true, "Beautiness is only a light switch away".
  13. I dont know but I am working on a government grant so I can study her and find out.
  14. the lawyers wont even have to twist it all they have to say it a truck was involved and that makes you guilty even though professional drivers have way more experience and training than you average joe. My dad's log truck was turning left on a 5 lane highway (with the Green left turn only signal on) and a lady driving in wasnt paying attention in the far right lane (her far right, oncoming to the truck) and she blew thru a red light and tboned the rear driver and tag axle that sets behind it in FRONT OF A HIGHWAY PATROLMAN and she gets cited for wreckless driving or something to that nature and has to fix the truck that she damaged. 2 years later she sues my dad and his insurance company for some trumped up medical condition that SHE CAUSED by wrecking and the insurance company settled with her because they told my dad that its cheaper that way since judges will let things like this drag on so long (even if they win) that its cheaper to just settle. :icon_bs:
  15. maybe its the way the pic is angled but I think it looks way bigger than my dad's 6 looks on a lowboy. Cool pic anyhow.
  16. I would guess it to be comparable to an D8 or a D9, thats a monster of a dozer.
  17. what are these pierogies (how ever you spell it, yes olive I was too lazy to spell check)?
  18. Thats funny, we had a local yocal that decided to light a fire at his grandfathers farm and called the volunteer fire department that he was a part of and like in your story he was going to be the hero. One little problem was he had to explain why he was already at the fire with his turnouts on in his station wagon before any fire trucks showed up. I guess moral of the story is they grow stupid everywhere.
  19. I agree with you man. I run into a lot of people that are in their mid 50's to early 60's who tell me that socialized medical care is the best thing that has ever happened. I promptly responded with two thoughts. 1) why in the &%$* should I pay for your medical 2) its not as great as you think it will be, if it was then why are there ads run everyday on local MT USA radio stations that basically say When sally got hurt she went to the hospital, they couldnt operate on her back for at least another year, thats when she called benefis and they got her in within the month blah blah blah. You get the point, everyone with a hangnail in Canada goes to the hospital since its free (stories like this have been told to me numerous times by canadian truck drivers that I deal with on a regular basis) and plugs up the system. Not only that but now many of Canada's best doctors and nurses are coming to the US to work since they dont make much money on the government flat rate (again heard this from Canadian truckers). So you can see how socialize government run anything WILL NOT WORK since it takes away any incentive to do the job. God why couldnt I have been born in the 1840's?? I could just do my job, make my life what I want it to be based on my ambition and skills and die a happy camper.
  20. I like that last line, "...Life is too short to drive a sluggish truck." I agree.
  21. Thought this pic was funny, reminded me of all the funnies that a certain Uncle on this forum is always telling us about when in between working on super top secret stuff and calling lady folk the bad word for fun in the afternoons.
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