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lucerne tractor

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by lucerne tractor

  1. Thats not all of it but enough to bring tears to my eyes, once Buck Wheat does a song, it's eternally his!!! Didn't know it was Betty Davis Eyes till now.
  2. The Schneider terminal got hammered. Can't imagine a 53' box what looked like 700' in the air, maybe more.
  3. I've looked everywhere before, it's not to be found. It had an anouncer like Buckwheat had done an album of all the classics and had the words under the song. One song they didn't even know what he was singing so they put ????????
  4. I was hoping someone would post a link after oliveroad wrote it out. I knew just what he was saying as soon as I started reading. Anyone got Buckweat sings all your favorites? Unce, tice twea tines a wadee, we all remember this one, wookin per nub in all da wong paces, wookin pun nub
  5. My faith in mankind has been renewed!!! Sounds good Vinnie, nice truck, you should be proud of her. You did it
  6. Just checking in to see the two new video's WHAT, NOT YET? Man this is OK got to go licence the trailer and do some stuff, maybe by then he'll find the password (umodel). Mean while I'll be waiting and waiting and
  7. I like the two pipes on one side
  8. Caught that earlier on line, the wrecker driver jumped out, the poor guy in the tractor rode it out to the bottom and wasn't really hurt, amazing.
  9. Molasses running up hill on a cold winter day, you ever get that feelin"?
  10. And the saga goes on, stay tuned for next weeks episode, where a third video is promised and uncle rob is found deep in the forest,in his speedo, screaming U, U, U, U, promised!!!!!!
  11. It's the BIG one Elizibeth, I'm comin' to see yah!!! Haven't seen one, lost sleep for two, count em two full weeks, now the promise of another, the antisipation has done me in I feel th...e big............o..n..e comi....g on....................................thud
  12. Gross near 100k in a Freightliner fldsd, 46 rears 12 front. Load after load. I know one load was way over 100k, I thought my brakes were still on. Lucky it was only going about 3 miles through town.
  13. I think http://www.iowa80.com/ has some, and try http://berubes.com/ nice pdf book, I have bought from Iowa 80, fast fair shipping.
  14. Yeah,if Bush had only four more years to work his magic, everything would be so much different today.
  15. I just showed it to my kids, one is close to licence time, one right behind her. Just a reminder how anything can happen at any moment, so be careful and don't do anything stupid. Two minutes late is better then never again.
  16. That is a beautiful thing, I was hungry the second I saw it and I just eat. Now I have to barbecue something tomorrow.
  17. Next week!!! ????? Alot of us are along in years, if the antisipation doesn't kill us the time will!!!
  18. Doesn't bother me but if the subject keeps popping up in the first row of subject, I get tired of that. It should stay at the bottom of the page were politics belong. I love trucks and trucking. I really don't care what anyone thinks about politics or religion or the Kardasians. I would like to click on bmt and see in the top list of subjects, only truck subjects. Life is full of agrivations as it is, to come home and have it thrown in your face when you come here to relax and enjoy pictures, stories, help subject, I really don't want to see that crap. MSN Yahoo has it all, but they don't have trucks, and the laughs. Thats why I come here.
  19. I might take the kids to Coles Transportation Musium this week end, if they allow, I'll nget some pics of the old stuff, speaking of pics, isn't Vinney, oh never mind, someone needs to send the boy some batteries. Thats back when trucks were coming into the modern ages, still some rough riding, under powered noisy trucks. And we complain today. Imagine driving some of those day in day out on the roads they had, and what about the generation before them. No interstates.
  20. Now thats a heavy haul motor. I want one. What would hold up behind it for a trans? Probably would torque wear the tires right off the truck.
  21. From the album: 1969 R611T and stuff

    8- 315 22.5 Michelins, $9,000.00 in tires. I think they are 20 ply.I bet they won't be replaced with the same. Maybe 12 22.5's anyone got a set of 16 ply 24.5 rims and good all weather 11. 24.5's to trade? They are the same height.
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