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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Outbehindthebarn

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  2. What is this connection you have with the middle east Paul-o,,,,,, lived in Israel too? I have ALWAYS wanted to visit Lebanon... Ramallah.... Tehran ..... But too scared too now.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Persecution_by_Muslims
  4. These happened THIS MORNING! http://www.dw.com/en/austrian-police-arrest-man-allegedly-planning-terror-attack/a-37217741 Militants blow themselves up after gunfight with Saudi forces
  5. Idioms aside (why don't you just call me deplorable?), the threat to Western culture is real.
  6. I've always wondered how many tows require the driver to use a sleeper... can't be many.
  7. You need to learn a few things about culture... CULTURE COUNTS..... second only to biology.... ask any persecuted minority in a Muslim country. A culture's food supply (and certification) says A LOT about their value systems. Its worth noting here the rich irony exhibited in these comments. . . A liberal, long-time union retiree lauding the virtues of Adam Smith's invisible hand... You didn't seem to care for that much when it came to protecting your pension. Oh the hypocrisy never ends with the Left. By the way, Douglas Murray is a homosexual whom I greatly respect.
  8. Says Francis Engineering... right down the road in Ohio.....
  9. I know Ford L9000's tilted... maybe the LTL's too. Is this the cab you're talking about??
  10. Is this the truck you're talking about? 'Cause I'd like to buy this one and put a 400BC in it.... Does that make me crazy?
  11. I agree, I noticed a big drop off after the change... and even I stopped visiting as much.
  12. I think you post this truck porn just to pump-up your 'like' numbers!
  13. I'm glad trump won. I heard hillary was going to cut out our white privilege checks. That would suck. Then we would have to go on welfare. Or God forbid get jobs, instead sitting on the plantation porch reaping the benefits.

  14. I was just thinking about getting the 'most' out of a 285hp in a B model... You guys don't believe there is much benefit to the water jacket???
  15. Can you simply replace a 'air only' tip turbine with a water/air-cooled version? Or is there some limiting factor. . . like a water port in the block or something...?
  16. I was told it was a Jake, not a Dynatard.... but I don't know how to tell from the outside....
  17. It has been widely noted that 'identity politics' played a significant role in Trump winning the election... apparently you didn't get the memo. The phrase "Hypocrite Par Excellence" comes to mind here. Pray tell, how did you personally 'fight' for your pension? If you 'fought' for a pension that would allow you to be retired at 55, then like it or not, you fought to put downward pressure on the wages of the generation following you. Do you really believe people who choose to be free from the union are suckers? It is a well-known fact that ingenuity and 'progress' are usually the result of independent thought. I realize that protections exist for the duller sorts of individuals who are little more than 'steering wheel holders', but to come on a site like BMT and harass a community of individualists who hold values that clearly do not line up with yours is, well, . . . the sort of thing only a woman would do. Sorry. Do you think it is reasonable, no, 'responsible' to be able-bodied and retired at 55 as a hourly worker? The gall of the Left routinely leaves me flabbergasted. Oh wait, disregard everything I just posted.... Its all garbage due to my cis-male white privileged view of reality......
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