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other dog

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Everything posted by other dog

  1. that's not my truck, my interior is gray, and I keep my plunger where the other gear shift is in this truck. I do have the leopard cushion on mine too though.
  2. thanks, great pics, especially Little Joe!
  3. prob'ly wouldn't take me long-but i'm not like that. I'd never say "you oughta be in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, getting yer ol' man a beer and a sammich". BAREFOOT N ITN THE KITCHEN IS COOL!!! BUT PREGGERS NO WAY AND THE BEER IS FOR ME...... AND WHO EVER THE POOR SOB IS WHO GET STUCK WITH ME CAN ASK NICELY OR MAKE HIS OWN DAMN SAMMICH!!!!!! LOL AND I MEANT TO ASK U THIS BEFORE DOES THAT IRISH SPRING TRICK ACTUALLY WORK FOR MICE?????? my very first question on this site was about mice, after I saw their leftover "evidence" in the truck. Several different people suggested the irish spring, so I tried it and saw no more signs of them until recently. I just took a bar of it and whittled of little shavings of it all over the inside of the truck with my pocket knife. AHHHH VERY NICE yes,I am.none of that stuff everybody says about me is true
  4. I'm gonna try to make it up there for the all you can eat "slab of lab" buffet sometime. How about it Mike, wanna take a road trip to Illinois?
  5. to each his own-i'm sticking with the calicos.
  6. hmmm, I'm not a chef but I think i've found your problem-DO NOT cook the black one's with a white stripe on it's back, you can not season them enough to kill the smell. The one pictured would be fine.
  7. could be trouble-80mph,no fuel,and no air pressure. And the end of the driveway is only 40 yards away...
  8. yeah you're hilarious, as George says "everybody funny...now you funny too". I have to drive what they give me-but it ain't too bad. I haven't been broke down in a long time ,except for a new radiator a few weeks ago.
  9. prob'ly wouldn't take me long-but i'm not like that. I'd never say "you oughta be in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, getting yer ol' man a beer and a sammich". BAREFOOT N ITN THE KITCHEN IS COOL!!! BUT PREGGERS NO WAY AND THE BEER IS FOR ME...... AND WHO EVER THE POOR SOB IS WHO GET STUCK WITH ME CAN ASK NICELY OR MAKE HIS OWN DAMN SAMMICH!!!!!! LOL AND I MEANT TO ASK U THIS BEFORE DOES THAT IRISH SPRING TRICK ACTUALLY WORK FOR MICE?????? my very first question on this site was about mice, after I saw their leftover "evidence" in the truck. Several different people suggested the irish spring, so I tried it and saw no more signs of them until recently. I just took a bar of it and whittled off little shavings of it all over the inside of the truck with my pocket knife.
  10. prob'ly wouldn't take me long-but i'm not like that. I'd never say "you oughta be in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, getting yer ol' man a beer and a sammich".
  11. I was going to alter the dump truck picture, but it wouldn't open with "paint"
  12. I could be a buffessor- I have a B.S. degree
  13. I'm always looking for your B-model when i'm in the area. I pass thru on 76 a lot coming from Fremont headed to Brookfield, but north and south I usually take rt.21 to miss traffic and construction in the Akron-Canton area.
  14. sounds like "Comfortably Numb". , .* *this reply may not be available in some parts of Illinois. Void where prohibited by law. See store for details
  15. other dog

    Off Again

    Got home last night, but now i've got to leave again. After I left Roxana Monday I picked up in Calvert City, Ky. going to Neville Island, Pa. then I went to Brookfield, Oh. and loaded for Roanoke. Unloaded yesterday and reloaded treated lumber at the shop.It's a two stop load going to Vermillion and someplace else in Ohio. Both are near Cleveland. I was running short on hours yesterday, so i'll be leaving today...shortly. This is the entrance to the old tunnel on the West Virginia turnpike.
  16. you can do this too... note- any resemblance to other people, either real or imaginary, is entirely coincedental and unintended (sorry Rob, wouldn't want you to have nightmares)
  17. no, not at all, just some random picture from somewhere...
  18. I have no idea, just saw it over on the side road somewhere in Washington and took a picture of it. Thought maybe it was Rob on vacation, trying to sneak around in his Pete where no one knows him. The driver was wearing a Groucho Marx disguise, so i'm not sure.
  19. yeah its kinda freaky but makes for one hell of a story hey, if you're into freaky stuff and bondage, that's your business-nobody's gonna judge you for it here...or were you talking about the fire?...never mind hahahahahaha u guys crack me up!!!!! I'm just glad you've got a good sense of humor
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