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Why they voted for Barry O explained!


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When your family or friends cannot explain why they voted for a Democrat, give them this list.

1. I voted for a Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 2% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 18% isn’t.

2. I voted for a Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

3. I voted for a Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

4. I voted for a Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers, rapists, thugs, and thieves.

5. I voted for a Democrat because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will disappear in ten years because of Global Warming if I don’t start driving a Chevy Volt.

6. I voted for a Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

7. I voted for a Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, housing and Social Security benefits.

8. I voted for a Democrat because I believe that any business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.

9. I voted for a Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution regularly to suit some fringe folks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

10. I voted for a Democrat because I think that it’s better to pay billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill for our own because it might upset some useless endangered beetle, gopher, or fish.

11. I voted for a Democrat because while we lived in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world, I was promised “HOPE AND CHANGE.”to fix that.

12. I voted for a Democrat because my head is so firmly buried in the sand that it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have another point of view.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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I do not know why so many people wanted " Hope and Change". I thought the U.S.A. was pretty good to me all my life. I went to public school for 12 years went to service for 4 years. I saved a few $ for down payment on truck when I got out in 1972. I had ups and downs like most people but worked hard as my wife did also. Built a new house raised 2 children sent tm to college they are doing well. We bought several new cars and trucks went on 8 cruises and vacations every year. For me I hope it never changes. I lived the American Dream for the most part. Joe D.

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I do not know why so many people wanted " Hope and Change". I thought the U.S.A. was pretty good to me all my life. I went to public school for 12 years went to service for 4 years. I saved a few $ for down payment on truck when I got out in 1972. I had ups and downs like most people but worked hard as my wife did also. Built a new house raised 2 children sent tm to college they are doing well. We bought several new cars and trucks went on 8 cruises and vacations every year. For me I hope it never changes. I lived the American Dream for the most part. Joe D.

gentelmen i can say is if you allready have guns you better be gettin ammo for them..... because of what is going on in the un
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I gotta agree with Joe D. in my opinion the American dream is what you make of it,different for everyone willing/able to work for it.......................BUT, if you want "free-shit" welfare,foodstamps,handouts,spanish as a second language,dumbass labels on everything for your "protection",then friend,you have come to the right place!...................Mark

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Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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I have been told that there is aready scum bags in all parts of the country that will turn you in for owning a gun when and if they are outlawed. This i can believe because that is how Obama got voted in to start with. Suck ups thinking they will be in favor of the almighty furor.And suck ups thinking they will get something for free.And suck ups thinking that they will get a job at being over some hard working man that is doing all he can to get by. Guys i am worried this fool is going to finish this country off for good. This has been a tough country to stay as long as we have when a dictator is trying to kill us and our way of life.He is a bady wolf in sheeps clothing. He is trying to get votes by telling the young people they dont need to work. e is telling me to get on food stamps and welfare but i keep wondering what my kids think of this when their old man is letting them support me.O i forgot they can have food stamps and get on welfare to.Does this make any sense to any one else? glenn

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glenn akers

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