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Our own 220 Cummins is having a birthday today:


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Happy Birthday!

You share it with Rob Reiner (Archie Bunker - meathead/director clown), Alan Greenspan (financial clown), Shaq (basketball clown), and the best clown of all - Lou Costello of Abbott and Costello fame.

Be a clown today - no matter what your age - Have a good one!

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Happy Birthday!

You share it with Rob Reiner (Archie Bunker - meathead/director clown), Alan Greenspan (financial clown), Shaq (basketball clown), and the best clown of all - Lou Costello of Abbott and Costello fame.

Be a clown today - no matter what your age - Have a good one!

If you ever get tired of working for a living, you can make a killing at Hallmark. :thumb:


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A friend of a friend of mine used to work at Hallmark writing greeting cards in Kansas City. Whenever we were at a party or dinner or sumpin, I would watch her out of the corner of my eye. Whenever she would hear someone say something different, funny, witty, sappy, stupid (me), or just strange, she would kind of tilt her noggin sideways just a little and go "hmmm" like she kicked the brain waves over into card writin' mode. I think she just drug her family around with her as added bling to create the right atmosphere for greetin' card makin'.

I decided to steer clear of that lady - I did not want my brand of the king's english to be on a greeting card if they ever started a new card line - "Cards for the intellectually challenged"

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A friend of a friend of mine used to work at Hallmark writing greeting cards in Kansas City. Whenever we were at a party or dinner or sumpin, I would watch her out of the corner of my eye. Whenever she would hear someone say something different, funny, witty, sappy, stupid (me), or just strange, she would kind of tilt her noggin sideways just a little and go "hmmm" like she kicked the brain waves over into card writin' mode. I think she just drug her family around with her as added bling to create the right atmosphere for greetin' card makin'.

I decided to steer clear of that lady - I did not want my brand of the king's english to be on a greeting card if they ever started a new card line - "Cards for the intellectually challenged"

Wow, that's like being secret agent or international spy.

I wish they would start an "intelluctually challenged" line so I would know in advance if I were going to be thanked with a slap in the face.


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