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Everything posted by HeavyGunner

  1. That's some major snow. We've got a fair share of it lately but we've been bombarded with bitter cold. Yesterday was first time in 24 days we have had a high above 0. 2 weeks ago we set records for coldest day at -52. You know it's been cold when it's -6 and you see people in sweatshirts and they say it feels pretty nice out. Stay warm my friend.
  2. I heard an interview with the author of The Coddling of the American Mind and he is a college professor specializing in moral psychology and wrote this book after he and some colleagues across the nation we're seeing the same infantile, immature not ready for the world behavior in college classrooms. He went into depth of the whys and how's of how we got here and hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned. It was a very interesting interview, enough so that I plan on buying the book.
  3. That's really neat. Saw one on YouTube attached to this engine that was at least the size of a midsize sedan and watched this you boy crank like a banshee then engage it and started this old hulk of an engine. Really shows how inventive people were.
  4. Nice pics, even cooler that your better half is scouting truck shows for you.
  5. You must have that wrong Paul. China is the most progressive, caring, clean country and we all should do anything we can to support them 😝
  6. The clicking sound leads me to lean towards a relay. Try swapping a couple of them and see if that fixes the problem. If it does replace the bad relay.
  7. I’m guessing since you’re getting a second one you are liking the truck?
  8. The company I work for is switching over to the 567 Pete with 550 isx and 18 speeds this year. They’re fed up with Freightliner, and really fed up with Detroit’s and 10 speeds so they finally decided to quit buying trucks just because they are the least expensive up front.
  9. Probably could justify paying that much for a non emissions truck when compared at the repair costs and down time.
  10. I think the ladder is an option. The D10t (brand new) I saw this summer did not have one of those bulky ladders hanging off of the side.
  11. I was watching a D10t this summer on that highway project near me push scrapers. Didn’t even labor it to do so, made the new 6 they had there look weak.
  12. She's a bone head socialist. Did anyone hear her say the we should provide financial stability for those who are UNWILLING TO WORK?! Has good intentions? Give me a break. Anytime someone wants to take another's money because it's "unfair" they have more you need to be worried.
  13. Anything over 26000gvw needs a cdl to be legal in Montana unless you're a farmer.
  14. Whoops! I hate it when the trailer quits following me.
  15. We run synthetic, it’s either 05-40w or 0-40w my memory isn’t working. Trucks start a helluva lot easier in subzero temps with that light oil. Run synthetic in all of the gear boxes as well.
  16. They told us in the last cpr/first aid class I had to be sure and take the bra off of women because the underwire can cause burns among other problems when using the auto defibrillator.
  17. Competition is good in a market but how do US companies compete with a country with a history of slave wages and under cutting us? China has been taking advantage of many companies by make fake products and selling them as the real thing. I had that personally happen to me last year. Went to buy a scope, came new in a box right off the shelf, said Carl Ziess Tm and got home and found out it was a fake. China also ran out aluminum plant out of business. Aluminum sales were up so they ramped up production and as soon as they did that the Chinese supplied their own smelter with free electricity and they under cut our market so bad they finally shut down the plant for good and tore it down. With that being said I don’t feel too bad for some push back toward China.
  18. When it gets much below -20 it takes an extra 15-30 minutes for all the plastic or vinyl 1/4” lines to warm up enough that they will swell back up and quit leaking air before I can build enough to leave. Oh the joys of winter.
  19. I wish I could find the article our weekly news paper had in either '09 or '10 on our winter temps that year. It was an incredibly cold year. It was so where around 100 days the high was never above 0 and it listed all kinds of interesting stats like that about that winter. I honestly thought I was going to have to buy an extension that year for my ice auger. My hands would hit the slush about the same time the auger would bust through. We lived, but didn't make national news on escaping near death from winter.
  20. My bad, Minnesota is on that list as well and so is any other great state. It isn't cold it's ice fishing weather.
  21. What the media won’t do for ratings. Polar vortex pffft what a joke, same as “gale force winds” Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas are in a polar vortex with gale force winds almost weekly. Pump it up, make it bigger and scarier than it is and you’ve got quality news according to the media. I had -16 twice last week and we didn’t have to declare an emergency, send the national guard in or close down schools. We just went to work like usual.
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