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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Outbehindthebarn

  1. I'd buy a jar of Vegemite if it was available.... pay top dollar too.
  2. Here in Western PA its referred to as "punhoss"... don't know why, but when you say scrapple, its the same thing.
  3. With those loud colors, and that fifth wheel, I too immediately though of a carnival ride. {Now I know I'm not crazy... or am I?}
  4. Amanda Gailey. . . a real classy broad. lol
  5. I think that one was on Truckpaper not too long ago...
  6. http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/hvd/5361571210.html
  7. You left out accepting his Nobel Peace Prize. An award for "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people". No one talks about that one anymore.
  8. I watched the 'pundits' afterward... they all talk about Washington disfunction, "He had to work with a fundamentally broken Congress", the climate of D.C. is just terrible, Americans hate government incompetence. Its a story we've heard every since Joe Christmas hit The White House. The not-so-subtle commentary from the Left is racist Republicans are behind all his failings. They HATE him. I am not in a position to deny that they HATE him, but his half-blackness is not the issue, and six years on, I am continually amazed at why those same pundits refuse to acknowledge the REAL reason he has run into obstacles since the Republicans have regained control of Congress. . . IT IS THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT!!!! He consciously chose to ram that shit down everyone's throat. THAT should be the starting point for every conversation concerning the current climate in D.C. Hate breeds hate, and the elite Left's supposed mandate to make-over the USA by gaining control of everything in 2008 started the 'hate-ball' rolling. To me that is obvious. . . but I'm just a dumb farmer.
  9. I think that day has arrived in certain neighborhoods in Chicago. . . others too I'm sure. Isn't that at least part of the Black Lives Matter movement? High unemployment, broken families, and a general lack of "agency"... together they create a society that produces crime and subsequent gun violence. People in those neighborhoods are arming themselves daily. They are also using said arms to murder and maim daily too. Now I wouldn't contend that these armed groups of people in these neighborhoods (aka gangs) would consider themselves a "militia'; determined to preserve the rights of law-abiding property owning citizens, but the impetus is almost certainly the same: To protect what they think is theirs from a hostile take over. The Militia-minded folks legitimize their weapons through tradition dating back to the nations founding, along with a genuine fear of 'what-if?'. The gangs of Chicago legitimize their weapons on nothing less than real honest-to-goodness survival. The idea of what makes America great long ago vanished for them.....
  10. 55 mph speed limit... it really was slower.
  11. I know one thing for sure, that Matlack bottle is still working. They've been dragging them out of the weeds for the last ten years... and charging "like new" prices for them. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=6401145
  12. The picture is of a tw-35.... but I think the set up was used on the tw-25, 30, and 35 as well as the newer 8730's and 8830's.
  13. Yes, I'd say its worth it. It ranks very high on the kool scale. Nice colors too.
  14. And the answer is. . . . . . . The last picture shows the intake for the tip turbine, behind the honeycomb is a separate filter. The hood has an opening on either side for the intake to the cooler and the after-cooler exhaust. Having two separate air cleaners sure makes it messy under the hood, but they make it work. This is the 401 cu.in. engine. Rated for 188 hp. I didn't hear it run, but I wondered if it made the whoosh like a Mack does.... http://www.tractordata.com/farm-tractors/004/0/3/4034-ford-tw-35-engine.html
  15. Has anyone on here had trouble getting parts for turbine? Was that a durable set-up?
  16. Best I can tell, it was before that.... I need to say, the 'cooler box' is a different shape, but the idea behind the setup is identical and as I mentioned before, the turbine(fan?) is indeed the same...
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