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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261048947569&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123 Seller says: TRUCK IS ALL THERE, EQUIPPED WITH EVERYTHING DOWN TO THE FIRE AXE ITSELF! THIS TRUCK HAS A LOW RESERVE. ABOUT THE COST OF A NEW OFF BRAND LAWN MOWER!
  2. Check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230813986267&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123 These were designed to WORK! The beautiful deep frame and hard nose on this DM is designed to counter any side flippin' load as experienced in the U model
  3. Those are great - I always like seeing stuff from over the pond!
  4. I'm with your brother - always buy a rotobec if you can swing it! Do you get it? you know swing - as in swinging logs - well, at least I thought it was funny.
  5. Happy Birthday Ben-ster! You share it with a lot of people you never got to see in their prime: Paula Abdul - dance your legs off Lou Gehrig - hit the ball out of the park/disease named after him Moe Howard - laugh until you cry Miss Wallis Simpson - Did he really look at what he was giving the English Crown up for? Blaise Pascal - confuse your ass with his math John Donne - poet your Brit Lit teacher made you read Now that I think about it, Miss Paula is the only one I knew about in her prime.............. I don't think any of them owned Mack trucks either, so you are cooler then they are - have a good one!
  6. We got a nice discount - we have a group of MEN - no skirts allowed - we call the Father-Son club. We were able to fill it and one of the dad's grandfather is a doctor and he flew one of them so....................... I am not paying much at all or this farm boy could not afford it! I am really glad to get the opportunity to go up in one. I was up in a C-47 once and that was cool, but this one had weapons!
  7. In two weeks, there is a B-17 coming to mid-mo to give rides at the local airport - the boys and I ordered tickets last night......can't wait!
  8. That looks like my kids matchbox trucks - great big cab, little bitty mixer drum! I wonder what horsepower it is?
  9. Oprah would say that it is not healthy to squash your feelings. You should go with the flow, go get a second on the house, and buy a B model to restore. Strike while the iron is hot! Greetings!
  10. Vinny, if there is one thing you should learn from your BMT pals, it is to stay away from "Dikes"
  11. What a bunch of horse pucky - why do we have laws, and a congress to create them, if the Executive branch can just decide which to enforce and which to tell us in a speech to just go ahead and ignore? The checks and balances on the branches of the federal government have been trampled on the last few years, and now they just went ahead and flushed them down the stool. We need to do our own flushing out in November.
  12. I finally got bored enough to try this while I wait for an owners manual to print out....................... Is that real? I got on it and saw what was going on and immediately closed the laptop. Then I put a sticker over the webcam and tried it again. There are some bored sum-b*&^h's on there! Oh wait, I was one of them...............One guy was picking his nose, I had to abandon ship with that.
  13. Always good to see progress, good score on the correct mirrors. You should have it done before you get gray hairs?
  14. HA! I am floored, speechless, gasping for air - that is funny! My long yellow things I bought last week are starting to ferment - I like them with a little kick!
  15. I guess if thousands of trucks are sold new every year, a few will end up like these did with a cushy life. I wish I had the funds to buy some and decide later if I even wanted to title them or use them! I bought a brand new Case horsedrawn hay rake a few years ago still in the crate out of a factory being torn down, but that pales in comparison to the investment the guy laid out when he bought these new! Thanks for posting...........
  16. Ha! I like #3. I don't see him as being negative - I think he is just like many folks who appreciate what Mack used to represent - he thinks VOLVO does not have Mack's best interest in mind when they make decisions about Mack as a company/brand. What he adds here is not something anyone likes to hear about what he sees happening to the historic Mack brand, but does that mean it is not true, or that he should not be able to add his two cents?
  17. Ouch! I did not heed the warning - good thing I did not make it to the show, I would have lowered the photogenic rating by at least 50%. I was at home babysitting parenting, I think David wins the best hat contest. Post any other photos you have (except for additional steering wheel & crotch ones!) those of us who did not get to come out and play appreciate seeing the trucks.
  18. What is the story behind them? Any photos of interiors?
  19. Great looking AC - do you know the history of the truck?
  20. It is back on ebay with $800.00 lower starting price: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300727804429&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
  21. Jerry - Welcome to here! Do you have any photos of your truck you could post?
  22. Just when I think I may have a screw working loose, RandyP gets on here and makes me realize I am not that far gone yet?
  23. 1980 U model, needs "cosmetics" http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221047738186&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123
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