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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Swishy

  1. Cupla UToobz [url= Cikity .......................... ClikClikClik[/url] Clikity .............................................. ClikClikClik
  2. them pix appeared on the net many years ago ........ could a been Ebay etc n me thort gr8 pix to good to waste away ...... so I pirated m n animated m WatchIt cya §wishy
  3. Ovr the years eye have way too much time hunt n pek n @ the keyboard least it keeps me off the streets @ night Lesee if animation will work cya §wishy
  4. Gr8 Pix Keep m Cumm n SMore Whoopz Sorry ...... Th@ twaz no truck LOL cya §wishy
  5. Gr8 Pix keep m cumm n Them red worms look good enuff to eat For Folding gooseneck trailer work we use old diff oil 140 on the 5th amendment n ramps seems to stik on better than normal oil cya §wishy
  6. I for one do not believe everything I read/hear/see and what people say about me............. is none of my business LOL cya §wishy
  7. RE: Leyland Contractor is believed to be the only road registered version of the truck in Australia. think n these b the same n registered in Au Butt WaddaEyeKno Cya §wishy
  8. If n U gunna keep L@@k n eye gunna keep search n LOL n 4 the purests out there If n U look real hard @ each pic U Could/Would/Should seea truck in each pic LOL cya §wishy
  9. Looks like OverDrive got m all Just think Most twould B ol granmas now LOL cya §wishy
  10. run a hose directly off the air tank into spring brake release port on the spring brake = dun cya §wishy
  11. Noice Clikity ............................................................... ClikClikClik Cya §wishy
  12. Marty Grab the shop air n fill the truck tanks n release brake n block truck so it dun roll over U n undo the slak adjusters so when all air is released the spring brake will be on but the slak adjuster wont let the linings tuch the drum = brakers R off cya §wishy
  13. RE: Gurlz on bikez Eye alwaze have truble pass n them WotSezU? Pass or no pass .......... .......... cya §wishy
  14. Guys if U look n for Titan with a big walk in sinbin with sum Grunt (other than the poofy Volvo Donk) move down under to the udder side of the world where the drivers seat iz on the correct side Clikity ..................................................................ClikClikClik .......... .......... LOL §wishy
  15. General Rule of thumb dealing with steering linkage if no puller available when U hit with hammar it springs from the supporting arm so place a jack and jack up with a tuch of weight on jack n as close to the joint as possable use nuther nut ot turn the castled nut upside down n screw on till the nut n thread are flush one sharp blow from the BFH or FBH should either fix it .............. or Farq it LOL cya §wishy
  16. RE: Cranes Now th@ reminds me Kato Australia offered Mack runnin gear etc ...motor cogbox diffs axles etc very popular 70's - 80's cya §wishy
  17. we hit on this a cupla years ago Also sum words ... clik on the MackWorth pic Clikity ..................................................... ClikCLikCLik cya §wishy
  18. An all round benefit twould B to teach people how to drive most 4 wheelers seem 2 B in la la land cya §wishy
  19. Gr8 thread Mrs Aint got no pix with twigs but got a bogged 'B' model with the dolly (jeep) buried upto the makers name (circa 1965) Load Twaz a North West 6 cya §wishy
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