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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackdaddy1911a1

  1. I enjoyed your gallery. Those are some very interesting Macks. I don't think I have ever seen those types before. So you also enjoy War Birds. I do also. Matt
  2. From the album: MY HEROS

    My Uncle Gene was a Tractor mechanic for Ford tractor company before he retired and was legally blind. He could tell simply by touch the size of a bolt of nut or wrench and he knew Ford tractors inside out and top to bottom. I spent a summer with him years ago and was amazed at his knowledge and skills at fixing tractors. I was amazed because I had to read telephone numbers to him and things like that but he knew how to fix everything that rolled into his shop. He could read but had to use a machine that had a camera mounted over a table that magnified the image 10x or more.
  3. People in my life who I consider HEROS
  4. From the album: MY HEROS

    My Uncle Joe and my Dad. Uncle Joe was seriosly injured on the job at a paper mill years ago. His right hand was mangled very badly, after many surgeries and only three fingers he could still drive a nail with a hammer and never let the injury hamper his zeal for life. He retired after thirty years and loves to cook.
  5. From the album: MY HEROS

    His friends called him "KING", I just called him Daddy.
  6. Well for the time being I have a little money in my pocket. Last week I ran two loads up to the northeast back to back out of Chattanooga Tn. The first load was a two dropper with the first stop going to Jersey City N.J. and the final in North Haven CT. The second load was a straight load and went to North Haven CT. .Both loads consisted of conveyors and hoppers for a scrap yard. If I didn't have to pay those damned tolls life would be good. Paying thirty or fourty bucks to cross a bridge is . Question.. to all you folks who live in the toll ridden parts of the country.. Why don't you guys simply vote the idiots in charge out of office. Or you could always drown them in piss...something. I only go to the Northeast when the loads pay realy good, no cheap freight will ever get moved by my truck to that part of the world. What am I saying NO CHEAP FREIGHT PERIOD. I may never be rich doing it this way but as long as the bills are paid I cann't see why I would want to work more for less. Doesn't make any sense to me. They say (The trucking insiders) that the trucking industry is a penny buisness...I agree to a certain point. I believe a penny saved is a penny earned, so I don't idle the truck, do most of the work to the truck myself and wash it myself. However why would I want to work more for less?????? My Dad told me when I was a kid and was always in a hurry... to slow down and to work smarter not harder. Haste makes waste, grabbing the first load that is offered with out looking around for better paying freight is not working smarter. There may not be anything else to be had, but if there is I want the better paying freight. I can turn plenty of miles but would rather be at home chasing the new girlfriend around or working in the yard or tinkering on the truck. Sometimes I sit at a truckstop for days waiting on a descent load...but do I realy just sit? No I will be cleaning and polishing and greasing and tuning on the truck....always busy. I make down time and lay over time work for me by doing things I would have to do when I got home anyway. So the time is not wasted... in this case Waste can make Haste...If I didn't stay busy on the road I would have to rush when I did get home and that wouldn't leave time to just hang out. Back in 05 and 06 I had a dedicated run where I had nearly 0 deadhead miles and the money was rolling in. I bought the Mack in 06 and decided to pay it off as fast as possible. Thank God I did.. at the end of 06 the bottom fell out and the freight slowed down big time. Even so I was far enough ahead on the truck payments that I still paid the truck off a year early. At 12% interest I probably saved thousands by doing it that way. Like I said before work smarter not harder..I made my money work for me versus blowing it on crap I didn't need anyway. Well that's not totally true...the soon to be X got a pile of it...oh well. May the 12th will be three years to the day that I bought the Bulldog so to my truck I say Happy Anniversary. And to everyone else Keep on Trucking. Matt
  7. Yeah me too. They tried to kill me last week and wanted me to run anouther load up to North Haven CT. monday but I ran out of hours (70 hour rule) monday morning at 6 am. So I have been working in the yard and yesterday bought all the parts I needed to install a new clutch in my truck. I think I broke a spring in the old one and sometime it won't release so I have to start it in gear to get it in gear without grinding it in to junk.
  8. Hey Mike my Dad ran "Shine" in the early 60s. He did that until the guy he was partners with started stealing cars. Dad said that he wasn't out to hurt anyone so that ended him running "Shine"....however he did still make it...maybe I should've gotten that recipe after all. His favorite movie was Thunder Road with Robert Mitchum. Matt
  9. Your son is a handsome little fella. I thought I'd tell you a little about my Dad and my Uncle Eugene. Both were legally blind and my Dad went to the School for the blind in Macon Ga. when he was a kid to learn brail and how to function in the everyday world with his handycap. Well Dad being Dad didn't like the Few jobs people offered him so he just adapted and just did what he wanted to do. He farmed and built houses and worked on the big off shore oil rigs and near the end of his life restored several old tractors. Folks with disabilities are only limited by their imaginations. My Uncle Gene was nearly as blind as my Dad and retired as the senior mechanic with the Ford Tractor co. He could tell you simply by feel the size of a wrench or bolt or nut. It was amazing to watch him tear down a tractor or car mostly by feel. I hope you will incourage your son to live whatever dreams he has...God bless you and him. MATT
  10. Fellas I thought the guy was about to roll her right off the side of the road. My hat is off to ALL you guys and galls who work those job sites. I get into alot of Junk Yards and the only thing other than the mud that I have to worry about is cutting a tire. Yall be careful.
  11. I'm still trying to climb out of the hole right now, I had the satillite turned off when the freight went thru the floor. Thank God I didn't buy that new truck last year I would have lost it by now.
  12. Yep it was a good show...better than most of the crap on nowadays.
  13. Why does it always take one of us getting killed before the government acts?????? How about why their at it pass a law so states cann't ticket us for parking in rest areas and on ramps when we comply with the federal hours of service regulations??????? Morons.
  14. Naw just kidding. though i did grow up watching ALF on tv.
  15. Welcome aboard frenchy mack. Your english is very good..better than my french. Hope you enjoy the site.
  16. Been gone for a few days..6 to be exact and just got home. That was a nice thing to do for him. I hope if I go out some one will do the same for me. Has to be a Bulldog Mack and everyone I know will testafy to that. Either that or an old John Deere like the old "A" we used to have. Matt
  17. That is a beautiful truck, hope you post some more images...we need our daily dose of eye candy. Matt
  18. If nothing is broken just clean everything and oil the O rings with motor oil and reassemble.
  19. Didn't know that all I know is MACK FOREVER...
  20. O.K. hotshot where is the ALF coloring book....ain't nice to tease an ALF fan like that...lol
  21. I do believe I saw this L model on you tube awhile back. Sounded great.
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