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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by mackdaddy1911a1

  1. Bollweevil's right I have 3 X's and have slept under the house a few times, HOWEVER NEVER I SAY NEVER will they get my dog. Coarse I didn't say anything to em about selling IT either.
  2. Hello kelmack, Well my only suggestion was quickly shot down while reading your post the only time I had an ABS indicater come on was when I blew a seal on one of the drive axles good luck and keep us posted. I own an 01 CX-613 Vision and that's the only problem I have had in the three years I've owned it as far as the ABS is concerned. MATT
  3. I'm no expert but at that RPM you have a Maxicruise engine. Max RPM s on a MACK engine is listed (in my books) as 2100. Of coarse that is if you don't want to void the warranty and I'll bet that is not and issue with your truck. However if you want her to last I would go by the MACK recomendation for the longest possible life and to ease some of the possible headaches. Good luck and safe travels. MATT
  4. I can recommend one thing that will greatly reduce tire wear. Centramatic balancers. They work. I get over 100k out of my steer tires and that's pulling flatbed and averaging 11500 lbs on the steer axle with nearly every load. The light rear end and the stiff springs while bobtailing are gonna make it bounce though and the centramatics only keep the tires balanced so good luck on getting a wagon for her. By the way avoid bobtailing in the rain when ever possible other wise start practicing OOOHHHHH SS########TTTTT. Bad deal all the way around. Bobtail big trucks spin like a top if you lose traction on wet roads.... ask me how I know.
  5. That's a good looking black your using for your avatar is it yours and can you post some pics?
  6. Rob I hate to say it buuut that was dumb. That is a NICE bulldog, I hope you were only joking. If not you should sleep on the floor. lol. MATT
  7. O.K. everyone I just finished uploading all the pictures I have of the ole girl. They are in a seperate album at my gallery. MATT
  8. From the album: The Autocar

    It looks as if the owners stretched the frame and added the twin screw arrangement. The truck has an aluminium frame and the weirdest suspention I've ever seen.
  9. The Autocar I found at a garage in Birmingham Al.
  10. From the album: The Autocar

    I LOVE MY NOSE. I believe the truck is a 70 model. Unfortunetly I took the pics with a cell phone and it wouldn't focus so you cann't read the data plate.
  11. From the album: The Autocar

  12. From the album: The Autocar

    OWWWCH. The Autocar didn't have an airride seat. I started out in a 79 White Road Commander and it had an airride seat this baby probably rode a little on the rough side.
  13. From the album: The Autocar

    I believe that it is a cummins. No after cooler.
  14. From the album: The Autocar

    At this angle you can see the shutters are open . Very nice.
  15. From the album: The Autocar

    Nice shot of the right hand front, notice the mural on the sleeper.
  16. From the album: The Autocar

    Almost a nice shot from the side. The sun was so bright that I couldn't get the mural on the sleeper .
  18. Well it should still be legal, because as we all know only REAL criminals have any rights.I'M telling you now if my grandmother was still alive and someone did that to my mom there would be a nine shot 22 and a 90 year old Mother /Grandmother after some ones a$$. Of coarse that is if me and ole Betsy didn't gettem first. MATT
  19. Your supposed to scratch her belly when they lay down like that. Bad joke I realy hope no one got hurt. How's the dog doing?
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