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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bullheaded

  1. Watching the season finale of HTH now and the whole crew is wearing shiny new Mack hats, LOL.
  2. Right on. Hope it stays good for you. Like I said, nice looking unit.
  3. Yep, good trucks. Was lots of them here. Dump truck/pony combo's grossing 140,000 pounds with their E7 400's. Still a few going up and down the highway. Bulletproof workhorses just like the original R Model's.
  4. Good to finally hear a good review of a new truck. Any emissions system issues? They are a good looking truck. Do you run stateside too? Looks like you have more than 5 axles and a tighter spread on your live bottom. Or is it just the camera angle? I guess I ain't right either because I wish I had my 2005 Cat powered International back, LOL.
  5. That's the new generation B MACK. The old trucks that served a purpose and did the job are no longer desirable. Look at the new W900 replacement. The new generation wants giant wide cabs, bland lifeless interiors with flat surfaces, and no gauges because they need room in the dash for a television and home computer and phone to do telemarketing as they drive down the highway hovering over the center line.
  6. Preferred by THAT gravel hauler, LOL. Here in my town there is not one happy Paccar engine owner. One heavy haul fleet is working with Paccar engineers right now trying to get them to pull. The old 500 version was better than the new 510. But ya, they don't pull and lots of electronic issues. But they did say they are good on fuel. They have gone from 40 KPH up the hills with an 1850 torque Cat and Cummins to 15 KPH with an 1850 Paccar.
  7. That is mint! LOL. Can he build me one?
  8. Holy crap! I never saw a hoist like that before. What is that rated for? You going to fix her up?
  9. Just my 2 cents, but if the truck is in good shape and you are happy with it, I would rebuild the engine. Ten grand is cheap (well at least here in Canada it would be, because it cost 30 to 35 grand to do a motor here.) It's the same price here to buy a new crate motor than to rebuild one. I only say this because if you go and buy another used truck, what are you getting? Maybe another headache. And if you go and buy something newer with an emission engine it is going to nickle and dime you to death for it's entire service life. And even with warranty, warranty doesn't pay all your down time.
  10. Well around here we pay between 10 and 17 grand for heavy spec tractors up to about 2003 year. But to guys like us that appreciate the E9 and old Mack's that thing is priceless. Is it in as good of shape as in the pic? Cab rust free? Any history on the engine? That's awesome looking for what I can see in the pic. I really liked the CL Elite's I drove.
  11. I had old Kenmore washing and dryers handed down from my GRANDPARENTS. Then a couple years back I fell for the sales pitch that if I buy new Enerstar rated ones I would save a fortune on my electric bill. So bought new ones and they needed repairs before warranty ran and out and on a regular basis after that. And my power bill every month is still the same. I'm to the point now I don't even repair anything. Haul it to the dump and buy a new one. My friend who was an appliance repair man quit doing it and drives truck now. He told me...if you break a drawer in your fridge....throw the fridge out and buy a new one because you can't get parts for most of them. Pretty sad. And I try different brands every time I replace. All the same junk.
  12. Our new 122SD needed a whole new gauge module at, I think it was 20,000 KM. But other than that and all the Cummins ISX problems it was a lot less suicide inducing than my 4900 Star. It was built by disgruntled drug addicts I think.
  13. Like I said, you have your life, I'll have mine. I ran old now have new. I want old back. I would trade my new air ride loaded Western Star to get back in my 1978 International S Series on rubber block. Bad enough I'm already severely depressed after looking at pics of my old R Model and CH the other night.
  14. Ya your Corolla might do something good but tell me how many chicks it will draw over my 70 Mach 1 Mustang. Bahahaha. And I'm not just talking emission motors. Cars are junk now. My new ones are in the shop more than any old used beater I have ever bought. Electronics don't last. Appliances are shit now. The materials our cars and trucks are built with are sh*t. Etc. I have brand new vehicles and tractors and the two biggest smiles on my face come from the 1955 tractor and the old truck i just bought. So if you are happy with your new stuff, that is great. The manufacturers need somebody to sell their new overpriced SH*T to, LOL.
  15. Yes Oso, older is better. WAY better. I've already begun replacing my newer stuff with old stuff. Why? Because it all works when I go to use it and the old stuff doesn't make me hate life.
  16. I've also found it more beneficial to spray in the spring rather than before winter. The salt and chlorides do more damage once the temperature warms up.
  17. I've never seen those brands here. That's why we all use Krown. Does that stuff creep like Krown? And if you spray Krown on a wet piece of steel, the water will actually bead and roll off. So don't know if it is any better but it's all I know and it has saved my vehicles. They have a de-salt wash now too. I get it done and it works really nice. The chemicals they have on the roads here, and the amounts they put on are ridiculous. You literally have to keep stopping and using a liquid to clean your headlights because it is like a layer of cement on them. Here's the stuff I use: https://www.krown.com/en/
  18. Krown works up here. And you never have any seized fasteners. And it good for electronics.
  19. Ya, just what I thought....the "oh poor me going broke" gimmick is just an act. LOL. Got a new 780 tractor and he's going across the country in an old KW with the paint peeling off it, LOL. That's a nice avatar pic bbigrig. Do you have a full size of it so we can see it better?
  20. Seems like an odd truck to want for that. Especially for a guy that says he is in love with old trucks. I wonder if this is more of a TV sponsorship deal? Especially since Mack lost their advertising now that the Ice Road Seatcovers are over with. (THANKFULLY!!!)
  21. How the heck did you find that out bbigrig? Do you mean an actual wrecker body or one of those fifth wheel deals?
  22. Yes they all regen passively while driving. IF....you keep them running long enough and under enough load to complete it. If you are running too slow under light loads like in stop and go city traffic they will call for a parked regen. They will also call for a parked regen when one of the many parts of the system fails (and they will) and it plugs up, LOL. Basically the systems were designed for a long haul truck in warm climates, LOL.
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