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What equality means to us at Volvo Group


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Ok so here is the deal Americans have always believed strongly in fair play. Face it life is not fair! However you can count on the fact that I personally will treat you fairly, that is to say I won't treat you differently than  anyone else. Corporate America on the other hand wants to lie cheat and steal their way to success and lie cheat and steal from everyone equally, all of this bullshit about giving preferential consideration to minorities is nothing more that identity politics. Gone are the days of hiring the best individual for the job replaced with giving the job to the best qualified individual from a marginalized group, this only serves to weaken and divide America. And for those in a so called marginalized group you have been getting things your way lately with men being allowed into girls bathrooms and obama handing out medals to people because they are gay or transgender, answer me this. Did your identity politics get you any toilet paper the past few days? No? I didn't think so. Until we all Identify as Americans FIRST AND ABOVE ALL, get accustomed to running out of toilet paper and everything else. And for those anti-gun people The Governor of Illinois today ordered all bars and restaurants closed, that act is the tyranny the founding fathers were concerned about which is why the second amendment exists, that and if the politicians feel safe that no one has a gun, besides our pay checks and bank accounts they will show up at our doors demanding what is in our homes.

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