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Red Horse

I have a breakdown of the major areas for the last 9 years. 5 they made money and 4 they lost money. This year was not as bad as Pleasanton Calif or Baltimore MD.

What would be really interesting would be to see a line by line acounting as to where some of these expenses moneies go,



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It would be nice to know where all the money goes, but like politics, you will never get the truth.

Let's see.....

Spectators pay to look at the trucks.

Participants pay to bring the trucks for everyone to look at.

Vendors pay to sell truck parts.

You had to pay to park.

The cost for renting the facility is know when the contract is signed.

Agree with Brocky that a financial overview and comparison might reveal where some money could be saved (or not lost).



It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

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Check out the ATHS forum. Couple of responses that seem to point to "hotel issue" and "convention costs". As I did nothing but bring my truck down and spend three days at the show, I have no clue as to the hotel issue or just how the "convention costs" were a factor-although I thought you had to pay for everything-that is, nothing was a "freebie".

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Red Horse and Jim

Part of the hotel expenses is that when ATHS contracts with the "host hotel" they pay for a block of rooms. If these are not all taken by exhibitors ATHS has to pay for them. and a lot of us with small checkbooks go to Super 8, Econolodge, Budget Host, ETC,ETC. Also this year the meetings were at the Big E instead of renting meeting rooms at the hotel. Total expense listed as $16,735

Here are some interesting figures: Show site rental $59,220 and no income from parking so that $5/car must have also gone to Big E.

Staff expenses were double of any other show at $32,492. Shuttle busses $32,140 the highest of the last 9 years.

On the income side the gate fee (spectators?) was $49,410, sponsors $17,000 which was down a lot from most years except Auburn and Baltimore, Convention registration ($25 from exibitors?) $43,800, Truck registration ($15 per truck?) $16,140. They made some money on the tours, golf carts, convention dinners, and a few smaller misc items.

As Mr. Hancock states, It would be interesting to see all the figures.



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Hello Brocky,

It actually is nice to see some facts and figures related to the production of the show. I have checked on the ATHS site for information but no one seems to be home.

In my rant, I had not taken into acount the block of rooms at the hotel or the buses. Maybe that figure should be put under review for the next show.

I have to work within a budget and there are moments when I wish the club could tighten theirs up a bit. Also, if the weather on Saturday had been better that would have helped in several catagories.

Thanks again for bringing some numbers to the discussion.



It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

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Just curious is the ATHS a not for profit? I thought it was "not for profit" but if it is a profitable corporation then we have an issue if not then whats the deal? I see that the buses were a large cost and paying for all the ATHS employees to travel had to be a lot of money, so just out of curiosity why did they need buses? and why did the ATHS pay for so much of the out of town travel of so many employees if its a not for profit organization? Just my thoughts on the matter.

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Red Horse and Jim

Part of the hotel expenses is that when ATHS contracts with the "host hotel" they pay for a block of rooms. If these are not all taken by exhibitors ATHS has to pay for them. and a lot of us with small checkbooks go to Super 8, Econolodge, Budget Host, ETC,ETC. Also this year the meetings were at the Big E instead of renting meeting rooms at the hotel. Total expense listed as $16,735

Here are some interesting figures: Show site rental $59,220 and no income from parking so that $5/car must have also gone to Big E.

Staff expenses were double of any other show at $32,492. Shuttle busses $32,140 the highest of the last 9 years.

On the income side the gate fee (spectators?) was $49,410, sponsors $17,000 which was down a lot from most years except Auburn and Baltimore, Convention registration ($25 from exibitors?) $43,800, Truck registration ($15 per truck?) $16,140. They made some money on the tours, golf carts, convention dinners, and a few smaller misc items.

As Mr. Hancock states, It would be interesting to see all the figures.



Thx for the facts. Easy to be a Monday AM QB, but seems pretty basic to me. Guaranteeing rooms has big time risk. What is the point of that?

You provide everyone with a list of hotels, distance, rates. That's it-everyone is on their own. Parking revenue? That is a matter of hardnosed negotiation with Big E. You want to rollover and give it all to them? so be it. 32 grand for shuttle busses? Say that is ten grand a day. Say of 1000 trucks registered, assume 400 trucks at hotels $14,400@ 2 people per truck means 800 people moving AM/PM. 800/50= 16 bus trips. Assume Average hotel was a one hour RT, assume a school bus costs 150 an hour, 150 x 16 x 2 (AM and PM) x 3 days = $14,400.

I would say all in all not a very good job of cost containment-assuming cost containment is recognized as a real objective. Then again, if its a matter of raising annual dues to cover the loss, so be it.

I've been active in our local non profit agricultural fair for the last 20 years. Unless you make it a habit of "leaving no stone unturned" you can bet your butt you will get your clock cleaned. Sounds like that was the case here

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Red Horse

The purpose of the shuttle busses is to move the exibitors and staff from the show ground to various motels. Appearantly the staff requires that these be of the fancy "charter coach" quality rather than "city style" commuter buses??

As you say it is easy to be a Monday AM QB, But again it is hard when you do not have a futher individual breakdown of some of these expense areas, which I doubt will ever see the light of day.

As ATHS members we have the opportunity to ask our RVP's to question these areas in hopes the rank and file can offer some expense saving suggestions.



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Red Horse

The purpose of the shuttle busses is to move the exibitors and staff from the show ground to various motels. Appearantly the staff requires that these be of the fancy "charter coach" quality rather than "city style" commuter buses??

As you say it is easy to be a Monday AM QB, But again it is hard when you do not have a futher individual breakdown of some of these expense areas, which I doubt will ever see the light of day.

As ATHS members we have the opportunity to ask our RVP's to question these areas in hopes the rank and file can offer some expense saving suggestions.


good points. Would be nice to see a full explanation in future WOT that details costs and seeks suggestions for improving on same. Like your point on the type of bus. Think the majority of guys would object to a city bus or heaven forbid- a school bus!
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Red Horse

We had city busses at Syracuse in 2003. Maybe that is why they are gone, but I would sooner say it is because of the "high roller" ATHS management rather than the regular exihibitors.

The detailed figures will NEVER be published in WOT. Johnson might get his fingers pinched when the lid dropps on the cookie jar!!

Even if an ATHS member does not live close enough to a chapter to participate, He is always encouraged to contact his, or a friendly, RVP and ask questions and / or make suggestions.My email addy is futher up in this topic and I can advise any of you of a couple of friendly RVPs.



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i dunno, i waited over three f ing hours thursday for the shuttlebus that kept bypassin out hotel 3 trips, then got to the show and had to pay and get reinbursed by Stormy cause some idiot at the gate when i was preregistered never out mine or my finace's nametags in the bag . the busses in my opinion were overkill. i would have rode on a schoolbus. the route into the truck show was another bitch of mine. why direct 1000 trucks that ride like crap in the first place down two of the roughest roads in Springfield?.


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