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Air ride height problem

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Hey everyone, well I have a problem with an 08 ch613. The right rear air bag seems to not be inflating properly. With a load on the trailer the R.R. fender rubs the tire. I have checked springs, rubber pads, almost everything I can think of and have found no visual cracks or derformations. If any one has any suggestions or has had this problem before, I'm all ears!!

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A) is your air pressure going up and down quickly?

B) Is there a slow leak in the bag itself, or in the airline to said bag?

C) Is ride height adjusted properly?

If A or B, air spring is about $165 and 1/2 hour to change. Airline is just about as easy and cheaper

If C, have it checked first before anything else.

Do you get a vibration from drive line angle being to steep?

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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Air pressure stays steady, my first thought was the bag may have a small in-audible leak or a some how deffective bag. I removed the bag and swapped with the known good bag on the drivers side in hopes of discovering an improper bag size or malfunction or the sorts. But no such luck, the problem stayed on the passenger side rear. My second thought was maybe the leveling valve was bad, may not be stroking properly possibly keeping full air pressure back. Replaced leveling valve and adjust height properly. No such luck again. Third thought was something may be binding and keeping the R.R. from lifting to proper height. Removed shocks, and inspected. Shocks in good condition. Used a small pipe stand and was able to raise R.R. with just a hand operated screw lift on pipe stand. All air lines are clean and clear from and debri or blockage. So thru my process of elimination I am down to two possible situations: 1) Frame twisted some how but very unlikely since the driver was stationary when the event occured. 2) Possible weak springs, but I hate to buy new set of hangers, pads, u-bolts, and springs just to find out the problem may still exist afterwards :blush: Still have my ears open in hopes that I've missed something small and stupid.

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Alright so heres the update..........couldn't find anything wrong with the suspension anywhere any kind of way. So decided to try a cheap temp fix to see if I could raise the right rear. Basically I put on a cheap home made lift kit. I took a piece of 1/2" steel plate and cut it to an " H " shape to fit perfectly under the U-bolt cap above the "Z" spring. Basically the slots in the " H " keep the plate centered using the U-bolts and the dowel lines up the cap and the original spacer. So far problem is not occuring and am seeing no driving issues at the time. Any thoughts?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is the torque rod from the axle to the frame bent or are the rod ends worn out? also right rear spring bushing?, how do the front springs look? if the truck is parked on level ground without a trailer is the front end level?

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Believe it or not a broken or damaged front suspension can cause that issue, the rear suspension can sit at an angle the only thing trying to keep it level is the torque rod. The air lines are teed off from the valve to the air bags and the air pressure is equal throughout the rear suspension system, it does not care if it leans one bag will just carry more volume than the other. In the case of a friends truck he broke a front right spring and the truck leaned to the right making the rear right tire come into contact with the fender, when the front suspension is on level ground the truck should sit level since on the front there are matching springs not an air system both sides support the load independantly versus the air system on the rear axles with equal air pressure throughout. I hope that helps ( or just makes sense)

"Any Society that would give up a little LIBERTY to gain a little SECURITY will Deserve Neither and LOSE BOTH" -Benjamin Franklin

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