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Midnight uninvited guest


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Sorry about your midnight visitor - that sumbitch must have been hightailing it to make it clear to your place. Send them down to the David's in N.C. - he will get them up in a rolloff and we won't have to worry about body disposal.

We had another visit Thursday night. I think my hired man left a window open 'cause of the stink he made on the potty. Someone came in the window and set off the alarm when he opened the bathroom door to come into the shop. He then ran across the obstacle course inside the shop that consisted of a 1979 IHC with the hood off, a 1996 Isuzu with a reel loader blocking the way that he had to crawl under, pallets of cattle feed, and a scag mower that he ran into the handles. He then opened the door into the cattle working pens where he fell on a cow patty and left a cool mark with his head on the handle on the side of the cattle chute - the deputy said: "that left a mark".

I ran out of the house in my plaid boxers, muck boots with .45 in the right one, and a shotgun. I yelled at the wife to call 911 and the last I saw of her she was looking up that phone number - she was really tired!

When I got to the shop - he/she/it/them were long gone. I called our pringle can neighborhood watch and everyone around went out with shotguns and searched, but no luck.

I think all this crap is drug related. No sane sober person would do this stuff. I don't think this is going to get better before it gets worse.

That photo of your revolver shows how intimidating it is to see the actual bullets pointing at you when you look at that thing's business end!

Sorry about your experience!

Sorry to hear about your new woes.

The people are either the most ambitious drug addicts or the biggest fuckin' idiots on the face of the earth.


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Any one notice the "Centurion Multi-defense buckshot Law Enforcemnt" is made in Italy? Recently I purchased some .410 ammo and found it was made in Spain. Last month I purchase 25lbs of bird shot for reloading and found that it was made in Peru. I inquired as to why this is so and was informed that it is illegal to make shot gun shells using lead. That didn't make sense to me but apparently we have out sourced our ammunition to foreign countries. More and more i realize that my grandchildren will not have the same opportunities that I have had. They will told what to do.


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Any one notice the "Centurion Multi-defense buckshot Law Enforcemnt" is made in Italy? Recently I purchased some .410 ammo and found it was made in Spain. Last month I purchase 25lbs of bird shot for reloading and found that it was made in Peru. I inquired as to why this is so and was informed that it is illegal to make shot gun shells using lead. That didn't make sense to me but apparently we have out sourced our ammunition to foreign countries. More and more i realize that my grandchildren will not have the same opportunities that I have had. They will told what to do.

Yes, fishing, and wheel weights are now steel and no longer lead. As of the first of this year it is a $1000.00 fine for installing lead weights when balancing tires.

I assumed you couldn't use lead bullets or shell shot any longer as the gunshot victim may suffer from lead poisoning?

This bullshit needs to stop starting with the next general election.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Shoot, When I was growing up, we kept a salt shaker, pepper shaker, and cup of powdered lead on the table all the time. Hell, lead wont hurt you, long as its not coming out end of a barrel. I know its safe, just look at me,,,,,well,,,,,delete that,,,maybe not,,,,,rrraannndyypppeee

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Shoot, When I was growing up, we kept a salt shaker, pepper shaker, and cup of powdered lead on the table all the time. Hell, lead wont hurt you, long as its not coming out end of a barrel. I know its safe, just look at me,,,,,well,,,,,delete that,,,maybe not,,,,,rrraannndyypppeee

Like me. If it weren't for lead paint chips when I was a kid, I woulda starved to death.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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This is what you need for your property Olivetroad. He looks harmless guarding his sled but if you tried to take the sled that he loves, watch out! He is actually pretty harmless but is intimidating as hell. There was a time that I took a job with FedEx and moved to Boise. The day I was moving in I was carrying stuff to a storage shed in the back yard when I noticed this tweeker looking over the 6 foot fence watching what I was putting in the shed. He then asked if I had any dogs and I said yes I have 2 german shepherds. About a week later I got off of the night shift about 3 am and was relaxing watching tv when I heard the dogs going nuts. I went out to see what the problem was and when I turned the porch light on in the backyard there was Lars my big male german shepherd with this tweekers arm in his mouth. I didnt try to stop either dog since they were simply apprehending the trespasser and not mauling him and called the cops. They arrived quickly and put the man under arrest and told me they have had multiple problems with this a-hole. I asked what was going to happen to me or my dogs since they were biting him and the cops told me nothing, he was trespassing in your yard over a 6 ft fence. I got a police report from them in case that little slime ball ever tried to sue me over it but nothing ever happened.

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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