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Help! She gone done and done it


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Guess what my blushing bride got for christmas? And it was some over priced thing from King Arthur flour to boot.

She even made me hang it up. That is like my grandpa making me pick out my own switch.

I tried it out on the dog - not much bounce to it


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Guess what my blushing bride got for christmas? And it was some over priced thing from King Arthur flour to boot. She even made me hang it up. That is like my grandpa making me pick out my own switch. I tried it out on the dog - not much bounce to it post-6658-0-29223900-1325353393_thumb.jp
Yeah but there ain't no finer pastries and such made with anything less than a hardwood rolling pin. If you do good that piece of kitchen equipment will pay you handsome rewards in the future. If you screw up. it will beat lumps into the side of your skull just as easily, (don't ask how I know).


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Yeah but there ain't no finer pasties and such made with anything less than a hardwood rolling pin. If you do good that piece of kitchen equipment will pay you handsome rewards in the future. If you screw up. it will beat lumps into the side of your skull just as easily, (don't ask how I know).


When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Yeah but there ain't no finer pastries and such made with anything less than a hardwood rolling pin. If you do good that piece of kitchen equipment will pay you handsome rewards in the future. If you screw up. it will beat lumps into the side of your skull just as easily, (don't ask how I know).


When I was a young'un my Momma made home made biscuits every day with a rolling pin like that. Every day. I don't know if she still has it, haven't seen it for a while.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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David, When I saw the title on this thread I thought maybe she downloaded number six just in time to claim another exemption.

My accountant told her to try and get that done. He got the stink eye.

She is due with num 6 on the 13th of June. I am reminded of it daily.

We eat two loaves of bread a day - she bakes about 1/3 of them

We drink a gallon of milk a day - definitely NOT farm raised - been there, done that

We use 18 eggs a day (farm raised)

We eat two fat calves a year (farm raised)

We eat a hog every four months (farm raised)

We also buy a lot of toilet paper

If we had to buy all that food, I have no idea what it would cost.

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Have you figured out where there coming from yet?

I am trying to figure it out - I have a plan:

First, I wait until the birth announcement comes out in the local paper.

Second, I flip through the back issues until I find the one for 9 months before and see if there was any big news that day.

Third, I calculate the phase of the moon and see if that was to blame.

Fourth, I read the almanac to see if that week was a good time to wean calves or not.

Fifth, I check the old local train schedules to see if the circus was in town that week - you gotta watch them clowns

After all this, the only thing I know for sure after all this research is that it always happens at night, and at night it is dark outside.

I am starting to worry that I may not be able to figure this out.

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Yeah but there ain't no finer pastries and such made with anything less than a hardwood rolling pin. If you do good that piece of kitchen equipment will pay you handsome rewards in the future. If you screw up. it will beat lumps into the side of your skull just as easily, (don't ask how I know).


I think I am going to be okay.

Today she used this:


To make these:


Damn they were good!


I will gladly take the risk of future whacks in the head with a hardwood rollin' pin if having it around means I gets me sum of them biscuits!

I did almost get a whack when she caught me with a dirty spoon eating the sausage gravy leftovers right out of the skillet when I was supposed to be doing the dishes.

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Shit, I live in the wrong part of the country. I had to do with a bowl of cereal.


Come on down - every Sunday is big breakfast day! I will save you a plate!

I make a killer sausage gravy. My addled headed cooking theory is that whatever ingredients you like the most in a receipe, you double them. So my gravy has LOTS of MEAT!

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Come on down - every Sunday is big breakfast day! I will save you a plate!

I make a killer sausage gravy. My addled headed cooking theory is that whatever ingredients you like the most in a receipe, you double them. So my gravy has LOTS of MEAT!

I may just do that sometime. I'll stop and pick something up alongside 54 on the way down. Plenty of coon, rabbit, squirel, deer, dog, and whatever else suits your fancy. I'm not particular myself so give me advance notice so I can keep an eye out and bring a clean shovel.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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That rolling pin reminds me of the 1 my grandma that raised me had . she was always baking if she wasnt @ work sewing or @ home sewing making side $ .

She wasnt afraid to pop ya upside the head w/ it either !!


You Cant Fix Stupid. But You Can Numb It With A Sledgehammer. :loldude:

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That rolling pin reminds me of the 1 my grandma that raised me had . she was always baking if she wasnt @ work sewing or @ home sewing making side $ .

She wasnt afraid to pop ya upside the head w/ it either !!


And just where do you think I get most of my experience from? I had a grandma just like that too!


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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And just where do you think I get most of my experience from? I had a grandma just like that too!


Glad to know your in the same boat rob . lol grandma would also come after w/ a cast iron skillet too.

Rowdy I Use the grill & crockpot more than i do my stove or oven . ;)

You Cant Fix Stupid. But You Can Numb It With A Sledgehammer. :loldude:

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I actually screwed up boiling water the other day. :blush:

I have no business being anywhere NEAR a kitchen. :whistling:

Use your grill then. I actually cooked a delicious pot roast entirely on the grill yesterday.I threw the roast on the grill and browned it good on both sides, then I transfered it into an aluminum foil lined aluminum roasting pan, added potatoes, onions, a can of carrots, and a can of beast broth. Covered the pan with more foil, couple hours later it was done. And good too!

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Glad to know your in the same boat rob . lol grandma would also come after w/ a cast iron skillet too.

Rowdy ive never went that far brother. think id rather have the rolling pin.

Cast Iron Skillet? I thought "Momma" invented the Gong Show on the side of my head with her's.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Were you trying to make tea with those leaves from around your front porch?

Nah...poison ivy really doesn't taste like much of anything, so it probably wouldn't make a very good tea.

I was trying to boil some water to drop a coffee packet or two in to make some quick coffee without having to take the time to clean the coffee maker. It hadn't quite got to boiling yet when the water exploded up out of the pan, sending hot water all over the stove top, counter, and floor. Even after it popped like that, it still wasn't boiling, so I have no friggin clue WHAT happened....just that water in a pot with a little heat under it shouldn't do that.

Unfortunately, most of the water that WAS in the pan was no longer in the pan, so I had to refill the pan and start over.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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