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The Daughter:


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silly girl- does she not know I'm wearing my Darth Vader helmet at all times?

Maybe I need one of those too. People keep calling me "Yoda" and I need a new identity.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Rob..... You will have to get the baby some of those Mack onesy things in pink that say intake on the front and exhaust on the back. Sorry... They dont come adult size though. Thought I might postpone the trip to your place after reading your post on Firday.. Figured you might be a little busy.


15 gears...no waiting!
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Rob..... You will have to get the baby some of those Mack onesy things in pink that say intake on the front and exhaust on the back. Sorry... They dont come adult size though. Thought I might postpone the trip to your place after reading your post on Firday.. Figured you might be a little busy.


I've already purchased a couple, one in red, one in pink. Just couldn't do without them. I had one custom made for myself in Mack green cause I want to fit in. Problem was that every time I'd bend over to tie my shoes, (for instance) I pop the snaps across the bottom of the crotch area open, and the damned fabric would roll up over my gut like a window shade you'd let go of at the bottom of it's travel. Done got that part fixed though. Had "Momma" sew me a zipper across the bottom, (still need easy access to change my diaper) and it stays shut much better. Done tried "velcro" but it lost its grip through a few change cycles.

"Momma" picked up some silver reflective material and was gonna sew me an exhaust pipe on the backside but I didn't let her. I've got class and morals, (but you already knew that) and I thought it would look "tacky".


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I've already purchased a couple, one in red, one in pink. Just couldn't do without them. I had one custom made for myself in Mack green cause I want to fit in. Problem was that every time I'd bend over to tie my shoes, (for instance) I pop the snaps across the bottom of the crotch area open, and the damned fabric would roll up over my gut like a window shade you'd let go of at the bottom of it's travel. Done got that part fixed though. Had "Momma" sew me a zipper across the bottom, (still need easy access to change my diaper) and it stays shut much better. Done tried "velcro" but it lost its grip through a few change cycles.

"Momma" picked up some silver reflective material and was gonna sew me an exhaust pipe on the backside but I didn't let her. I've got class and morals, (but you already knew that) and I thought it would look "tacky".


Some regular old house hold dryer vent sown on the back would make a classy "tail pipe". :loldude:

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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Hmmmm, some of you guys think Mack green compares to "baby shit green"? Why, I'm so surprised as I thought you was loyalists.

Must be that Peterbilt influence clouding judgement.

Now my plastic secondary overwrap would qualify as "baby shit green" cause it is stained due to the permeable nature of the material. It's integrity is still intact so no real need for replacement.

I had to cut my intake of chilli dogs however as the garmet was becoming stretched to the limit of exploding past the double elastic tension bands around the 54" waist and 37" leg openings.

Come to think of it, a chilli dog with mustard and all the fixins does sound good right now.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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