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Just caught the last 3 minutes of a show about Australian road trains on the Speed channel,but one about log trucks in the Rocky Mountains is just coming on.

I think it's the 'Dangerous Drives' show on Speed channel. It's a pretty decent show and I've seen the one about the Aussie trucks, pretty neat stuff. They've got quite a few episodes about different variations of trucking...windmill haulers, gas tanker haulers thru the 'million dollar highway', the Aussie road trains, loggers...etc etc.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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I think it's the 'Dangerous Drives' show on Speed channel. It's a pretty decent show and I've seen the one about the Aussie trucks, pretty neat stuff. They've got quite a few episodes about different variations of trucking...windmill haulers, gas tanker haulers thru the 'million dollar highway', the Aussie road trains, loggers...etc etc.

yeah, I saw the "million dollar highway" one before,that was pretty good.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I think it's the 'Dangerous Drives' show on Speed channel. It's a pretty decent show and I've seen the one about the Aussie trucks, pretty neat stuff. They've got quite a few episodes about different variations of trucking...windmill haulers, gas tanker haulers thru the 'million dollar highway', the Aussie road trains, loggers...etc etc.

A few of us at Page Trucking got calls from the producers of "Dangerous Drives" a few years ago. Nothing ever came of it. I guess our job isn't dangerous enough for TV.

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yeah, I saw the "million dollar highway" one before,that was pretty good.

Back when I had my learners permit my mom bought an RV, 23-24ft maybe, and took my 2 brothers and I on a trip from Arizona to IL...we went through the 4 corners area (it was closed!) and all around Colorado for a couple days before heading east. I drove that road and remember 'holy shitting' more than a few times...lol. When I saw that episode on tv a while back, I told my gf that I drove that in a freakin RV when I was 15!

Pretty neat country out thataway...spent the night in Leadville, CO...drove through the Eisenhour Tunnel(s)...spent the night somewhere in BFE Nebraska and had to head for the tornado shelter for a bit.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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A few of us at Page Trucking got calls from the producers of "Dangerous Drives" a few years ago. Nothing ever came of it. I guess our job isn't dangerous enough for TV.

What do you guys do that's 'dangerous'?...not tryin to be a smartass...

I like to watch those shows and how they try to amp up the drama when there isn't really any...but it's neat to see that kinda stuff.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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A few of us at Page Trucking got calls from the producers of "Dangerous Drives" a few years ago. Nothing ever came of it. I guess our job isn't dangerous enough for TV.

Back when i was still doing shows for clark,i was assigned to the "jessica simpson reality tour" the MTV film crew wanted to do a segment about what its like to be a tour driver,being on the road 3-7 months at a time,how glamourous it was to be a part of "showbusiness" etc. well when they did talk to me,they changed their minds! i apparently did'ntt tell them what they wanted to hear,so they deleted my part...instead they made basically a recruiting video,left my part out,saying my language was it little too "colorful" for TV LOL!...........Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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What do you guys do that's 'dangerous'?...not tryin to be a smartass...

That was my thought exactly... All in a day's work as far as I am concerned. My boss is college buddies with one of the show's producers and he was trying for some free ad time I think. We haul some placard loads, and dumping a 40 footer can be thrilling at times, but not enough WOW for TV.

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What do you guys do that's 'dangerous'?...not tryin to be a smartass...

That was my thought exactly... All in a day's work as far as I am concerned. My boss is college buddies with one of the show's producers and he was trying for some free ad time I think. We haul some placard loads, and dumping a 40 footer can be thrilling at times, but not enough WOW for TV.

....all in a day's work :thumb:


When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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....all in a day's work :thumb:


I ran an end dump early in my career,remember my boss had a little poster on the wall,"the 10 commandments of dump trucking" the only one i can remember was "thou shalt dumpest upon level ground".........i did'nt like it for just that reason,always afraid the dam thing was gonna' turn over!

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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I ran an end dump early in my career,remember my boss had a little poster on the wall,"the 10 commandments of dump trucking" the only one i can remember was "thou shalt dumpest upon level ground".........i did'nt like it for just that reason,always afraid the dam thing was gonna' turn over!

On that dump, I was more concerned about the edge of the "road" crumbling and the truck turning over, not the trailer. The trailer was actually pretty level.


We were SUPPOSED to be dumping into this pit, which would contain the lime kiln dust so they could put it where they wanted it. Whoever built the road, though, put a bend in it right before the pit. Company driver who dumped ahead of me got his truck stuck when he ran his tractor off the edge....then after they pulled him back up onto the road, he gave up and dumped short of the pit and made a HUGE mess....probably lost 1/3 or more of his load.

I'm just good enough to get it where it needs to go :thumb:


When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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On that dump, I was more concerned about the edge of the "road" crumbling and the truck turning over, not the trailer. The trailer was actually pretty level.

We were SUPPOSED to be dumping into this pit, which would contain the lime kiln dust so they could put it where they wanted it. Whoever built the road, though, put a bend in it right before the pit. Company driver who dumped ahead of me got his truck stuck when he ran his tractor off the edge....then after they pulled him back up onto the road, he gave up and dumped short of the pit and made a HUGE mess....probably lost 1/3 or more of his load.

I'm just good enough to get it where it needs to go :thumb:

Careful...being able to hit the pit with your load the first time might get you in trouble some day...

It's a double edged sword though, being good at what you do. At times, we (my brother and I) get requested by different companies through our broker for certain jobs because we know what we're doing...sometimes the jobs are shitty, others it's gravy. I guess my dad was right, people know what's up and take note...

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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Careful...being able to hit the pit with your load the first time might get you in trouble some day...

It's a double edged sword though, being good at what you do. At times, we (my brother and I) get requested by different companies through our broker for certain jobs because we know what we're doing...sometimes the jobs are shitty, others it's gravy. I guess my dad was right, people know what's up and take note...

I've had customers request me by name before....feels good when it happens....and I'm guessing it doesn't happen too often at the carrier, because dispatch is usually scratching their heads trying to figure out what's going on when it does.

It's always fun to follow a dumb@$$ too. After this guy FINALLY got out of there, and while some of the work crew was cleaning up the mess he left so that I could get backed in, I wandered over to some of the other guys on the crew who were now standing around with nothing to do (because what they SHOULD have been doing, they couldn't do yet because it involved the stuff the other guys were cleaning up) and the first words out of my mouth were "I just LOVE working with idiots" :rolleyes:

That eased the tension a bit...they said they weren't sure what to say to me when they saw me walking over.

To make matters worse, the guy rolled out of the jobsite without rolling his tarp back over the empty trailer, so he left a cloud of dust blowing out behind him :thumbsdown: DOT would have LOVED him....if only they had been around to see it.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I have heard that for years. I don't plan on joining either club anytime soon. Knock wood, 12 years still on the wheels... Watch what happens to me Monday.


i was a pain in the a@# driver i would not dump unless i felt comfy. one day a new oporater loaded me to heavy, i didnt think that much about it, i was dumping at an asphalt plant with a full frame triaxle trailer, on a perfectly level pad, it toped out and none of the 48 ton of screenings moved. seconds later it was conformed to a small pile of chips next to me. as i sat looking at it, i said to myself that cant be my trailer.......

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I have just been lucky so far. I have seen it happen to the best, but then again I have seen brain-dead mistakes too. Fortunately for me, I do a lot of industrial freight, dumping at mills and plants. Not a lot of off road. They can't pay me enough to tear up my equipment in a landfill every day.


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I love it when some old man that is tight as bark on a tree ask you to spread a load of 1 1/2 crusher run about 1/2 thin from here to the end of the road down there and to keep the lumps out of it and stay off of his grass cause there may be a 10 dollar tip in it for you and if you get on my grass i may call your boss.I said i am my boss and i have wet gravel on and i dont spread this and you have to sign for it before i dump. This old man got so mad i whished i had dumped and run.He took my dot # down said he would turn me in to the governor which was a freind of his. Then i took the load back to the plant for nothen.It was worth it to hear him talk about the other drivers that he made get out and level there load with a shovel.I told him that i only hauled a shovel around to shovel horse shit out of my way.

i told the scale lady when i got back and she said he has made his call and it didnt help him none.

glenn akers

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I love it when some old man that is tight as bark on a tree ask you to spread a load of 1 1/2 crusher run about 1/2 thin from here to the end of the road down there and to keep the lumps out of it and stay off of his grass cause there may be a 10 dollar tip in it for you and if you get on my grass i may call your boss.I said i am my boss and i have wet gravel on and i dont spread this and you have to sign for it before i dump. This old man got so mad i whished i had dumped and run.He took my dot # down said he would turn me in to the governor which was a freind of his. Then i took the load back to the plant for nothen.It was worth it to hear him talk about the other drivers that he made get out and level there load with a shovel.I told him that i only hauled a shovel around to shovel horse shit out of my way.

i told the scale lady when i got back and she said he has made his call and it didnt help him none.

"I get paid to haul it, not to spread it. If you want me to spread it, that costs extra. If you want me to use my shovel to level it, that also costs extra. I couldn't give a flying (bleep) if you call the governor or not, because I didn't vote for him this time around, and I won't be voting for the ignorant son of a (bleep) the next time he's up for election either. In fact, MAKE your call...I would LOVE for him to call me in regards to your little hissy fit so that I can cuss that (bleep)hole out for the bull(bleep) he's trying to force on the residents of the state.

Now do you want your rock or not? If not, you'll be getting a bill for this load of rock you ordered and that I hauled out here before you changed your mind...and if you DON'T pay, it WILL be turned over to a collection agency and it will reflect poorly on your credit score. I have my time, wear & tear on my truck, and fuel costs to cover...and ain't none of it free. So, you can either pay me and accept the rock, or I'll take the rock back and you'll STILL pay me for it. Really don't matter to me one way or the other. Next time, if you don't want it, don't order it."

That's the way the conversation would have gone if I were in your shoes. I'd figure he prolly ain't going to call me ever again for more rock, and even if he did, I wouldn't haul it out to him knowing he rejected this load. The only thing worse than not having any work, is having work that COSTS you money.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I have just been lucky so far. I have seen it happen to the best, but then again I have seen brain-dead mistakes too. Fortunately for me, I do a lot of industrial freight, dumping at mills and plants. Not a lot of off road. They can't pay me enough to tear up my equipment in a landfill every day.


I put the rubber side up once in my younger years, that was enough to last me a lifetime, (hopefully). There have been several attempts through the years since that people have tried to tell me my business, talk me into stupid sh*t, Im mostly hardheaded bout it now, dont care who they are or what their rank is, im gonna do stuff my way, take my time doing it, not gonna be rushed around or coerced into anything. Before I retired from coal mine, stood nose to nose with a few high ranking so called big shots and refused a few jobs till things were made right, in the safety aspect. Heh,,I was union so there wasnt much they could do bout it. It always amazed me how big companies could conduct safety meetings, and 20 minutes after meeting, be trying to get you to do the opposite, just because of the precious time and money factor. Oh well, live and learn,,,,randy

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I put the rubber side up once in my younger years, that was enough to last me a lifetime, (hopefully). There have been several attempts through the years since that people have tried to tell me my business, talk me into stupid sh*t, Im mostly hardheaded bout it now, dont care who they are or what their rank is, im gonna do stuff my way, take my time doing it, not gonna be rushed around or coerced into anything. Before I retired from coal mine, stood nose to nose with a few high ranking so called big shots and refused a few jobs till things were made right, in the safety aspect. Heh,,I was union so there wasnt much they could do bout it. It always amazed me how big companies could conduct safety meetings, and 20 minutes after meeting, be trying to get you to do the opposite, just because of the precious time and money factor. Oh well, live and learn,,,,randy

My dad was a brick layer 'til he failed to speak up about a scaffold that was built too far from the wall he was putting up. The constant reaching while laying block screwed his back up...herniated disc or something like that....the surgeon told him if he went back to laying brick, he'd be back on the operating table again in 5 years. Now he wires industrial control panels and won't do anything he knows he shouldn't be doing. :thumb:

I'd MUCH rather be out of a job than be physically injured & forced into a career change....:tease:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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My dad was a brick layer 'til he failed to speak up about a scaffold that was built too far from the wall he was putting up. The constant reaching while laying block screwed his back up...herniated disc or something like that....the surgeon told him if he went back to laying brick, he'd be back on the operating table again in 5 years. Now he wires industrial control panels and won't do anything he knows he shouldn't be doing. :thumb:

I'd MUCH rather be out of a job than be physically injured & forced into a career change....:tease:

Amen to that,,,randy :clap::clap::clap::clap:

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