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Global Warming Protest March...

other dog

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Did Anybody see the pictures from Copenhagen of the protesters? Fox News has some pictures and I swear there was a group with about fifty Red flags with yellow Hammer and Sickles on the flags. Gee, I thought the Soviet Union was dead? Communists realy, realy care about the enviroment and Polar Bears. Yes, Virginia I am afraid.



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Did Anybody see the pictures from Copenhagen of the protesters? Fox News has some pictures and I swear there was a group with about fifty Red flags with yellow Hammer and Sickles on the flags. Gee, I thought the Soviet Union was dead? Communists realy, realy care about the enviroment and Polar Bears. Yes, Virginia I am afraid.


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I think that man made global warming is all a bunch of Bull S**t. Nothing makes me feel better than pulling out of a red light and smoking out everyone behind me. My superdog's E7-400 Loves to leave its carbon footprint from her twin stacks!

Its pretty much science fact, not some fictitious BS invented by far left tree hugging nut jobs. But the problem is everyone is going around beating the global warming drum and not actually doing jack about it. Al Gores Carbon Credits are a scam. As much as the first world countries attempt to curb the effect, third world and developing nations ignore the problem. India and China have have a combined population of 2.5 billion people, 8.1 times the population of the USA. Do thay have emissions laws? No.

Curbing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is a good thing. But in a way its not fair we have to endure strict emissions standards that cost us money while billions of other people get to ignore them.


What America needs is less bull and more Bulldog!

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Do thay have emissions laws? No.

Curbing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is a good thing. But in a way its not fair we have to endure strict emissions standards that cost us money while billions of other people get to ignore them.


"If You Can't Shift It Smoothly, You Shouldn't Be Driving It"

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I think if at least 80% of the world's fertile population were neutered, it'd help immensely. Less people=less consumption. Especially where the present population can't be fed/cared for adequately.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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Maybe with the "New Health Care Plan" that is floating around, those "fertile" folks

could be 'Fixed' after the second child is born under our tax paid insurance 'Reforms'!?!?

Might do several things:

Cut global warming

Reduce carbon use

Reduce world population

Reduce CO2 - - -

Lots of good things could happen!!!


Keep a clutchin'

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Its pretty much science fact, not some fictitious BS invented by far left tree hugging nut jobs. But the problem is everyone is going around beating the global warming drum and not actually doing jack about it. Al Gores Carbon Credits are a scam. As much as the first world countries attempt to curb the effect, third world and developing nations ignore the problem. India and China have have a combined population of 2.5 billion people, 8.1 times the population of the USA. Do thay have emissions laws? No.

Curbing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is a good thing. But in a way its not fair we have to endure strict emissions standards that cost us money while billions of other people get to ignore them.

Notice in the last few years the terminology has changed. The ENVIRO-NUT JOBS now refer to it as "climate change", no longer "global warming". So far 1998 has been the warmest year on average, and average temps have been lowering for the last ten years. No one can predict the NATURAL climatic cycles of mother earth, nor should we try to change it. This is all part of the greatest HOAX perpetrated on mankind the end game being to destroy the few capitalist economies that remain and promote one world socialist government. DON'T FALL FOR IT, PEOPLE!

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I hope that those demanding curbing the population are kidding. Where are we.....China?

The only nations in the world that can benifit from a nuclear exchange are China and India and they would still have enough population to walk to America and take back all of the money we borrowed from them.

Now for the co2. Let's all hold our breath.....gee and that will stop co2 production. Cork all the asses and we will stop co2 and methane. Take the fizzz out of soda. Dump all of those co2 fire extingishers. Stop all forest fires and volcanos and....... well now you can see how foolish this is.

When I was in 6th grade (prior to the take over of the educational system by socialists), we we're taught that all mammels exhale co2. All green plant life (Trees, bushes,grass, marijuana, etc.etc) take in the co2 and through photosynthesis convert the co2 to oxygen (o2) and sugars.

We were also taught that a given species will expand with a given amount of food. More food more species. Less food less species. This is why farmes have problems with mice and rats because of the available food. Hence Barn cats.

Now class, let's review. The more co2 there is in the atmosphere, The more green plants will grow. Hmmmmmm. seems simple doesn't it. Oh, and just to be fair. A species will grow unchecked with an unlimited food supply unless a predator is avaible to limit the species and grow the predator species.


Now all of this climate change junk is just that JUNK! It is a vailed ploy to gain control and power. To establish a "Ruling Class" (those who know what is best for "us".) I will decide what is best for me......Thank you very much.

To imagine that we (Man) can have an impact on a system that is as large as the world is taking ourselves way to seriously. This world has been here for millions of years and is in a constant state of flux. Nothing remains unchanged.

All it took was one meteor in the Yucatan peninsula and POOF the dinosaurs were gone (World wide). What makes us think we are any better?

Merry Christmas


Edited by blueknight0517@yahoo.com


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I hope that those demanding curbing the population are kidding. Where are we.....China?

When I was in 6th grade (prior to the take over of the educational system by socialists), we we're taught that all mammels exhale co2. All green plant life (Trees, bushes,grass, marijuana, etc.etc) take in the co2 and through photosynthesis convert the co2 to oxygen (o2) and sugars.

Now class, let's review. The more co2 there is in the atmosphere, The more green plants will grow. Hmmmmmm. seems simple doesn't it. Oh, and just to be fair. A species will grow unchecked with an unlimited food supply unless a predator is avaible to limit the species and grow the predator species.

All it took was one meteor in the Yucatan peninsula and POOF the dinosaurs were gone (World wide). What makes us think we are any better?

Merry Christmas


The enviro-mental-ists will counter your statement by saying all the worlds forests are being destroyed/harvested to be able to produce enough oxygen/consume enough Co2 to keep up.

I'm not saying population control should be the answer...but it will no doubt BE the answer some day. Some powers that be will engineer some 'global epidemic', much like this swine flu is supposed to be now...they'll protect the people they want to keep, the rest will be left.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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I hope that those demanding curbing the population are kidding. Where are we.....China?

The only nations in the world that can benifit from a nuclear exchange are China and India and they would still have enough population to walk to America and take back all of the money we borrowed from them.

Now for the co2. Let's all hold our breath.....gee and that will stop co2 production. Cork all the asses and we will stop co2 and methane. Take the fizzz out of soda. Dump all of those co2 fire extingishers. Stop all forest fires and volcanos and....... well now you can see how foolish this is.

When I was in 6th grade (prior to the take over of the educational system by socialists), we we're taught that all mammels exhale co2. All green plant life (Trees, bushes,grass, marijuana, etc.etc) take in the co2 and through photosynthesis convert the co2 to oxygen (o2) and sugars.

We were also taught that a given species will expand with a given amount of food. More food more species. Less food less species. This is why farmes have problems with mice and rats because of the available food. Hence Barn cats.

Now class, let's review. The more co2 there is in the atmosphere, The more green plants will grow. Hmmmmmm. seems simple doesn't it. Oh, and just to be fair. A species will grow unchecked with an unlimited food supply unless a predator is avaible to limit the species and grow the predator species.


Now all of this climate change junk is just that JUNK! It is a vailed ploy to gain control and power. To establish a "Ruling Class" (those who know what is best for "us".) I will decide what is best for me......Thank you very much.

To imagine that we (Man) can have an impact on a system that is as large as the world is taking ourselves way to seriously. This world has been here for millions of years and is in a constant state of flux. Nothing remains unchanged.

All it took was one meteor in the Yucatan peninsula and POOF the dinosaurs were gone (World wide). What makes us think we are any better?

Merry Christmas


Some valid points but the idea behind the CO2 greenhouse effect is being greatly accelerated by man. Hell some volcanos spew out hundreds of thousands of tons or even millions in a single eruption. It is also believed the massive asteroid that slammed earth set the entire planet on fire from massive flaming derbies that shot into space and fell back to earth. The CO2 in the atmosphere at that point was incredibly high but the earth sprang back. The thing about the green house effect is that its not going to one day just pop out and kill us all. It will take a very long time. Possibly 50-100 years for the full effect. The earth can and will heal itself.

The green house effect isnt going to destroy the planet but it could drastically alter the climate in some areas. That could adversly effect fresh water supplies and farming which is what will kill us off. But with modern technology we could cope but some parts of the earth might/will face starvation which starts wars. So its not a bad idea to trim emissions but lets not kid ourselves that the lame measures taken today are doing anything.


What America needs is less bull and more Bulldog!

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Al Gore's book "An Inconvenient Truth" (2006) has sold 40,000 copies to date.

Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue" (2009) has sold 2,000,000 copies to date.


Proof that there are at least 2,040,000 morons out there.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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Whats wrong with Sarah Palin? She would be a much better president that Obozo!

How do you figure..??

McCain lost my vote (and I think any real shot at being elected) because of her...she's just another f*^%$ng retard who's long, loooonnnggg ago worn out her 15 minutes. I still wonder from what she's going rogue...maybe I should be the 2,000,001th person to buy her book?

I didn't vote for Obama...well, I didn't vote for anyone for president.

Furthermore, living in Illinois precludes any vote I make anyway as Chicagoland does the voting for all of Illinois.

It's a joke, all of it. I fear not so much for myself, but my kids. I think we're on a pretty slippery slope and losing traction big time...

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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How do you figure..??

McCain lost my vote (and I think any real shot at being elected) because of her...she's just another f*^%$ng retard who's long, loooonnnggg ago worn out her 15 minutes. I still wonder from what she's going rogue...maybe I should be the 2,000,001th person to buy her book?

I didn't vote for Obama...well, I didn't vote for anyone for president.

Furthermore, living in Illinois precludes any vote I make anyway as Chicagoland does the voting for all of Illinois.

It's a joke, all of it. I fear not so much for myself, but my kids. I think we're on a pretty slippery slope and losing traction big time...

i never did understand what possesed the republican party to choose her as a running mate.

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i never did understand what possesed the republican party to choose her as a running mate.

Just look back to Dan Quayle. Young, good looking, limited political sense or knowledge.......

Not much difference to me. Think Mccain would get any votes on his looks? Not hardly. Pretty sad of the GOP to install either of them for candidates.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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I miss Reagan too!

And I miss the "old" America. Not the one we have managed to mismanage into oblivious submission today.

There are a few facts in this forum that cannot be ignored - no matter how far you try to stick your head in the sand, or wherever.

Fact #1: We are addicted to oil. Not just as a country, but as an entire world. There is a limited amount of oil. We don't really know what that limit is, but there is a limit. As more of the world's population becomes affluent, they are using more and more of the finite oil supply. Simple.

Fact #2: The world's population is growing. And more and more of the people in the world are becoming affluent. Especially as we Americans give our jobs and industries away at a wholesale rate. Just think of China. Ten years ago the Chinese were still riding bicycles and mule carts as their primary transportation. Today, China is the largest automobile consumer in the world - surpassing the US for the first time in history. Think also of the smaller countries, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, most of South America, Asia and the Middle East. They are all becoming more affluent, and consequently, they are also becoming larger consumers of energy. Again - Simple.

Fact #3: If we keep pumping billions of tons of CO2 and other pollutants into the atmosphere, along with the trillions of calories of excess heat that we produce by burning fossil fuels at the rate that we do - something has to give. The air becomes polluted and unsuitable for a healthy life, and, much quicker than that, the upper atmosphere, where the gasses gather in a layer, doesn't allow the heat to escape. The earth warms up. Simple - again. Are you seeing a pattern here?

Fact #4: This is the most surprising fact. We can fix this whole problem and solve our country's financial woes, along with putting the USA back in the game as the world's top player. We just have to own up to the fact that there really is a problem. Then we just have to act like "old" Americans. Do what our fathers did, and their fathers before them. We have to stop whining and pointing fingers at each other. Forget this bull shi-- about "who is going to take of me??" and start looking at the countless opportunities staring you in the face right here and now.

Efficient, clean and ongoing - Heat from the sun and the earth itself; Electricity from the sun, the wind and the rivers. More heat and electricity than we can even use! And - it's ours. It's already here. Can you say "No more imported oil"? No more wars over oil, a cleaner world in which to live, huge technological and industrial opportunities, and, best of all, a real statement that we are an independent people, capable of standing on our own two feet and making our own decisions about how we want to live!

Oil has been artificially subsidized by our government to keep the price to us very cheap. A gallon of fuel oil can produce enough energy that is worth something on the order of $40.00 per gallon! But - you can buy it for less than $3.00! If the price of oil is allowed to seek its' own ceiling, and the wastefully spent stimulus monies used to fund new research and start-up industries, we could be back on top in no time. A little painful in the short term, no doubt. Change always is tough. But over the long haul - it might be a good way to go. Put people to work, and stop burning up what we are running out of and fighting over. Create a renewable infrastructure of energy. Something that nobody can take away from us. Something that we don't have to go overseas and fight over.

Just think about it in a reasonable way. Don't put your head in the sand. Don't try to blame your friendly, out of control politicians. They don't have a clue, and are simply pandering for votes. They are not there to help - regardless of what you think.

Stand up, be an American and take some responsibility. You'll like yourself for it.

I'm a very conservative Republican. I don't believe in big government, and I don't like entitlements. I make my own living, and I don't need government help or intervention. I believe that opportunity is what made our country great before, and what will get us up out of the gutter we have stumbled into. We just have to look around and act on what we see.

Thanks for the soapbox.

Paul Van Scott

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I miss Reagan too!

And I miss the "old" America. Not the one we have managed to mismanage into oblivious submission today.

There are a few facts in this forum that cannot be ignored - no matter how far you try to stick your head in the sand, or wherever.

Fact #1: We are addicted to oil. Not just as a country, but as an entire world. There is a limited amount of oil. We don't really know what that limit is, but there is a limit. As more of the world's population becomes affluent, they are using more and more of the finite oil supply. Simple.

Fact #2: The world's population is growing. And more and more of the people in the world are becoming affluent. Especially as we Americans give our jobs and industries away at a wholesale rate. Just think of China. Ten years ago the Chinese were still riding bicycles and mule carts as their primary transportation. Today, China is the largest automobile consumer in the world - surpassing the US for the first time in history. Think also of the smaller countries, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, most of South America, Asia and the Middle East. They are all becoming more affluent, and consequently, they are also becoming larger consumers of energy. Again - Simple.

Fact #3: If we keep pumping billions of tons of CO2 and other pollutants into the atmosphere, along with the trillions of calories of excess heat that we produce by burning fossil fuels at the rate that we do - something has to give. The air becomes polluted and unsuitable for a healthy life, and, much quicker than that, the upper atmosphere, where the gasses gather in a layer, doesn't allow the heat to escape. The earth warms up. Simple - again. Are you seeing a pattern here?

Fact #4: This is the most surprising fact. We can fix this whole problem and solve our country's financial woes, along with putting the USA back in the game as the world's top player. We just have to own up to the fact that there really is a problem. Then we just have to act like "old" Americans. Do what our fathers did, and their fathers before them. We have to stop whining and pointing fingers at each other. Forget this bull shi-- about "who is going to take of me??" and start looking at the countless opportunities staring you in the face right here and now.

Efficient, clean and ongoing - Heat from the sun and the earth itself; Electricity from the sun, the wind and the rivers. More heat and electricity than we can even use! And - it's ours. It's already here. Can you say "No more imported oil"? No more wars over oil, a cleaner world in which to live, huge technological and industrial opportunities, and, best of all, a real statement that we are an independent people, capable of standing on our own two feet and making our own decisions about how we want to live!

Oil has been artificially subsidized by our government to keep the price to us very cheap. A gallon of fuel oil can produce enough energy that is worth something on the order of $40.00 per gallon! But - you can buy it for less than $3.00! If the price of oil is allowed to seek its' own ceiling, and the wastefully spent stimulus monies used to fund new research and start-up industries, we could be back on top in no time. A little painful in the short term, no doubt. Change always is tough. But over the long haul - it might be a good way to go. Put people to work, and stop burning up what we are running out of and fighting over. Create a renewable infrastructure of energy. Something that nobody can take away from us. Something that we don't have to go overseas and fight over.

Just think about it in a reasonable way. Don't put your head in the sand. Don't try to blame your friendly, out of control politicians. They don't have a clue, and are simply pandering for votes. They are not there to help - regardless of what you think.

Stand up, be an American and take some responsibility. You'll like yourself for it.

I'm a very conservative Republican. I don't believe in big government, and I don't like entitlements. I make my own living, and I don't need government help or intervention. I believe that opportunity is what made our country great before, and what will get us up out of the gutter we have stumbled into. We just have to look around and act on what we see.

Thanks for the soapbox.

Paul Van Scott

See we can be a true conservative Republican and care about the future of society and the planet without being called a hippie or tree huger. Thanks for that post Paul. Hopefully this country will wake up and realize you have to work for a living and that you cant have every materialistic thing you want. Everyone wants to be a big shot making big money.

You see people scoff at the very idea of hard work (i know a few). They live hand to mouth because they blew $400 on a stupid fancy cell phone, $800 on a big screen LCD TV and have to make payments on their fancy $35-40,000 car along with $1200 rent. Then these ass holes have the nerve to complain about illegal Mexicans and other immigrants looking for work. At least they are working! Too many people think they are above physical and other blue collar labor. Spoiled is the word I am looking for. Time to wake up.


What America needs is less bull and more Bulldog!

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