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Red Rover

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Everything posted by Red Rover

  1. file://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-10.jpeg
  2. file://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-10.jpeg
  3. file://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-8.jpeg
  4. file://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-5.jpeg
  5. Funny thing Rob, I've been thrashing at the keys so that I'm not sure how I actually got one to post. I know I can figure this out, and I've got a few photos I'd like to share. I also fear a may be in trouble over what I've found. I'll try again.
  6. I swear I'm not an Idiot. I've put 2 kids through college. I've been in business for 20 years with 2 locations,I've been married for 32 years (to 2 consecutive wives). So why am I having so much trouble downloading pictures on this #@&%^$#@ computer. Thanks for letting me vent.file://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-5.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-5.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-5.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-19.jpeg Piss on it. I'm going to bed. Try again tomorrow.
  7. Sorry, I should have tried this on the test forum first. It's frustrating , I've been trying to figure this out for several days. I didn't have to learn how to overhaul a transmission to be able to drive a truck, but..... I'll get it in a minute, thanks for your patience.
  8. Ran up on some dogs this week. Could be trouble.file://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-1.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-3.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-5.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-7.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-9.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-10.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-11.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-12.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-13.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-14.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-15.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-16.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-19.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail-18.jpegfile://localhost/Users/timothydipasquale/Desktop/mail.jpeg
  9. Tuggit for a nugget . What the heck! Hey Honey, lets have chicken tonite.
  10. This Cruiseliner is a bargain compared to the one laying on its side off the coast of Italy.
  11. Hard to believe those prices, wonder what a Pittsburgh to Chicago run paid then. I remember when I was a kid hearing the old man say if he could get 5 thousand a year we'd have it made. That was around 1959 when he was working the open hearth at Weirton Steel.
  12. Let me know if you're in the neighborhood, we'll grab a bite.
  13. I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday and she said that she would like something that went from 0 to 150 really quick...so I got her a bathroom scale. And that's when the fight started.
  14. My wife asked if I knew where the broom was. I said " why, are you going for a ride?"....and then the fight started.
  15. Congrats, and 10-4 on the dog house.
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