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Everything posted by masterwelder

  1. Mine was close to doing the same thing. I just set the idle up a little and it took care of it.
  2. What about the tanker in the background? Is that for sale?
  3. A 3ft stick will work also, just don't try it at 55!
  4. Welcome aboard. This is a non judgmental form, so remember the pics and ask away.
  5. Lookin Good Vin!!! Is that you Papa we see in the vid?
  6. I think a 6 year old knows what that means now a days... No offense Vin.
  7. I looked into briefly awhile ago... I was able to get a fair amount of info from the web. I cant remember but you may need an MC number before you get the plates.
  8. They may have to go back to that duel driver design given the caliber of drivers currently available... gee wiz.
  9. Hey Vinny, looks like the close down the street and have the show right there? I've gota get lees stuff going on so i can make some of these shows!!
  10. Right! Reminds me of a girl I use to know...
  11. For sure, if you got some Bio in there it will free up the whole system! Other than that get out your skinny headed mop and start swabbing out the tank (a HUGE q-tip will work to if you can find one). If that doesn't do it you may need another tank. I have had good luck cleaning them out though.
  12. Nice job, and such a through restoration. After watching my dad restore several different tractors and his MG, i can appreciate the work you have put in to it. I hope you get plenty of opportunity's to show it off.
  13. Well you know the DOT... always around when you don't need them, and never around when you do. Me personally, I very rarely need them around.
  14. If that trailer is a tandem dully- you're looking at 5 or 6k right there for the trailer. My day cab tractor is 16.5k . That is 21.5k conservatively with my truck! Behind a 10k truck?? Even if that is loaded properly it's quite a load.
  15. Any one want to buy a water logged Caddy with a pen that writes up side down?
  16. Not bad. Vin, if grab that one and the one my cousin has up for sale you could be right in business- call it Vinny's u dump service or Vinny's I dump with U or Vinny's U dump up... you get the idea.
  17. There an answer to something... Perhaps the bad ending mentioned earlier??
  18. Nice tractor. Wet line? Why is he getting rid of it? Where is it located?
  19. Ain't that the truth!
  20. All I see are Milk Cans!!!
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