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Everything posted by vision386

  1. The new greensboro,NC headquarters also has a new gray pinnacle daycab out front, all chromed out, pretty sharp truck!...............Mark
  2. Believe me i tried! this woman was GORGEOUS! .............Mark
  3. Yup i remember seeing them around, there is the hood off one in a junkyard down here . did you ever see a FWD cabover? i remember seeing one up your way (JC/elizabeth area) guy was leased to greenstein produce company out of pompano beach,FL was the only one i ever saw......Mark
  4. Got looking at otherdogs post about boots and bikes, found an old picture of myself with the first real "largecar" i ever drove,(1979?) friend of my grandfathers had a driver quit right before a trip, the man was desperate to get his load of produce hauled, so pop "volunteered" me to take the load to the northern toronto produce market. I did'nt show it, but i was giddy! this was a 1977 KW - W900A, with a 3408 V-8 cat,14 speed spicer SST trans. 3.35 rears, at the time was putting out in the neighborhood of 750 horse to the rears! i went up the northeast extension of the PA turnpike pretty damn quick! this was the only truck i ever drove with a 120 MPH speedometer in it! well, this guy ran kind of a "fly by night" operation, he gave me 2 checks to buy fuel going and coming back (bounced) and $50.00 expense money, i ran the trip, reloaded a load of flour out of buffalo,NY headed back to jersey, after all was said and done, i think i cleared $85 or $90.00! but i still have and wear the boots i have on in the picture, been re-healed, re-soled about 4 times now! lessons learned about wanting to drive a FANCY truck LOL! probably better off in the long run,this thing was FAST!!!!!!!! young and in-expeienced, probly would'nt have lasted as long as i have so far!.............Mark
  5. Vacation my ass! he's been down at the gulf, stealing all that leftover spilled oil! he's not fooling me that he gave up on the project, just wanted to cut the rest of us out of the profits/ money! thats all!.........Mark
  6. Back in 2006 i got to go to the mid-america truckshow in louisville,KY i signed up to play the "mack challenge" a game (kinda' like jeopardy) where you answer trivia questions about macks history,sports, current events etc. it was down to me and one other guy, we were playing for this very same jacket! the other guy had answered a question a little faster than me, so he got to pick the final catagory, he of course picked sports, which i know little to nothing about! how the hell was a supposed to know muhamid ali was from louisville!??? so long story short he won the jacket, i got a "granite" paperweight for my desk, best thing about the whole deal was they had a "spokesmodel" showing the prizes, modeling the clothes she had THE nicest "heiney" i think i have ever seen! if you look close, you will see what im talking about! (right side of the picture,under the mack challenge sign) black hair, blue jeans!...............Mark
  7. With the new law in effect soon, illegal immigrants are fleeing the country by any means nesessary.....many are taking advantage of trucks headed towards texas,mexico, and of course pennsylvania!..................Mark
  8. I had a similar experience, one time many years ago, i was coming down out of buffalo,NY with a load of empty glass bottles, got on 390 down towards binghampton,NY it was snowing/freezing rain (slick as goose shit!) i decided to shut down till it got better, pulled into the T/A in dansville,NY i was sitting in the truck drinking coffee, when the guy across from me (about 600 LBS.) decided to climb down out of his double bunk cabover freightliner. He made it to the ground,took a few "baby steps" then wham!!!!! busted his ass but good! i thought that was the funniest thing i ever saw! i laughed my ass off! well, after drinking about 1/2 gallon of coffee, it was my turn, i was running my F-model at the time, opened the door, climbed down very carefully, took my foot off the last step, touched the ground, turned around to walk inside, i did'nt take 2 steps, then BAM!!!!!! my ass hit the ground! next thing i knew i was looking at fuel tank/ driveshaft! knocked the wind outta' me! learned a valuable lesson that day, NEVER LAUGH AT SOMEBODY ELSES MISFORTUNE! next time it could be you getting laughed at!!!.........Mark
  9. Thats a pretty nice ride up thru there this time of year, i run that way just about all the time, yep 20 191 was your best bet to stay outa the hills,pretty flat, good running, i know rite where your talking about
  10. How'd you make out getting up there? ok i hope........Mark
  11. I know a good deal of it,i have been trying to track down the original owner/photos of this truck for YEARS! my plan (eventually) is to purchase an RL-series, and try to duplicate this one as closely as possible, i have been amassing parts, ideas etc. with this intention since i was a teenager. I saw this truck at the old overdrive magazine drag races back in the 80's, then eventually saw it on the road, but never got to talk to the owner,or take very many pictures. This is truck "mecca" for me! i always liked the look of this truck and the attention to detail was second to none, not overdone,not too much chrome etc.( in my opinion) the quest for info on this particular truck is what lead me to this website,and was one of my very first posts..........Mark P.S. i noted you have a RL-755L listed in your inventory! LOL!
  12. Did'nt realize you did all that cookin' thought maybe you guys just grabbed a burger somewhere!
  13. Nothin' to it! once you hang them 10-15,000 times you kinda' get the hang of it! LOL! worst ordeal i've ever had with chaining up was just this past winter, delivered to a ski lodge up in eagle,CO had to go up a snow/ice covered grade (about 8%) had everything locked down, was putting on my first set of 3 railers, entire truck /trailer slid back about 15 feet! scared the shit outta' me! decided to go to sleep,wait for the sun to come up before going any farther! (wise choice).......they had an electical fire and the place burned to the ground before i got there!.............Mark
  14. See there is still some disparity in where our "president" is actually from........maybe this helps answer some questions?
  15. Hey rob, if you don't have any clear plans or ideas for the RL-797LST I DO! LOL!..................Mark
  16. Need to send some of that down my way! been so damn hot the past few weeks, i really have'nt had much of an appetite, been doing all small LTL shipments past two weeks, in and around raleigh, was hoping i could meet up with rob too, just did'nt work out. Get these done, hopefully can get back on some long stuff, i am bidding on a contract to deliver new store fixtures for "petsmart" stores, its all TL, but requires special handling and a lifgate and some inside delivery, the store safe, cash registers etc. they have about 60 loads pending right now, and are un-happy with their current carrier, i have assured them they could'nt do much better than me! LOL!..................Mark
  17. Damn tom! now i've seen it all! LMFAO!.............some of your competition hauling the "load" of pipe?????? don't believe i've ever seen an OD load hauled on a bicycle!!!!!!!!!...............Mark
  18. Randy, you COULD use a water buffalo to pull that lowboy around,then that would free-up the killer-b,which you could go ahead and send down here to me, i'm sure i could find something to do with it!.................Mark
  19. California girls?????? like this one?
  20. I liked that too! LOL!....Mark
  21. I doubt very much volvo has a U.S. speced truck that has covered a million miles,musless a trans.i am not a fan of "automatic" trans. in a truck regardless of manufacturer, i am sure they serve some well in specific applications, but they are hard on the driveline,heavy, problematic,(overheating etc.) look at the newer "fleet" trucks with automatics, the ATA did a study recently, that shows an increase in heavy truck accidents eqiuipped with automatics, granted, driver error/inexpierence is a factor, but there is still something to be said for the ability to shift your own gears, do your own thinking!......just my 2 cents.......Mark
  22. I like this one............Mark
  23. OH man thats a good one LOL!...............Mark
  24. Looks like its pretty far-gone to me as well,bad case of "tinworm" not a project for the faint of heart! i hate to see these not get saved, as they are fairly rare, don't see many of them anymore either. looks to be in about the same shape as the one jay dug out of the brush earlier this summer, does'nt help that the parts for something like this are made from "un-obtainium"....................Mark
  25. I.B bubbas' at the old giant truckstop (pilot now) in jamestown,NM exit 39 off I-40 has them............Mark
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