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Everything posted by vision386

  1. Its about damn time somebody stood up to this "problem"! my hats off to arizona, and i agree more states should follow suit! illegal immigrants are bleeding this country dry, whatever happened to immigrating to this country legally? my ancestors did so,and are proud of that fact.....of course they did'nt come here hat in hand expecting a "free ride" they WORKED ,LEARNED THE LANGUAGE, PAID TAXES, DID NOT BRING CRIME/DRUGS into the country! and yet the people profiled in this news story feel they have the "right" to be here, holy shit! what is wrong with this picure!?..........goodbye and good riddance! dont't let the door hit you in the ass on the way back to mexico!..................Mark
  2. I sure wish i had the time/place to do just that, i really like these integral sleeper B-models!...............Mark
  3. I was thinking this was the inspiration for the "little red truck" the original little red wagon wheelstander................Mark
  4. Never were truer words spoken!.........Mark
  5. Where ya' at 4 way? (4 corners truckstop) make sure you don't "accidentaly" drive over to donnas ranch across the street!............Mark
  6. Nah, there are a lot of jackasses in trucks these days!......................Mark
  7. Might be just me,but i wish this guy was still around, don't think we'd be in the "situation" we are now.....just my opinion!.......Mark
  8. Actually i was thinking WBHP (water buffalo) i'm not exactly sure sure what type animal that is LOL!.....Mark
  9. .A) . strongly agree! .C) .D)
  10. Not quite sure of the displacement as it is so new, it does however feature the "exaust re-generation" equipment (bucket) and appears to be water cooled....but figuering in hay intake divided by water intake/exaust, i make it to be .1 BHP, .2 with the optional off-road steel traction shoes installed, and using the manual power divider (tail) which can also be used as an on highway passing gear if needed.............Mark
  11. The wait is finally over,the new volvo cabover arrives in america this week!............Mark
  12. Somebody sent this to me, thought you guys might get a kick out of it............Mark
  13. Mighta' got delayed somwhere, he's mentioned a few times he loves the chillidogs, might have stopped off for one.....or 6...........Mark
  14. I owned an 85 MH similar to the one you are looking at, and it was a damn good truck, gave me many years good service, there are a few things common to a cabover (as opposed to a conv.) to be on the lookout for. Mine had problems with the cab-jack (leaking hyd. fluid) shift linkage, and the cab started to actually "shake" itself apart! grille, headlight panels etc. but once i got a handle on these problems, in the grand scheme of things, mine did a good job for me. I too drove cabovers for a long time, they all have their good/bad points visibilty is a factor, as is the ride, learning to get dressed while laying down comes to mind! LOL! but on the flipside, there are times even now i miss my cabovers manuverability ie: getting in and out of tight spaces/docks. but all in all i like cabovers, and this one looks like it was owned/ operated by a moving co. guys in this business generally take better care of the truck then the average driver, they are usually speced pretty nice, and lightweight too, i'm just making an educated guess here, but a truck like this, in this shape, in MY opinion is worth $25-3000.00.................Mark
  15. Looks can be decieving! i thought the same thing, but up on the northern end you have to go around/ bypass half a dozen little towns, some places its a 25MPH zone, another bypass around some US? state park, its dark as pitch all the way, i had a hard time seeing that night, elk, deer all over the place its narrow in quite a few places too. Course it WAS snowin' like hell the night i ran it, that might be some of the reason! couple pretty good grades on there too, had to run my chains for 20 miles or so.....Mark
  16. Your right! i very rarely even turn the volume up on my CB anymore, way too much BS for me! used to be a guy could get good directions,or help with something, now you get 10 people with 10 different ideas about how to get somewhere, i feel sorry for the poor guys that dont know north jersey,NYC etc. their pretty much screwed nowadays! i think if we just start reporting these idiots maybe they'll go away, take up somebody elses time......i dont get it either!!! Mark
  17. I have done this several times, the way i would run it is this........80 east, to 93 north, 84/86 east to pocatello, 15 north, to 20 north, up to west yellowstone (you can run 191 its a good road, little crooked in places) but it will run you through the southwest corner of yellowstone, its a nice ride, but one i dont recommend running in the winter! been there done that! then 90 to 94 over to belfield, ND to 85 north DO NOT run up 16 to rt.2! it is a nightmare! i ran down there once out or regina,BC to reload in glendive,MT never do that again!....should be a pretty nice trip, good scenery!....... Mark
  18. Glad i'm not the only one to notice this "trend" there are a few new posters on here lately that i have'nt a clue what they are talking about, or what they are trying to find out about! I guess they have'nt yet figured out the biggest majority of us are working people, dependant on the income from the equipment we run, and the advise given is sometimes saving someone a lot of money, downtime ,or frustration with a project! There is a time and place for humor/ fun, but it bothers me when someone makes light of a serious situation, when someone truly needs help. In the words of a wise man (my grandfather) "opinions are like assholes,everybody has one, but NOBODY wants to hear from it" please keep them to yourself!..............Mark
  19. My last set went a little over 325,000 coulda went a little longer, but they were starting to get a little thin for my liking.and tires are not something i fool around with .I stated using centramatics right after the original set of tires came off,what an improvement! i swear by them now, not being funny here, but i do a LOT of backing into some wicked tight places,so i'm kinda hard on steers, just cant help it sometimes. My current set is at 288,767 right now and still look great! i run "lug" type drives, mainly personal preference, plus i do a lot of canada in the winter, hang a lot of chains,which is also tough on tires. I talked the company i'm leased to into trying centramatics on the trailers we pull too,they could'nt be happier with them! course' it helps the average outbound load i pull is in the neighborhood of 15,000 lbs. but we have one 2006 great dane 53' 102" with its original tires! and i'd run them anywhere in the country......Mark
  20. I run michelins myself, always have had REALLY good luck with them both steer and drives, when my CX was new, it came with goodyears i only got a little over 200K outta' them ,was kinda' disappointed........Mark
  21. Hey rob, what time do you get done with classes? i have several deliveries in and around raleigh this week, thought maybe i would drop by if i have the time............Mark
  22. Yup, i don't miss the days "if the truck don't run i don't eat"....don't miss that at all! sometimes the good old days ain't all their cracked up to be!.....Mark
  23. You're right, it is hard to put a sleeper on a B-model and have it look "right" that one looks like an able body or a restrite, both were designed to fit macks, i saw country singer waylon jennings B-75 back a few years ago, was a good looking truck that used to tour with his band, only thing i did'nt like about it was the peterbilt 36" single bunk, backed by another 36" used for storage.....was kinda "cheezy looking" i thought, i'd rather see an old aluminum mercury on something like this, but thats just me..........Mark
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