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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by fullfuel01

  1. the small box that control it all is in the cab in the corner right above the clutch pedal in an R model.. don't know why but one of mine have it near heater motor...
  2. This just push me to get as many old Mack as i can, and kick any plastic v*lv* to the recycling bin in a few years! ''drivers'' want a v*/lv* real truckers wants a Big Mack. sorry for all who cares like me....
  3. if V8 are in the topic, everybody have something to say!! never enough of an old V8 Mack
  4. hey! when it's the best time to be in purto rico during the year? next trip is to purto rico
  5. the brown and orange Mack grille is from a RS..
  6. woah woah! I want more info on the purple Mack... do you hae anything more? engine pics??
  7. cascadia is junk in Italian I think....
  8. more then a dollar/liters here in Quebec... one gallon is 4.54 liters or pretty close.. will turn down a few fuel pump I guess... black smoke isn't funny..
  9. U is mainly a Dm , has offset cab also. some U we're V8 powered... they we're used more as city tractor
  10. 72 was popular 10 years ago in quebec and still a bit now in Ontario, most use is 60 right now.
  11. never heard about predrilled, just tell your WB and rear susp? how much it cost?
  12. I'll see if I have it with my Oskosh truck manual...
  13. loose.. mine are slight more then 1/4'' loose...
  14. I,m now doing bushing on my 1985 R... tranverse bushing (the one just under air bag) are loose on the shaft when they're not torqued, normal or not? anyone can help
  15. i use to import some from US... must be similar.. you need a bill of sale, clear title, paper from a Mack dealer that clearly shows no factory recalls or if there's some they're ok now... where you're gonna cross border? need to find a broker at this place we're you ship all your paper, they get them stamp for you then 72 hours after that you can show up at the border with your truck to get your paperwork done there.. you pay taxes fees and fees then you're ok! that's the way it is from Us to Canada.. some things are different for truck, but my last import was my 2001 Ram (2 months ago) email me for other info fullfuel01@hotmail.com
  16. it's hot in the dog house... http://www.buckeyebulldog.com/2007%20Images/QW075621.jpg
  17. Mack stands up by it's fan! I'll get it from ontario... Mack president must be driving a Volvo right now... no more parts for an E6!! not an interior trim, it's engine parts!!!!!
  18. so dissapointed 2d! can't find any new (Mack or PAI) rocker that goes on a E6-285! seems that they don't do them anymore! might still have 100 000 old E6 working daily! i'll keep on lookin for mack part #44GB442.....
  19. hey Fabian, can't see the pics on your first post! would love to see the racing Mack! any video of it?
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