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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. yes it could.. if so it's the longest case i've ever had... going to Dr. in the morning.. jojo
  2. I'm sorry that you lost a friend. My heart goes out to you guys... Joey..
  3. I remember you telling me (here) that you both had it... So your still having side affects? How long has it been, I forgot.? I'm going to the doctor Monday morning to talk about it... My dizzy spells can be strong, to where I get cross eyed. It sucks when I'm driving. I have pulled into a parking lot and just waited it out, just a minute or two. thanks again, Jojo
  4. Is the injection pump, electric? if so there, is a timing sensor, one at the fly wheel on the left side at around 10 O'Clock. there is coolant sensors at the rear of the water manifold, yes... definatly check the coolant sensor in the radiator, or the tank on the left firewall. is there an oil pressure sensor in the oil filter pad? I think thats all of them. Jojo
  5. thank you Dave... I agree with you. it just sucks... I have managed to keep $$ coming in but I hate being weak... Anyway, thanks again, I really appreciate you... Hope to meet you someday. Jojo
  6. Unfortunatley, Paul. In our country, Politics and power are more important than our health.. We have literally made our school children dumber!.. using the China virus as a tool, And because our Lib's play the race card, we wont be able to recover. So what our Gov. did was... try to make ALL kids stupid, so they can lower the Education Bar, to accomadate the Non whites in our country, to "So Called" "Level the playing field". All the while, China is!!! becoming a "Super Power".. against us. (The U.S.) My point is... Biden is allowing us to be "Overcome" by China... I'm truly glad that you're country is not part of this BS! ya'll are blessed... Please forgive me if I am out of line... jojo
  7. Holy Hell.............. So F'n True..
  8. Heck i figured a U-Joint, or a rear end, or axle.. I have rebuilt a few Eaton 404's 3 years ago, mostly power dividers, and some that I couldn't save. MP's up front. Hell I don't know..... Jojo
  9. Thank you TJC... I get it... It still pisses me off... I'm GOOD... just Pissy.... I am backed up on work and my phone rings every other day and I dont want to say NO. but I cant handle the work load,,, dammit!! Jojo
  10. I'm trying... but it's tough.. pisses me off... I'm stronger than this, or so I thought... This is another way China will weaken us, in addition to having their friend in our capitol... Anyway... I need to get out there and kick ass at work. and I can't right now... Dammit!!!!!!!!
  11. Ok... well in my case that didn't happen, however, there is! something different about me. I really do feel I will get over it, but, I'm trying to go to WORK, but when I try, I can't handle it... I'm going to be 52 a month from tomorrow, I feel I'm too you young to be this F'd up... I have 12+ people that count on me regurlarly, plus another dozen of occasional folks that need me. I guess I'm looking for insight.... Thank you all for answering.. Jojo
  12. That's Great!!!! It sucks!!!!!!!!! God bless you!
  13. I get it!!!! Knew that going in.... Just curious if he needs to drag big magnets behind him so he can collect the shrapnel... 🤔😁
  14. Hello again.. I came back to this to ask a question...... Who else, who has had a painful case of Covid that lasted over 2 weeks, has had issues with, Daily fatigue, dizzyness, and lack of patience, or even a short temper? Basically, I'm pissed because I have a lot to do, and I'm still weak after a few hours of work, some of my dizzy spells are strong, where the whole room spins. I was picking up parts today and WAS going to do some repairs. It was all I could do to get home without going off the edge of the road at times... I wasn't gong to wreck, but my judgement was poor.. I made an appointment for Monday.. Any input would be appreciated... Joey Mack
  15. I'm going to watch this thread, because I'm curious. So 505HP and around 2000LbFt of torque is not enough?? what type of trucking are you doing? I'm Truly Just curious... Jojo..... Hey "V" how much torque does the MP-8/D-13 have?
  16. I had my lunch break late so I could watch the press conference..... What the heck was that?? It was late to start, slow and boring as hell, and also the questions were weak, and he didn't even ask Fox what questions they had. I can't believe that he is our leader........... Hopefully Kamala makes California it's own country and sends all of the southern border jumpers there, so that we don't have to pay for them... I have too much to say but i'm going to stop here. Jojo
  17. Dissregard my saying the cam bushings have a gallery about half way around.. I had a 2 valve in my head.. these cam bushings should have 3 oil holes.. was the top end dry of oil after you ran it and opened it up? Is the new oil pump gear correct? (ratio) I know you said same issue with old pump, just curiuos..
  18. I guess my next thought is.... are the cam bushings installed correctly, allowing oil to flow properly... ? im going to open my E-6 book. be right back.. Jojo
  19. did you check the main power cable studs on the firewall drivers side? and you can check them inside behind the dash. the gray wires are grounds... also fuse 71 is for the tranny, it is in the E.P.D.M. behind were the clutch pedal would be.. Jojo
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