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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bullheaded

  1. Harrybarbon......you used the same description I have heard everyone use about that guy that owned HHA. Everything I have ever read, he didn't seem to be well liked. But he had awesome trucks.
  2. Australia has the coolest trucks! The first two could be really nice too, but I don't know why so many people have the desire to put those big ugly front bumpers on everything? Nothing worse than a nice classic with a snow plow on the front. Speaking of Australia, and I see what looks to be one of their old ones in that lineup......that company Heavy Haul Australia used to have a whole fleet of the nicest Mack's I have ever seen. Another giant company that managed to bankrupt itself. Here's the full series of tv shows about them for those who have never seen them.
  3. We have mostly all these no name carriers up here. And they all have funny head dress. Not being racist. Just stating obvious facts. Once upon a time drivers here used to be able to go up and down the highway in any weather safely.. Now's it's a scary ordeal just driving down the highway with your family when they are all coming at you over the center line, and crashed all over. Ever watch that towing show Highway Through Hell? Just look at all the drivers that are ever stuck or in accidents. Enough said.
  4. He's one of the pioneer's of this new platooning trend. But he's taking it to a whole new level. LOL
  5. The new breed. Enough said. Corman Park Police Service (Just outside of Saskatoon): Last night at approximately 8:30pm, a 911 call was received regarding a semi-truck and trailer driving down highway 11 with no wheels on the trailer. The unit was located at Grasswood Road. It was found that the driver made the trip with only 4 out of 8 wheels on the trailer to start, and then lost a set 10km south of Grasswood on highway 11. The driver dragged the trailer from Tamke Road to Grasswood Rd. The driver was charged with drive with major defect present, operate a vehicle with no safety inspection, and display unauthorized licence plate. He was given a mandatory court appearance.
  6. There is a hockey coach up here in Canada that is all over then news too for saying on TV we should support our veterans. Now he is getting attacked with idiots saying he is a racist. People in both our countries need to pull up their panties, put their big boy pants on and F-Off. Ever notice it's only the cooks and extremists that get to have their say in public but the rest of us are not allowed to have an opinion?
  7. Saw the first dump truck on the lots with the new X12 Cummins. More pics and the spec sheet on the dealer site here. https://www.truckandtrailer.ca/en/content/2020-western-star-4700sb-dump-truck-ottawa
  8. Who made the Mack 46,000 pound Air Leaf? I had that under my 2000 CH mid rise. I pulled 5 axle walking floor and logs on and off road grossing 140,000 and more and in 4 years never even blew an air bag. It was a really good setup. I had Eaton rears on that one with 4 way locks, 4.11 ratio and 24.5 rubber. Only complaint I had with the Eaton's was the low unprotected temp sensors on the back of the pots. I was always in axle deep mud so needles to say my diff temp gauges never worked after the first week I went to work, LOL.
  9. So anybody know what is going on with all their stuff for auction? Are they still in business? Seems odd they are selling the shop too.
  10. I love those original 65/66 Mustangs. My father used to buy all kinds of Ford muscle cars through the 50's, 60's and 70's. Those 289's were great motors. I wish I still had any one of them, but alas.....I chose trucking. And away went any chance of ever having money. LOL.
  11. Oh well. Everyone has their preferences. Just like how I buy steel Kubota tractors and not plastic Deeres. Steel hoods on off road trucks don't get all the spider web cracking all over the fenders from the stones coming off the tires. It cost me $4000 to have a hood painted here and have it rubber lined underneath to try and stop the spider webbing.
  12. Sure steel can crack around the mounting bolt holes, but I find they stand up better off road. The edges of the fenders don't get chewed off where they rub like the fiberglass and plastic ones do. And the grills are tougher.
  13. I have trouble taking any "off road" truck serious that doesn't have a steel hood.
  14. https://www.mcall.com/business/mc-biz-mack-trucks-hagerstown-maryland-employees-find-marijuana-20191106-ukaof5x4bfhtramfzle4hd6yhm-story.html?fbclid=IwAR3k-46T2woJyx8IlU-FqaydMqMCDuO0-GK_evtsOHlYhhAky2fuLtYS6b4 This kinda makes me think. Two years ago a friend of mine got a new Granite dump truck. He was complaining to me about the marijuana smell in the cab. I got in and it stunk. I said maybe it is the type of plastic they are using for the interior panels? It smelled so much like it he was actually searched by the police during an MTO (our DOT) inspection. He took truck to dealer, they went right through it and found nothing.
  15. In a word...NO. LOL They couldn't even properly market the Titan here. Didn't they also quit making the Bigfoot? Sad.....the M series gone, the CL350ST gone, the RD800 gone. First big truck I ever drove was a C500.
  16. WesternStar96, what do you know about this truck, a GMC General? First all wheel drive General I have ever seen. I came across it on Google Images. That is awesome. I never used to think much of GMC trucks but these Generals were tough trucks. Our local steel mill used to supply GMC Truck and Bus Division with steel, so they bought a bunch of steel fender 5 Star's. They were used as both tandem dump trucks and flat beds. They had 6V92TTA 350's and Allison auto trans. They took all kinds of punishment and severe overloading and they lived forever.
  17. I was just gunna say.....you would think he would have been smart enough to have more lights or some cones or tri-angles out.
  18. I'm on this side of the fence. I post pics for others to enjoy. if someone wants to claim them, who cares. have at it. It's not like I get paid or get a hero cookie for taking a picture. Anything I do or say on the internet is with full understanding that anyone in the world can do whatever they want with it. Sorry to those on the other side of the fence, but I just don't see what the value of a picture is? If someone wants to take the picture of my truck and photoshop their name on the door, so what? At least people that want to see pics of that particular brand of truck will be able to look at one on the net. Maybe my head is up my ass and I'm missing something? i just didn't figure a photo credit was that important to anyone. Hanks was an awesome site and it will be missed.
  19. I usually ignore anything that has the words electric, hybrid, emissions or climate change in it. But I just had a look since I am a big International fan. Doesn't 645 h.p. seem a bit overkill? Even though that would be awesome, LOL How does electric motor h.p. and torque compare to a diesel? Does that rating tell the real story? Because if it is, that would be one hell of a fun truck to drive.
  20. So sad to see a powerhouse company like that have to sell everything off. I'd sure like to have a couple of those RD800's!
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