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Mark T

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Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Could be the results of someone's inexperience with two sticks
  2. I'm pretty sure it's a REO with it's water manifold and spark plugs missing
  3. Almost looks like an old REO Gold Comet missing a couple things
  4. Are you sure the radiator isn't dirty on the outside ? As in plugged up with dust and such between the cooling fins, not letting air flow through it as it should. Maybe that fan is working exactly like it should ?
  5. I think he means as in "P" pump. like a P7100 can basically be what's on stuff like a Mack (right) or a 5.9 (left) If that's the case he'd be best not to attempt it himself (lol)
  6. That bracket on the rear of the front carrier does not belong in that application. Period . Someone likely stuck that carrier in there and didn't feel like taking it off (likely to avoid removing the output yoke) safe bet the rest of it was a little neglected as well.....so it needs to be bushed . That bent rod contacted the bracket (that doesn't belong there) and bent until it broke the bolts. That's about a ten or twelve thousand dollar repair. OR just put a new rod in where the bent one is, replace the side one in the back and cut the bracket with a torch to give the rod room (lol) probably everything is worn out in the back of it.
  7. (lol) if that's a "normal day" ?? WOW looks like it needs to be bushed, let alone that bracket for the side torque arm doesn't belong on there on that front rear
  8. Don't take this the wrong way OD, but anyone who would turn a truck in looking like yours did ??? I bet well within a year someone'll need a guy in a pinch here n there, and you just might take them up on it. Hope you enjoy yourself what ever you decide to do
  9. 4 and 9 both work well with a volume of air to accommodate something with air ride and all. The 9's desiccant cartridge just screws into the aluminum base as opposed to having the plate and 4 allen screws (little easier to change) I'm pretty sure there was something about a valve in the 9 that was engineered with compressors that had their intake from the engines intake on turbocharged engines (? like a E7 pre EGR)
  10. Didn't the AD 9 have a valve that was friendly to turbocharged compressors ? ( ones fed from the intake manifold )
  11. Give them a good liberal prick punching (yokes) and use that green stuff, might be ok for a hobby truck for a little while. Really have little to lose other than time, as replacing them is only thing to actually fix them
  12. don't forget as Rob said it needs to be supported that requires teflon P clamps as well to put up with the heat
  13. Is the radiator clean (externally) ? Not blocked up with dirt or something ? not allowing air to flow through it.
  14. Those Berr fans were supposed to be stored in a certain position ( I think this applied to all viscous fan drives ) that no one seemed to pay attention to. There was a way they had to be hot wired and ran at a certain RPM until they would spin free , then they would work. I remember that paper coming in the package with a new one.
  15. There's one extended range that's a five speed with a second lever, but the high in the second lever only works in the main in 4th and 5th ? IDK what model it is, but one of those and 4.17s ??? It'll have some top end then (lol)
  16. What you're trying to accomplish may require a different rear gear and an overdrive transmission .
  17. Doesn't that hose have a screen in it ? Or was that on newer ones
  18. and let him buy us steaks or pizza 😃
  19. That's a J & J there's a body prop right to the left (driver's side) of your hoist. That should swing up into position and will stop an EMPTY body from crushing you. Trust me on this one kid.... if you have enough brains to figure get'n under an unsupported body is a lousy idea ? you can probably do better finding an air leak than you think
  20. Yes the truck was made with the tanks that look to be aluminum. Then someone added the two. Are you sure one of those two doesn't have a tiny hole rotted through ?
  21. It looks like someone added air tanks parallel to the frame. Those most likely supply all lift axle related air
  22. Empty , a block of wood of some size . Yes the turquoise thing is the dryer
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