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1958 F.W.D.

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Everything posted by 1958 F.W.D.

  1. There were several companies out there who would do refurbs using factory doors. Murphy as mentioned. JC Moore in Allentown was another one and also ITE did a few back in the day. Oreland, Pennsylvania had twins who's doors sheet metal came all the way down to the bottom of the cab.
  2. What did you have to research?
  3. No, that is about an average price for any similar, standard canopy-cab pumper in the 1000-1500gpm range that is in poor to average condition. They just do not command large resale values.
  4. Many have been calling/texting asking about the status of Trucktoberfest 2019 with the current events. The Grand Poobah advises folks to please monitor the Mack Trucks Historical Museum's Facebook page as well as the website. As of this morning, Tues 10/15, the show is a GO.
  5. I am sorry that this had to happen to a good person, who has good intentions, to help good people. Really turns my stomach.
  6. Parking is at a premium at the show, and the museum usually wants for you to pre-register so that they have an idea of how many to expect. That being said, if you just showed up, I wouldn't think anyone would turn you away, but I cannot speak for the museum with absolute certainty.
  7. This is cool. NASCAR or any kind of road racing does absolutely nothing for me at all. But to make a car go from zero to XXXmph in one quarter of a mile really appeals to me. All of it. The science of aerodynamics, the mechanics of making fuel and air go through to the cylinders faster, getting the exhaust out faster, the science of tires, everything. I love being in the pits at NHRA events and watching an entire engine being torn down and rebuilt in between runs. All of it. Go fast, turn left. Go fast, turn left. Go fast, turn left. Go fast, turn left. Go fast, turn left.........YAWN
  8. Otherdog was there and burned up several rolls of film.........errrrrr ahhhhh I mean bytes of storage on his memory card. He will probably post a link to his flickr account here at some point for everyone.
  9. Any Hayward R-Models Daddy? LOL!!!!
  10. Do you have any Hayward F-Models and if so, will you adopt me?
  11. Paul, any news outlets following this? And do they publish minutes of their meetings online? I need some comic reading. And did you get the private message about Ray and Gregg?
  12. CARL!!! Haven't seen you on here in quite a while!! Hope all is well! The boys and I ended up camping in Gettysburg again, and went to four different battlefield walks. We had a great time, too. Maybe next summer we can branch out to a different battlefield!
  13. I just saw this for the first time last night. This is really cool. A modern-Day "Dunkirk."
  14. Sounds interesting. I will order one myself. The book, not the coloring book. Unless you want me to get you a coloring book, other dog. Or maybe that Pitt-Ohio driver wants one?
  15. Not sacreligious if it is done in the name of safety. ease of preventive maintenance and does not greatly alter the overall appearance of the vehicle.
  16. For those of you who cannot find a local source of corn-free: www.pure-gas.org
  17. That Volvo looks like an old Acme Markets tractor
  18. Hope you guys are running non-ethanol gas if you can get it. The corn fuel stuff is murder on small engine fuel systems. www.pure-gas.org
  19. I have seen that red Hayward R-Model and that *old* Autocar T/T at other shows and both are absolutely breathtaking.
  20. I'm not as good as I once was, but I am good once as I ever was.
  21. Since OtherDog has been lacking lately, I offer the following: Some members of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chapter of the ATCA were invited to attend "Club Day" (sunday) at Das Awkscht Fescht held annually at Macungie Memorial Park (yes same park.....) I saw a Mack heavy haul tractor, a mini-mack, an FWD Firetruck and a Super Mack. I saw some kind of import car, a Fiat or a Porsche or something, I don't know those cars too well. I saw some other kind of an import. It was silver in color. I saw a Super Mack, too. And some guy's head. It may be 39babymack, I am not too sure. Another import of some kind. It was baby shit yellow. I saw all of these winfall wimmin at some other event, they wanted me to give them a ride, but I didn't have time, I had to go meet OtherDog for supper. I made them pay me to be able to pose with me in this picture.
  22. I didnt think that was a stupid question at all because I remember asking my father the very same thing when I was 15, he went out the next day and bought me a filter can opener and we did one together.
  23. If you have to ask, you can't afford it.
  24. Yup penetrating oil, time and some heat mixed with a good strap wrench and a cheater bar.
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